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Quote from CSF :Have you even bothered to look at the incident? Or are you just going by what Mr Protest anything says?

Yes I look the incident , and you?
S3 licensed
Quote from JPeace :Few months? about 6 months ago pillock.

The only difference is that I accepted my punishment whereas you guys seem to want to destroy your pathetic image even more by dragging other people down with you. Your driver behaved like a child: he deserves a ban imo.

Dont make me angry to show the others how you behave on the track when no race is on.
S3 licensed
Quote from JPeace :I don't think it was wise of boothy to provoke a reaction out of a person who was clearly seething with anger. But then again, it's your choice to ignore him or not ..

YOU are not have the right to tell anybody that , just to remaind you what you are doing to Igor Cisko before few month on the race!
S3 licensed
Quote from Drift King CZ :Well, what he did was surely stupid. I guess he did it as a revenge or something, which shouldn't be done in racing no matter what, but still after that, admins shouldn't post like boothy did :/. It's obvious that it can make it only worse, nothing else. And IMO, any incidents should be investigated and given penalty if needed, no matter if one of the cars is excluded or if there was any other penalty around. But that's just what I think.

Iff I good look the replay the race was over , 3 minutes after the race ....
S3 licensed
Quote from dekojester :Car 33 runs a bit wide, deliberately turns left to avoid the tyres and signage, then rejoins the track. Car 04 backs off, turns in, clips the tyres on top of the hill, puts it wide, and spins after hitting the tyres at the dip. No contact, the only affect from Car 33's off was car 33 being there somewhat blocking the view, which can happen on any other lap. No penalties.

Also, the team of Serbian Chromed Pistons is placed on final warning for multiple frivolous protests in the past two rounds. Next protest deemed frivolous will be rejected and see a DT penalty plus a 10 point penalty to the team.

In any normal league ,or race in real life , driver number 33 shoud be punished with S&G in the momentum when he take that moves and not backoff when he goes back on the track , because he was overtaken before chikane from outside on the racing line .If f car 04 not backoff car 33 woud rammed him in that corner.
That protest was ewerithing just not frivolous.
S3 licensed
Now I see the DT=30s added to final time punishment for incident on lap 12.
Ok , the quilt is mine for the accident and I wont to appologize to car 48 M. Saidi for that accident , not car 86 how is written in the post where I got the penalized.
But I just wont to made your attention on car 0 O. Motorson , who was jumping from one part track to another , and dissapering few times , distracting with that my attention , one or tvo times he was blocked me on the inside line , and taking big part in that accident , if you wont I will prowide .avi for laps 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 and 13 if you wont , but I realy think that is not matter now.
Thank you everyone for racing , this year I will not enter in the league , maybe just for Kyoto 500 .
S3 licensed
Quote from z-ro 8 :RSR Oval server is set to praccy mode, with FOX and R1's only. Everyone can use it so us KY250 nubs can haz the NDR server.

"SCP Cart" server is set to Ky1 with FOX and if you wont to use it you can do it .
S3 licensed
Once again Sorry guys I m out for this race I cannot be there .
Good luck eweryone on the race and the better win.
S3 licensed
Is this penalty for my teammate Ivan really deserved or just something is wrong with the whole league?

I sea yesterday the mpr from the race and before race what is happend before red flag.
Obviusly most off the racers are forgotten the rules, and there are draiwing like without head. This is wery disapointing to me. The whole ligue are designed to show quality draiwing and example for the other ligues ... but , instead that I see unorganized bunch of drivers whos killing themselves to win the race in the first corner on race lenght 3 hours.

But when I see that the judges are nott better than the racers , ewerithing is clear to me. Because those incidents on start and on the race you are there to penalized that after few minutes , because this thing is madatory to be on irc server and have comunication. Than the too long safety car period is destroying the fealing off the race, that is unexceptable !!!

And the end to see really what is happend on the race?
If you look better there was no place for his car on the track , not Ivan has place to go in the other side his car because he has one car on there , the guys instead backoff he was pushing himself with 2 tyres on the grass , just lunitic can think that he can go thrue with that in T1.
Why someone from judge staff dont watched that guy in the next few laps after incident , when he was cutting the track ewerywhere thay can on the grass on full speed , under yellow course .... without any lifting speed ...
This penality is wery ironic.
S3 licensed
Quote from JPeace :whats a tvo

sorry lol just joshing you, sad to hear, i too would be attempting to race, but i am called out to stupid school conferences and work meetings and blah blah blah

good luck to those who are racing, mind out for those tyres

two - 2 sorry
S3 licensed
I just realized , that I cannot take my part on this race , simple reason : I cannot be on tvo places in the same time.
I wish you all good race and good fight on the track.
Sorry again , by by.
S3 licensed
Soo I was racing in pool 3.

Started as second on the grid , start was go wery well , on T1 was paralel with first on inside line , but that was all , in next moment in T1 t1ger was brake to late and hit me with big speed sending me in the outside line , in the send , in those moments I was just look to not made the collision with others on the track .

When I come back in the track I was back, just to finished the race , I has made few mistakes on the track but not futile for my race.
I have some good fight without any incident with guys from 5 to 9 place, expecially with sediii and Giagias and trein. Thank you guys.

The wind was made for me the hardest problems I have , expecialy on part in T1. I hate the wind!
S3 licensed
Now I was go much closer to incident this boath pictures show the same moment , the contact has not been yet , but you have now trail on the second back tyre this meen that you have boath back tyres in drift , in this moment you give the first contra on the wheel , because your back are moving , but that is not enough to avoid contact it is just to reagan the control on the car what are you lost in the drift-you still moving across the track , the contact was maded when you must to made another contra , bigger than the first.
Boat car was is in drift on that moment.

I was analize this frame by frame , just do the same thing and you will see same what I see
S3 licensed
skstibi I wont to show something , watch the pictures execialy clipboard 2.
Clipboard 1. - if you agree with me this is one moment before contact you and my teammate.
clipboard 2 - show us the forces on your tyres , watch the marker 1 watch the force on that tyre , one off your tyre are in drift and did you see the trail of that? I was marked it too.
clipboard 3 and 4 are showing to us that you are in full throtle and bigger speed , and watch the wheel position boath off you.

there was no intention for contact , and my thinking that is clean race incident
S3 licensed
I was watched the replay few times on that incident in 34 and 35 lap betwen ivan and SRLT car, and I clearly see that boat off them is wictim off inconsisted draiwing and blocking from car 27 ahead infront off them.
S3 licensed
Quote from JayEyeBee :Another screenshot where 11 is turning in, 04 is not and there is no overlap.

I would have been happy to accept whatever decision an adjudicator will make, without comment. Clearly this incident is not as clear as some of the other moves during the race, but we think a review is in order. You seem to be angry that you've been protested. Don't be, it's not personal. It's maneuver on the track we're protesting, not the person behind the wheel.


KHM KHM few images
S3 licensed
Quote from GianniC :Yeah, my mirror is full black. Going to have to find out how to get image in it again, damn resetted LFS options.

LFS - options - wiew- mirrors - show all (I think)
S3 licensed
I was learning in last weaks more abaut the rules.
My teamate feal that the car 27 is quilty for his spun , akording the GTAL rules X.4
Quote :4.If you are involved in an incident with another car(s) and you feel that it was caused by another competitor, you may file a complaint in the thread specified for such in the LFS Forums. A format for appeals will be provided in the thread.

he has right to made his complain and the judges is to decide what is true and what not.
S3 licensed
Quote from Fuse5 :car 27 downshifted and spun to avoid contact?
gtAl spirit

Good joke
S3 licensed
This is nice.
First the car 27 accelerate to early and pass the half field and made colision in T1.
My teammate was downshift and spin to awoid another collision with car 27 and other cars , because after collision car 27 who was ahead him was lost hes speed to 80 km/h on place all others draiwing 130.
After that , teammates of car 27 is comming here to "explain" that is not thrue .

Wery , wery nice ended.
S3 licensed
Quote from TFalke55 :apart from the stated rule Deko stated: Well actually too guys out of one team had that incident. When we give a penalty Something Awfull would be punished twice, 1) because of the loss of positions in the race 2) because of an administrational penalty. I think as long as 22 or 76 want to have that investigated, they should clear things up within their team.

I promised to Fermevc to not will continiu thiss all things, and will lett the judge to decide all.
I must now something explain, I dont want to you punished pik_d because that incident, expecialy not hes team. With that posts I just wanted to show him that he is like any other racers , we are all makes mistakes on the race , this was hes teammate next time may be someone else, why because I m pretty shure that he has his part in incident in lap 39 , what he is tottaly refused all the times.
And now tmehlinger, i really dont know what was hes part in that incident in lap 39 he was not damaged in there , but he was the first acusing fermevc for ewerithing , including to accident where he was actualy not involved in any case and he was not damaged , iff he was wanted to acuse just for inproper restart after sc period than why he not acused all drivers who is overtake him , I think there was aleast 3 cars who is overtake him , from mpr is wery ease to see that.

And sc procedure, I was really try to find where is in the rules , how many lenght are mandatory between cars on restart in single line, but I cannot find that , except on one place but that is on start procedure rules by VII. 3. D.
"d) All cars shall keep 3 car length to the car in front."
iff we use this on restart I think that no one in the first 7 cars has that lenght watching the replay.

This shoud be all.
Thank you.
S3 licensed
Quote from J@tko :Erm, no? But he was, because he got overtaken "unfairly" therefore he was involved

If this is true why just fermevc vas reported, in the same time he was overtaken by atleast with 3 cars.
S3 licensed
Ok !

Quote from tmehlinger :Session: Race
My Name: T. Mehlinger
Cars Involved: 81 I. Fermevc
Lap: end of 38, start of 39 (approx TC 44:00)
Description: slowed below the pace of the line of cars ahead to get a huge jump on the restart (which, notably, ultimately resulted in a huge pile-up and another SC)

I think this is bellow under same regulation?
Because He was not involved in the incident.
S3 licensed
Quote from pik_d :This is really petty of you.
Read rule VIII.2
Notice "you".

No , this is petty from you!
I dont see anywhere in rules , the place where the rules has forrbid to me to react , and report incident on the race , where I was not involved!
With this act I give them (judges) my support , and than hes duty is decide what to do with that, If they decide to do something.
S3 licensed
Quote from hotmail :i loved the way how you are talking about the perfect line

Like you need to be driving the perfect line every lap again , even when you are 4 wide. damm nr 22 , 06 and 13 needs too be shit drivers they are way off the perfect line, what a N00bs (Sarcastic meaning)

I think that you are misunderstand something.
Read the all stuff again , and start with tmehlinger post from Aston 140 protests theme because some posts was have been moved here from there , where all start with some akuzations by him , than followed by akuzation from pik_d and ....