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S2 licensed
Wish u every success and waiting for the 3rd year anniversary!
S2 licensed
Just my opinion, if you want to join a serious S2 team, practice more and get used to the cars and tracks before joining the team. Most serious S2 teams are invite-only, and your stats in will speak for you. Also your attitude and racing style will be tested.
S2 licensed
Quote from romus74 :Well it is exactly those rudely subjective articles that I like most, since they shed a light upon the drivers way to think and understanding of the driving. If that driver is experienced and even succesfull, then it must have some value, and give some learning points for less experienced drivers. Add a few other opinions of the same matter and you have a nice soup.

My learning process goes from having a theory, practicing it, understanding the theory better, getting more out of practice sessions, and gradually starting to master the skill. And with driving there are so many skills to learn, and you simultaneously push your skills further away in all fronts, some skills maturing faster, some slower. During this process it helps immensely lot if you get some good help from others.

So another +1 for these guides.

I do understand what you mean. Therefore, what I am trying to point out is that the guide should be written by some experienced and fast racers if it is going to be the subjective-one-man way. Or else, will you read a guide that is written by a noob?

I am not judging the experience and fastness of the thread starter, just .2 cents.
S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :I'm 15, but i DO understand what Mr Rodgers is saying, there are a LOT of people that i've seen try LFS who *think* they can race (this was irl with other 15/16 year olds), who seemed to have NO concept of trial braking, apex's, racing lines, engine braking etc

IMO, if you crash, you should stay - i understand that on the oval it's dangerous coming across a stationary car at 200 MPH, but you had a yellow flag and a mini-map, and you also have to remember that there is always a way around. Avoiding a crash is actually something i deeply enjoy (although more when i go karting irl because i cut it TIGHT, and with lag i usually still have minor contact ), for example last week, turn one of a Kart Track, were running both 240CC and 200CC Karts, and swapping each race, with the finishing order being carried to the next race - i've started about midway up the gird (because i was quite fast, but only in a 200 last race), but dont really make a great start and gain any places, i come into turn one and watch the lead car put his inside wheel on the dirt, brake and drift wide, while the two guys up his backside slam into him, spinning him round on the exit, which is VERY tight (one high kerb on one side, wide enough for two karts, but usually the outside is covered in dirt and crap, and there are tyres placed "strategically"). One kart goes around him, and the lead car then slams on the brakes, spinning 180 degrees, now stationary sideways across the track - apart from the one kart that got through EVERY ONE of the karts hit him on the side - and i just sweeped on by.

Unfortunately they red flagged the race, as the driver didn't have a neck brace, and had been beaten about more than a pub pinball machine, and complained of neck pains.

Even so, its another area of skill thats required, i HATE the "Shift+S n00b" atitude, provided the driver stays still, then the onus is on the driver to avoid the potential accident - what would you do if there was oil on the ground? or debris?

I am 22, same as u as a kart-racer. I fully understand that LFS is a game, but we treat it as serious as we can, do we? We do treat it as a simulator, as everything close to real life as we can. There are marshals and many regulations for leagues just like real life. Why are people doing that? Just because we are finding the most real-life-like racing experience that we can make out of this sim.

Back to reply, shift-s is absolutely cannot be happened in real life. As you said, when u crash during a race, all you can do is to stay where you at, yellow flags will be used to notify any racers to avoid the accidents. It is also one kind of skills by avoiding potential accidents. Then after the track is visibly cleared, you can go back to your race if your car is still in racing condition.
S2 licensed
It's certainly a nice idea. However, some really good racers should help or just a subjective personal guide will be written
S2 licensed
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :Maybe because they are all in the bloody City Driving servers

Maybe they just hang around the Citydriving server for relax after several rounds of serious racing
S2 licensed
no one?
S2 licensed
Personally looking at the Act Lab RS Pedal that is around US$168, any reviews or thoughts about it?

S2 licensed
Personally I do agree to only admin can view who other is admin...
sometimes I will login my server, and dun want others to know that I am an admin..
S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :how much do you have to spend? you might as well just go for either the G25 or pedals from Logitech

I can spend as high as a G25.. my DPF shifter and wheel is working so fine.. and I am mainly a open-wheel racer competing in OWRL and other leagues.. I am not really in need of a H-shifter and 3 pedals thro.

Anyway, can i just purchase the pedal from logitech? I can't find any on their website.
Replacement for my DFP pedal
S2 licensed
I'm fed up with my DFP pedal.. my wheel is great and just the pedal is playing me... only the accelerator thro.

Anyway.. As a serious sim racer (wanna be ).. I want to find a replacement pedal for my DFP.. it can be liked that..right? So, what's the recommendation replacement pedal that you guys suggest?

Please..more options and please state their advantage and disadvantage for me ^^ much appreciated.

Tks for reading my post and the inputs

S2 licensed
Learn where to post before recruiting..
S2 licensed
I am living in Seattle.. that will be a painful shipping fee for me..
BUT I still want one
S2 licensed
Quote from Gosser :Sounds great Can anyone else confirm this? Cause I'll be playing most LAN.

S2 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :Shaun, was there any need to quote his entire post just to add a single-line reply?

nah .. let it be. I know what to choose... and just consider those as free bumps..

BTW, tks for your compliment
S2 licensed
Quote from Gentlefoot :Can you imagine Macau T1 in LFS though! No-one would make it through there on public servers.

T1 is still not a problem. T3, that is known as the Lisboa-corner is definitely a problem Only clean racer can make it through.. too much.. well.. noobs dunno how to brake in first lap, and also never reserve any rooms when side-by-side with other racers.
S2 licensed
Another demo players roaming for such and such even without experiencing the full version of LFS...
S2 licensed
Why don't you purchase S2 license and try out other tracks and configuration before asking for such and such?

Any S3 plans are mostly for licensed racer, you will still stay in Blackwood unless you get a license.
FOX Skin request
S2 licensed
Hi there, I am in love with a paint from the current WTCC season. It's originally a Seat Leon. Should be best made to skin using the GTi or UFR.

However, I am mainly a FOX driver, competing in OWRL leagues. Don't know if any master skinners here can help me out my little wish, to create this skin in FOX style. Use your imagination and professional to help me out

This is the link to the car

Left and right is the same, the most interesting part is the mouth in front. Also, would love to have my race plate of number 9 at wing of the FOX.

I know I'm a bit harsh for this request. If anyone can kindly help me out, I will be much appreciated. Thank you for taking time to read my post.
S2 licensed
It depends on you are going to run a dedicated host or not..
You will need to download the dedicated host file from the official site.
S2 licensed
What version is your LFS?
S2 licensed
Quote from PaulC2K :If were going to be pedantic at least make sure your being pedantic about the right word

"today i saw two people who are using our team skins... i spent several hours to create them.... and then there are thefts.... is there a possibility to prevent thefts from stealing team skins? or to tell an admin?"
Hence the word 'Thieves' which was being corrected.

'Theft' is the act
'Thieves' are the people doing it.
'Theaves' is what bad spellers accuse Thieves of being
'Theives' is how i my fingers keep wanting to type 'Thieves'

lol... u're right
S2 licensed
Buy it, and enjoy the full feature of is already a benefit and worth every penny.
S2 licensed
Personally I love city tracks and +1 to this suggestion, although it's in a wrong forum. I'm from Macao, and that's the last race of WTCC, which is a phenomenon city track!
S2 licensed
Quote from PaulC2K :Thats all good and well if its just some random skin you created, but as the thread was talking about stolen TEAM skins then exactly how can 'compliment' that away?

Its identity theift to a (pathetic) degree, Its a skin/file intended for the use of 1 individual or all users of a SET group, not an open 'feel free' group of people. So im going to assume your not for a second suggesting its quite alright for anyone to just randomly drive round in any teams colours - tag or no tag, because thats just not how things go.
Team skins are off-limits unless your in that team, and IMO so are personal skins that you want to be the unique wearer of that skin. Posting it and then saying 'hands off' is asking for trouble, but doesnt make it any more acceptable to go against someones request.

Ultimately, if someone says hands off, thats how it should be and the same should go for Team skins without even having to say their private.
As i say, going to assume your just talking about individual random designs, though i dont entirely agree with your thinking.

100% agree.

Serious players and racers of LFS should treat this game seriously. It is against copyright to use other skins without permission, especially a team-skin. Team skin is always unique, they should be respected.