Ok so i dig this up again sry.
Maybe i'm blind but cannot find soluton for my problem.
And the problem:
When i'm driving my accelerator just drops dead instantly (brake still works). I cannot do anything. I need to unplug pedals cable from the wheel and plug it back to make them work again. Other that that everything is fine with the wheel and pedals. It happens randomly.
What can it be ?
I alwyas used 4.40 software as it's working for more than 4 years now. Tried clear calibration thingy, reinstalling drivers...without success. I also cleaned my pedals up from the inside and outside.
The only thing that worked for a week at least was formatting my hdd and clean install - Week later the same :/
I have the same now - the difference is it's not hosted at my house but somewhere else. I lauch the server via small panel. The only thing i changed was welcome message and combo in config.cfg since than i get timeouts when trying to get into host. I also reverted all back to defaults to try and nothing :/ That propably means something is wrong with the host.
Here's the deb.log:
LFS DEDICATED HOST : 0.5Z timer resolution 1 ms read config get command line load bans load font no fonts available : SHIFTJIS no fonts available : CHINESEBIG5 no fonts available : GB2312 no fonts available : HANGUL ----- create english file kb : Central Europe initialisations tables load objects start intro Aston end of initialisation
I have ftp access as you can see. The server name is Conquest Racing 3 - try it. Lfsw can see it clearly but can';t add it to remote saying it;'s dead ( it was working on remote also before i changed the config.cfg). It's stays this way all the time - not that it works today and tomorrow is dead.
I know - the font's, but it worked fine before i made any change. I tried with Y dedi and it's working fine.
What to do :/ I don't have contact now with the owner of this. Is there anything i can do?
Well that's very nice but the servers are getting up and down few times today and now are offline again..what are they doing? fighting in there or what?
Frustration rising :/
Well i'm not happy because it's not a full pay/time job - i'm on something like a practice before real thing and it will take 4 more months and i'm payed something like 1/4 of normal wage - i'll buy 6 polo black shirts(most expenive ones) from lfsshop and all money gone...blah.