Pls stop posting links here..this topic was created for movies pit only which is dead now. When this will go online again( i hope ) i'll (or Kemot or Vectrex or someone else connected to this) let u know.
Yup i have them all - poolek have them all and blackman have them all - we have 950 combo cup in Poland..the one who have the lower time overall wins..
that of course includes even odd ones like mrt on fe6
EDIT: oops too late :} i'm third at the moment there
Holy crap...
Some rough times for u now m8. I also was there so i know how u feel. But i'm sure u will find a great and active team here - i would do much to have u in mine but we both know it won't work. Good luck.
Tried it again:
Program just sits there with connected sits there for 5 minuts now and i have no "Received a replay header" message...maczo told me that it's not working for him either now.
Earlier when i tried, the message appeared and i was able to watch the replay for couple secs..
there's a new version on that link..working perfectly for me..i just casted some demo action and beside 30-40 secs delay there were no problems. Great work.