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S3 licensed
Quote from Mustangman759 :Its been fixed

Thank you!
S3 licensed
Why is the server on cruise mode? Blue flag warning doesn't work in cruise mode... Can this be fixed?
Last edited by kitu_gudu, .
S3 licensed
Quote from MadCatX :Your wheel is most likely defective. If it's still in warranty, get it RMA'ed.

The wheel has no warranty. What does RMA stand for?

Can I do something to fix it?
S3 licensed
It's "locked". How should it be?

I will try without the mod.

Later edit: I tryed without the mod and I have the same problem. I use 720 degrees and if I turn the wheel as fast as I can from left to right 4-5 times, it decalibrates 90 degrees to the right. (Turning right as fast as I can and turning left slowly)
Other ideas?
Last edited by kitu_gudu, .
Logitech G27 - decalibrates when I turn it fast
S3 licensed

I have a Logitech G27 and a few days ago I started to see that the wheel decalibrates. Today I noticed that if I turn the wheel fast in one direction a few times, it decalibrates in that direction and vice versa .
The wheel has no warranty so I need some ideas about how to fix it.

Can this be caused by the G27 LEDs mod that I started using a few days ago?
S3 licensed
Quote from Flame CZE :When I set a number of degrees of rotation in Profiler, the real result is like 20 degrees less than the set value. So when I set 900°, it's like 880°, so there is a "soft" FFB setop on both locks as usual but then I can turn the wheel further up to 900°.

Anyone else experienced this?

I have a G27 and I experience the same thing. Maybe it's some sort of protection measure against shocks.
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :Hi, thanks for the progress with the Romanian translation.

1) The flag can only be displayed when I release a patch that includes the finished translation. The language will then be an official language in LFS, which it recognises and assigns a number to it. Then it will use the flag which I'll add to the special flags texture.

2 to 4) These cannot be translated at the moment, although they have been requested by other people as well (also the interface options page).

Ok, thank you for answering my questions.

I found another problem. In Options/Audio/Channels menu, I have translated the word Channel (Lista), but the first one remains untranslated and its name can't be changed (Can't rename the setup channel). Should I leave them in english?
S3 licensed
Quote from E.Reiljans :You should just add options /modified=yes to server's configuration file.

Note that this option only works with password-protected servers, but you can set password to e.g. 1 and write it in server's name if you want it to be public.

I opened setup.cfg and entered the command and it doesn't work. The server has a password, just like you said.

When someone connects while using the tweak, it gets OOS - ENG or JOOS - ENG error.

Am I doing something wrong?

Thank you!
S3 licensed
Quote from Flame CZE :But I still think that the easiest solution is to just place the lfs://join=servername links as browser bookmarks.

I didn't know that. This will help me alot. Thank you!
S3 licensed
When I clicked on the link, I got this message. I thought you should know.

BTW does this still work with 6B?
S3 licensed
Quote from Bmxtwins :why would you go backwards? Anyways you could change the objects to compatible ones.

Because of some Z28 drift servers. And it doesnt work the the way you said, I tryed it. Thank you anyway for taking the time to reply.

Do you know what should I do for the multimod server to work?
S3 licensed
Quote from Flame CZE :Z28 layouts should work in 0.6B, just copy them in the 0.6B version data/lyt folder, LFS will automatically convert them.

You are right, it works from Z28 to 6B, but I tryed from 6B to Z28 and it doesn't work.

Anyway thank you guys for replying.

Offtopic. If I want make a server with tweaks, how do I get it on the CPW whitelist? I saw before that you have to email the name of the server, but I can't remember where.
Z28 to 0.6B layout convertor
S3 licensed
I have a lot of layouts for Z28 and they don't work on 6B. It would be great to have a convertor.

Is there a way to convert Z28 layouts to 6B layouts?
S3 licensed
I have some questions.

Q1: How can I put the flag of the country beside the translation in LFS?
Q2: How can I translate the name of the objects in Autocross editor (SHIFT + U mode)?
Q3: Should I translate the track names? Some of them can't be translated and I don't know what to do. Maybe it's better to leave them in english.
Q4: How can I translate the configuration options for LX (Roof)?
Last edited by kitu_gudu, .
S3 licensed
The second link doesn't work, can you reupload please?
S3 licensed
Quote from pigmeu :Se poate exporta din Google Docs in Excel, din Excel (text (tab delimited) *.txt) in notepad++ pentru transformarea taburilor in spatii si astfel se obtine fisierul text final.

Am nevoie numai de o "curatare" a documentului, adica trebuie sterse randurile care nu au varname (comentarii, titluri de categirie) si hotararea asupra traducerilor. De acolo pot sa fac ce ziceam mai sus.

Daca vrei sa ii dai copy paste... be my guest

Am vazut ca se poate exporta, dar este mai complicat asa. Majoritate cuvintelor traduse nu trebuie modificate, deci ma descurc cu copy-paste.


Here is the translation with some updates. Thanks guys! (luchian. apo3d and pigmeu)
Last edited by kitu_gudu, . Reason : Update to translation
S3 licensed
Quote from luchian :Eu am ales un alt sistem. Voi pune:

OK Nume, atunci cand sunt de accord cu traducerea unuia dintre noi
OK, atunci cand sunt de accord cu traducerea curenta. Si fac si casuta verde; astfel cand toti vom zice OK, va fi usor de urmarit/validat.
Traducerea mea, atunci cand variantele de mai sus nu se aplica

De asemenea, cred ca nu e cazul sa fim extrem de formali, folosind persoana a doua plural (dvs, faceti, dregeti) ci gasesc mai potrivit tonul amical, folosind persoana a doua singular. (tu, fa, dregi, ..)

Si propun folosirea culorilor abia la final cand vom valida fiecare camp in parte. Exemplu, in momentul cand toti vom fi scris OK kitu (sau apo, sau pigmeu) pentru un camp, inseamna ca suntem toti de accord cu acea traducere, deci poate trece in verde. Si eventual orange, cand suntem toti de accord cu o traducere, in lipsa uneia mai bune (simtim ca nu e cea mai buna varianta, dar cum nu avem alte idei.. facem un compromis).

Sunt PRO adaptari, in locul traducerii mot-a-mot, atunci cand adaptarea "suna" mai bine si "prinde" sensul.

Spor la treaba, ca merge bine pe gugal.

Pigmeule, buna treaba a facut cu impartirea pe pagini

Imi place sistemul propus de tine. Eu mai propun sa trecem cu galben atunci cand nu suntem siguri de o traducere.
Am adaugat si "capitolele" cu albastru.

Numai bine!

P.S. 1 Cum pot sa fac sa vada si altcineva fisierul google, dar sa nu aiba posibilitatea sa il modifice?

P.S. 2 Am inceput sa actualizez traducerea online.
Last edited by kitu_gudu, .
S3 licensed
Quote from pigmeu :Ar fi mult mai usor de transformat in produs finit (Romanian.txt) daca am face modificarile pe foaia "Traduceri LFS", si celelalte din google docs. La final am putea sa stergem coloana cu textul in engleza, stergem taburile care apar intre coloane si ii dam paste intr-um fisier txt si gata. Daca facem modificarile in prima "foaie" trebuie sa luam fiecare traducere si sa ii dam paste in locul ei... lucru cam complicat de facut.

Am consolidat traducerile facute in prima "foaie" cu traducerea deja facuta si cu textul in engleza si am creat "foi" separate pentru helo si install. Nu stiu cum arata fisierele in care e halpu' si installu' ca sa ma asigur ca se poate da copy paste intr-un fisier text.

Cred ca o sa existe probleme cu diacriticele, deoarece nu seamana diacriticele folosite in Google Docs cu cele copiate direct din fisierul Romanian.txt, sper sa se rezolve simplu, cu un find and replace.

Sugerez folosirea culorilor in casuta de sub nume, din dreptul fiecarei traduceri pentru a vota... ceva de genul:
- verde "e ok din partea mea"
- portocaliu "merge si asa"
- rosu "nu e bine asa"

... asta pentru alea traduse deja.... cu alea care se traduc acum sau alea pe care la inrosim si le traducem iar inca nu m-am gandit cum am putea sa votam... tot ceva cu culori.. cu cifre in casuta de sub nume...

idei, impresii?

Mi se pare o idee buna, dar cu o mica diferenta fata de cum ai zis tu. Scrii traducerea si pui o culoare in fuctie de cat crezi ca este de buna.

Verde - este 100% corect
Galben - nu sunt 100% sigur ca este bine sau am o mica nelamurire
Portocaliu - Explicatii sub casutele cu galben

Este mai usor de urmarit in felul acesta. Dupa ce s-a stabilit ca este corect facem tot cu verde (am facut primele 3 randuri de pe foaia Traducere LFS ca exemplu).

Nu vor fi probleme cu diacriticele. Am tastatura RO si cand o sa scriu in traducerea oficiala o sa le corectez daca este cazul. (ăĂ îÎ şŞ ţŢ âÂ)
Last edited by kitu_gudu, .
S3 licensed
Sorry for double posting.

Quote from pigmeu :
Vad ca proiectul cam stagneaza, sugerez abordarea sistematica a traducerii. Sa o luam pe capitole, eventual sa votam pe fiecare varianta pana terminam tot capitolul, il "batem in cuie" si sa trecem la urmatorul.

Daca o luam asa cu totul o data piere repede entuziasmul.

Trebuie doar sa gasim platforma pentru voturi si variante, un instrument online tip wiki sau ceva similar.

Pareri, impresii?

Asta am inceput si eu sa fac la vremea aceea, de asta am si scris care sunt 100% traduse. Dar cand am vazut ca aproape nimeni nu este interesat sa ajute, ci doar sa foloseasca (fara a da nici un feedback), mi-am cam pierdut din avant.

Acum vin cu forte noi si sper ca impreuna cu voi, prin metoda descrisa mai sus sa terminam traducerea. Mi-ar placea foarte mult ca in urmatorul update sa fie inclusa si traducere in limba romana.

Eu consider urmatoarele "capitole" traduse complet si corect:
01. Language setup
03. Replay skins download screen
07. Request buttons
09. Car selection screen
10. Replay screen
11. Driver options screen
S3 licensed
Quote from Flame CZE :Go to User CP - List Subscriptions, find this thread, check it on the right and from the bottom roll-down menu, select one of the e-mail subscription.

Thank you for replying. I did what you said. I hope it works .
S3 licensed
Hello guys....Sorry for not answering. For some reason I don't get any emails from lfsforum . Can someone tell me what to do to receive an email when someone posts on this thread?
Thank you for translating guys. I will update the translation based on your suggestions.

BTW If you have made any progress, please upload to the forum so I can update the translation.
Voi cum considerati ca este mai bine sa fie adresarea, la persoana a doua (tu) sau cu formule de politete (dumneavoastra)?

Am inceput sa modific in urma sugestiilor voastre si o sa mai modific si zilele urmatoare.

12. Screen options
Restrictioneaza mouse-ul in fereastra ---> nu se poate folosi restrictioneaza deoarece depaseste numarul maxim de caractere (cu un caracter....f*cking murphy), ramane blocheaza deocamdata.

Numai bine!
Last edited by kitu_gudu, . Reason : Greseala de tipar :)
S3 licensed
Quote from phoenixIlooka :

i get the best results when i underline the CSR-sound with the original lfs sound.

First of all thank you for sharing.
Could you upload your engine sounds that you are using to "underline" (LFS/data/engine)? Or are you using default settings?

Quote from Flame CZE :It works for me.

How did you get it to work? Please explain. Is there something that needs to be done differently?
S3 licensed
Quote from Kamikaze94PL :If someone thinks that FWD drifting is impossible ,then he/she thinks wrong. This set should help you in that. BTW japanese can drift even on wheelchair.

Can you make a drift setup for FXO ?

I tryed your setup for XFG and its very good. I made some minor modifications that make it drift even better, in my opinion.
S3 licensed
Quote from Bean0 :Does it really matter if it doesn't work online ?

As far as I see it, the only use for this is screenies and videos, which are mostly taken from replays anyway.

I like to use them online too, not only offline. You can see the other cars, and they look better with this rims.
Since it doesn't affect the physics of the simulator, I don't understand why we can't use them online.
S3 licensed
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