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S3 licensed
Guy let's get back on topic. Answer only if you can help.
S3 licensed
Kyoto :}

I would like to have a run in this one
S3 licensed
Best wishes.
S3 licensed
To not create noew topic i'll write it here

When clicking on one of the servers i get page without any onfo of racers on it or track and cars. Something with the name of the server i guess:

Jot\'s garage
S3 licensed
Ok propably was reported/posted but if not:

If you start your own server from ingame your pb's and laps won't be counted.

Had to restore my Z version to get them back as i race mainly on my own server.
S3 licensed
Here i am again
My pb's are not counted for like 3 days now. I noticed it first on sunday but i though it was just that time - today i made few new laps no pb was count ./

I checked lfsw today and it's not showing i've done any laps at all only km were counted... Even now i'm online and it's not showing i'm online :/ wth

EDIT: ok on other hosts it works but not on my aown where i'm racing most of the time . It stopped working just like that :/
So all the symptoms i'm writing here is only on my own server which i lounch in lfs itself. Maybe that's related to latest patch? I'l ltry with Z now.

EDIT 2: Yes the new patch is the issue. I restored Z and now it's working again In Z 5 it's not.
Ingame lfsw commands works fine.

Help Victor !
Last edited by kamo2000, .
S3 licensed
Don't know if it's related with this patch but i had a crash few minutes ago:

It happend just after quali session init.
S3 licensed
Very nice app there. Can you give us some estimates like when will it be realeased ? This year? next ?
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
I tried newest logi soft in version 5.02. From then pedals started to LAG a lot having ms breaks sometimes they worked to the half of the normal values. So i went back to 4.40.. All worked great for over a week and today it happened again. It can't be hardware issue as changing softare helps for few days always. And when it start's to go nuts it's like that till next reinstall :/
S3 licensed

no one knows what can it be??
S3 licensed
Thank You all received Working Great
S3 licensed
No sign of email here. Maybe my mail provider is bad. I occasionally have problems with receiving emails from outside of Poland on it.

Maybe gmail would be betteR? if so ---Removed for security---
S3 licensed
Site is back up. I just ordered and payed for the server I wonder how long will this take to get my data as nothing is happening.
S3 licensed
Well for me is dead. Any news?
S3 licensed
Ok so i dig this up again sry.
Maybe i'm blind but cannot find soluton for my problem.

And the problem:

When i'm driving my accelerator just drops dead instantly (brake still works). I cannot do anything. I need to unplug pedals cable from the wheel and plug it back to make them work again. Other that that everything is fine with the wheel and pedals. It happens randomly.

What can it be ?
I alwyas used 4.40 software as it's working for more than 4 years now. Tried clear calibration thingy, reinstalling drivers...without success. I also cleaned my pedals up from the inside and outside.
The only thing that worked for a week at least was formatting my hdd and clean install - Week later the same :/

Last edited by kamo2000, .
S3 licensed
Quote from major_syphillis :try the MRT

Mrt is 10 times easier on rally.. one of may fav combos
S3 licensed
1.01.99 here- could go a lot faster. There was a thread a year ago or later when there was a little competition0 who go faster in it. Search.
S3 licensed
Big thanks from Conquest racing for a great event. For a first appearance i think we did pretty well. Looking forward to next season.
S3 licensed
1680x1050 here.
S3 licensed

Really why do you need this for? Someone said something about you?

To be exact: lazy pus*y
S3 licensed
Cq servers patched. Thank You We never had those problems on our servers but you never know :P
S3 licensed
Fine here but it's closing for me after few minuts so i must reopen it. Using winamp here.
S3 licensed
Quote from R.Kolz :Great battle Conquest and XFusion!

Thank you my pleasure :P
S3 licensed
Quote from TG44 :I think the XRR is sooo much easier to drive than the FZR... you can really push it to the limit.. the FZR keeps sliding all over the place

I'm suprized to see such a small amount of people that agrees with me.. almost everyone else thinks the FZ is much easier to drive

I think so too ...soo there are 2 of us