To make my own server visible i had to add it to virtual servers section in router config...i also added lfs with same port range in application sections...they must have been fighting toghether becouse when i disabled virtual server lfs stopped disconnectingn me....strange coz this router was always telling me when 2 things are fighting with each he didn;t oh well i hope problem is solved.
well maybe somebody will have this problem too so i posted what i did.
I don't want to create new thread about this..and i havn't found anything about my problem( i suck at searching) so here it goes:
I just bought d-link wireless router DI-524:
I configured it so my server is now visible on list( it wasn;t before) everythng is fine except online play...i can enter any server i want got low pings as usual..but i got disconnected every couple mins(sometimes after 1 min sometimes after 5 ) it;s not long rising green bar it disconnects me immediately....what have i missed? can anyone help me with right configuration of this router..i never had similar problems with my started just after i connected my router...i can't play online coz of this can anyone help me ?