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S3 licensed
I play almost everyday since i got my license -that will be 3 years in may - i can't help it - it's the only game installed - just for lfs i bough a wheel some new hardware (now outdated) - i payed for s3 already too - and i really don't want to find cure for's not like a real drug and is not a danger to my health at least for now :P
But i'm not the only nut here - check out this guy: ... =fm%2Dfailure&abc=644 (oval nut)

2 times more km driven in shorter time on only one combo mostly that is nuts..

But i guess oval addiction is something else ..i myself like to drive on oval but hey - it's not the only track in lfs..i sometimes enjoy fox on rally better than oval (don't kill me for that).
S3 licensed
Than i must say it feels good to be sick :P
S3 licensed
I'm almost 24 now szyszek and i'm still at it..people look at my lfsw profile and tell i sick ?

comparing myself and stevewhite he is nowhere near me :/
S3 licensed
Impressive 9.8/10

pls make more movies !!!!!
S3 licensed
Well congratulations guys..our own devil in english team hehe. He is a very good and fast driver and can make a great sets although u won't talk to him very much(except in game maybe) hehe... he don't like forums and don't write on them. So this can be a problem for You guys - it was for us when he was in our team. But still if that's not an issue it's a good choice
S3 licensed
Another bug in new pb message: i was racing on fe4r in xrt made new pb's but last one is wrong (progress)..
LFSW - new PB by kamo2000: 3:00.65 (-0:01.01)
LFSW - new PB by kamo2000: 2:59.74 (-0:40.91)

S3 licensed
New pb message is great but something strange appeared just a minute ago:
My teammate deleted his old pb and made a new one (as7 fxr) and here's what poped up:
LFSW - new PB by KaZet (PL): 1:53.18 (--2:67.82)

2.67 ??
S3 licensed
Thank you
That's good becouse i though it was some undetected till now lfsw error..good to know it's not. Thx for answering - to the track then
S3 licensed
I wouldn't mind if it wouldn't show me the lfsw new pb message on server but it showed it and it was there in all are gone..

It's little more important to me as i'm participating in 950 combo club and every pb is important there :/

I'm going to race more later today and i hope new ones will stay there. Thx
Last edited by kamo2000, .
LFSW acting strange
S3 licensed
Sry for another thread but i noticed something wrong and anoying ( i hope it's my pc again not lfsw).
Yesterday i had nice 2 races at as7 in xrt - made nice pb at 2.18 hich is noticable in races history..i got lfsw message with new pb..later after races i saw new time in my tab - today i see old one which was 2.20 and lfsw says i'm online when i'm not...what's wrong?

checked in 3 browsers with and without proxy...cleared cache too..

edit: lfsw now shows i'm not playing which is good but old pb remains in the statistics..

edit2: all my yesterdays pb are gone today from the tabs To be sure i checked in lfs...and it's showing me the old ones :/ )
Last edited by kamo2000, .
S3 licensed
I'm so used to "FOX" that i never would even think about that. Sry and thanks
Highlights countries bug ?
S3 licensed
I was racing about hour ago making new pb - i made nice 1.02.40 on fe2r in FOX then i went to see polish pb's( ... ies/highlights_Poland.txt ) and saw this:

kamo2000 drove a PB: 1:02.400 on FE_green_rev with F XR

well it's a bug right?

All my previous todays pb's in FOX are marked as F XR too ...
S3 licensed
Thank you
Mirrors are looking very nice ..(they were before too ).

S3 licensed
It's bad that we need to unlock again..or is it only me?
S3 licensed
This is strange - i just passed 200000 km line and i'm not bored at all..i want more..

Quote from Gunn :Live For Speed is a racing sim. If a person doesn't enjoy racing around race tracks then this isn't the game for them.

S3 licensed
One thing - i'm a moron - it's working for me....thank you

But poolek still got this problem...when he's upping his cfg.txt file to server it changes ply name line to host again when he had something else one knows why :/
S3 licensed
Same as Poolek - anyone ?
S3 licensed
All capitals were the same - propably that's why they were instantly kicked out..but they never should have connected in the same time.
S3 licensed
No - no one can enter online game in the same time twice. Voucher code don't have anything to do with it. U should get user already online message.
It can work on lan game but not with internet game.
One user two times ?
S3 licensed
I was racing at as1 today and saw something really strange. ONe user entered the server and in next second the same user connected for second time and then they were kicked (they only had different nicks) ..How's that possible? I though when u are online none can play online with your lfs data...

i have replay of that and a screen: If replay is needed i will up it.
S3 licensed
Quote from Jakg :look at the ping and the upload, the download is... ok

Well u almost beat me with is not that important in this ping is not so good too but i have much better ones on uk lfs servers. ... i wish i had better up but that's max my isp offers.
S3 licensed
Quote from Jakg :my home connection = teh suckage

right... u propably would say this having 10/10 connection..u uk guys are never happy.
S3 licensed
What a crap (up speed) :/

i had better result to london server than the polish one.

edit: i realized swedens have the fastest connections(like it's gonna change the result :P..right) so i tried malmo and almost hit max of my connection..u try figure out what i have:

Last edited by kamo2000, .
S3 licensed
Well i had a dream where scavier were on my uni taking exams with me and i was interviewing them was strange
S3 licensed
If i understand correctly:
I requested id key for the first time today i didn't touched anything not removed anything.

about proxy..yes it allowed me to easly change proxies..i don't need to use proxy i just can acces my isp proxy that i sometimes use ( it's faster than my normal connection). That pic i made was done when i was connecting via proxy...i try to connect normally maybe that will help.

EDIT: IT helped..i connected directly and it's ok now ..strange... now i understand all