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S3 licensed
sry for being stupid but what do You mean by:
have you removed the pubstat usage listing btw?

even poolek don't know what that means :P (and he usually know everything about lfs)
S3 licensed
Well here's what i see
I'm sorry if it's some other account balance or something :P :}
Account balance
S3 licensed
My current account balance is 12 pounds. I know it(i payed for s3 already) -Main lfs site says it, lfsw credit page also says it but pubstat access tab says it's 0. Is it bug on my side?
S3 licensed
Thx for all tips..i check them later as i don't have time for this now.

Well i'm using opera and ff 2.0 portable just fine now...old ff 1.5 is gone - i deleted it.
Case sold i think ..Thank you all for help.
Last edited by kamo2000, .
S3 licensed
I was using 2 extensions most of the time switchproxy and showip. Nothing was done after those 3 days..i just started my pc lunched ff and it was there. For now i cleared my opera dir completly installed it and it's working again...i'm gonna use this till it drop dead again and repeat the steps - and if it won't work i still have portable ff wich works fine too.
And yes i'm using antivirus soft all the time too..for home pc (router+zone+antivir) it's good enough i think.
S3 licensed
Well the ff i was using was 1.5 version. I doubt that i could have a virus that made this mess..i'm behind a router and have zone alarm too - they should be configured well as it just happened not instantly but after few days. I even turned off zone alarm nothing happend of course. Scanned my pc last night nothing was found by 2 antivir software.
Thanx for portable FF it's working just fine in there.
Once again thx for all tips KMSpeed
LFSW stopped working in my browsers
S3 licensed
It happend some time ago once but it's happening again. Now it only works for IE. I always used FF and opera and it worked fine but lately FF can't view it ( look at the pic)..and in opera it loads up but i can't click on anything - i mean i can but there's no reaction - i loaded my laps by typing whole url clicked on pb to delete it = no reaction :/ - i can't move windows in it i can't do anything - what can be wrong..i'm 99% sure it's something with my browsers - i reinstalled them nothing has changed :/
I have formatted my hdd few weeks ago and it was again working fine..3 days later..again it's down in FF and today it went down in opera(like i said earlier) :/
Is there something i can do?
Sry if it's a repost but i didn't found similiar posts via search option.
Last edited by kamo2000, .
S3 licensed
Well why are playing on demo ? I never show my face there - this moron have the same number plate as me
S3 licensed
Here's my replay from stcc race(tbo). Very close racing - i don't know how i managed to survive this - usually my nerves kill my racing but not this time.

good action starts after lap 3.
S3 licensed
I don't want to pick a fight either. Just some things mr W1ldPort75 posted earlier fired me up. Sry for that.
S3 licensed
Quote from W1ldPort75 :Boring ? Oh well one more driver that has no clue at all what video making is but thats life illepall . It takes alot of work and time to make videos like this one . Why dont yo try to make one ? I would love to see that ! Do you even know what the video or the idea of the video is ? Let me answer that for you >>> NOP !!! But your right on one thing , everyone has is own taste so i´ll give you that much .

I don't care how much time it took for someone to make a movie - it may still suck..i never said that about this movie i just didn't liked it.. found it boring that's all...sry i will not join fox1977 movie lovers club.

Quote from FOX 1977 :maybe you didn´t read my post.....

" I've tried to be a little original in this video, try to use diferent techniques and make a video of lfs that was not only racing footage...but it's still LFS. This was my first F1 car video too...and yes it's diferent to edit.
Try to see it as funny dark lfs video....lolololollo ".....

You have a lot of racing videos out there....and good ones too.
im sorry if i bored you....but im confused...some people asked for real sounds of cars...and longer videos....i've try to do something diferent, i guess i can't pleased everyone...

Be cool and show me your videos

Nice, people so i can't say what i think ?

I think it's boring - maybe it's hard for u guys to understand it but please don't judge my skills as i'm not judging yours - i'm judging your movie. I saw houndreds of movies while managing movies pit and sry but this is not something where i can say awesome or great about it.
It may be that u wanted this movie to look like this - cool but i didn't liked it.. sry

face your fears guys - someone really can dislike your movie - that's another fact of life u know now.
S3 licensed
First one that didn't liked that:
- 4 minuts and lfs for 1:30 maybe
- fake sounds
Boring for me.
S3 licensed
nice ot guys....

i'll be online too somewhere.
S3 licensed
This works fine with me:
S3 licensed
There is still a need for it..i raported one wrecker yesterday and one couple minuts ago..both on stcc can i know admins saw my raports btw? i never got confirmation on email.

Great system btw
S3 licensed
Good experiment with psytrance music in lfs movie..nicely done but i think it should be shorter.
S3 licensed
Guys you don't know him as much as i do.. It's really the end for him. He hasn't played lfs since last year or so - he's workoholic 24h in work. LFS says bye to you Tom - i'm not.
S3 licensed
Just wanted to say that when clicking on random screenshot i got The page cannot be found error.
S3 licensed
That was fantastic movie 9.5/10
S3 licensed
6th option for me....why i see some people voted for first 4 options? i though u can vote only once?

edit: sry i'm stupid :P
Last edited by kamo2000, .
S3 licensed
Well yea i didn't like drifting too but it was only for couple secs....

awesome vid 9.9/10
S3 licensed
...right..just imagine "You are dead" title when a wrecker shows at s2 ..demo would be full of corpses.....

wrong idea for racing simulator.
S3 licensed
yup it's gone now..
S3 licensed
nope..only when they are held on demo configs.