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S3 licensed
100 % Traduse:
01. Language setup
03. Replay skins download screen
07. Request buttons
09. Car selection screen
10. Replay screen
11. Driver options screen

Cuvinte care nu l-am tradus deloc sau de care nu sunt sigur ca sunt traduse bine. Va puteti uita aici: ... _viewer.php?lang=Romanian

02. Text for the main entry screen
Single Player --------> Joc singur sau Joc solitar sau Singleplayer ?
Multiplayer --------> Joc în rețea sau Multiplayer ?
Hot Lapping --------> tur cronometrat sau tururi cronometrate
Single Player Replays --------> în funcție de cum se traduce Single Player
Multiplayer Replays --------> în funcție de cum se traduce Multiplayer

04. Welcome sequence
Press ESC in the setup screen or in-game to bring up a list of options -------->

05. Training lessons
Mode --------> Modul : Demo/S1/S2 sau Licență: Demo/S1/S2
finished -------->

06. Race setup screen
A race is in progress -------->
swap position -------->
via host -------->
remove driver -------->
Kick guest ? -------->
How many days to ban ? -------->
How many days to ban ? -------->

08. Garage / pits screen
New --------> Nou sau nouă
Undo -------->
Clear -------->
Drop --------> Cădere ?
No drive -------->
VISCOUS LSD --------> las pe engleză? sau pun pe romana Dif. Vâscos LSD

12. Screen options
Wide screen effect -------->
Clip mouse to window CTRL + C -------->
Clip mouse to screen CTRL + C -------->
SHIFT + F4 toggles between full screen and window -------->
SHIFT + F%d is already assigned to selected mode -------->
Assign SHIFT + F%d to mode %s? -------->
unknown --------> necunoscut sau necunoscută

13. View options
[none] --------> nici unul sau nici una sau nimic
One button look -------->
Pitch view -------->
Rotate view -------->
1g head tilt -------->
1g lateral shift -------->
1g forward shift -------->
1g vertical shift -------->
Move view with animation -------->
external --------> extern sau externă
heli --------> din elicopter sau de sus
Smoothing -------->
Look sensitivity -------->
Look centre reduction -------->
Button look -------->
S3 licensed
Quote from pigmeu :
-Joc solitar -----> Aici ramane de vazut. O alta optiune ar fi sa lasam singleplayer.

-Timp cronometrat sau Tur cronometrat -----> am pus tur cronometrat, desi nu sunt sigur daca este tur sau tururi. Tu ce zici?

-Reluari Joc solitar -----> De asemenea ramane de vazut

-Demonstraţie -----> Demo este folosit in felul urmator: Live for speed Demo sau licenta Demo. Nu suna prea bine Live for speed demonstratie sau licenta demonstratie. Daca nu gasim alta varianta ramane asa.

-prin server gazda ? -----> de via server ce zici?
-administrator -----> am modificat

-(Kick) elimină jucător -----> eu am scris Vreţi să îi daţi kick utilizatorului. Tu ce zici sa lasam kick si ban sau sa punem elimina in loc de kick si in loc de ban .......... ??

-joacă -----> play se refera la (este o nota langa) Play button - to view a replay. Am pus redare.
-dată ne articulat -----> am modificat
-Maşină ne articulat -----> am modificat

-Poziţionează ? -----> Nu stiu ce sa zic. Cand apesi butonul drop, iti cade masina. Eu am pus cadere. II greu de tradus aici. Mai astept sugestii. Oricum Poziţionează nu incape.

-vâscos -----> daca pun asa cum zici tu, ar veni in felul urmator Diferential LSD Vascos si este prea lung. Prescurtat ar veni DIF. LSD VASCOS. Suna cam ciudat diferential vascos. Daca tu crezi ca este bine asa, spune-mi si modific.

-Deplasare laterală a oglinzii %.3f m : -----> am modificat
-Deplasare verticală a oglinzii %.3f m : -----> am modificat
-Mişcare a capului la 1g %.2f° : -----> tilt=inclinare. Am pus Înclinare a capului la 1g.
-Mutare laterală a capului la 1g %.3f m : -----> am pus Mișcare laterală a capului la 1g
-Mutare frontala a capului la 1g %.3f m : -----> nu stiu ce sa zic de frontala. Ar mai putea fi fata/spate
-Mutare verticala a capului la 1g %.3f m : -----> am pus Mișcare verticală a capului la 1g
-Mişcare a vederii cu animaţia : -----> am pus Mișcă vederea împreună cu animația

-Vedere standar a şoferului : -----> am pus Vedere standard si ai doua optiuni: in masina si personalizata. Eu zic ca suna mai bine asa.

-extern -----> am pus asa, desi ar putea fi si externă
-Poziţie standard -----> am modificat

Cu rosu am notat cum este tradus acum, iar
cu Bold am notat alte variante posibile

Astept sugestii despre urmatoarele:
3h_onebutlk -----One button look
3a_lookcred -----Look centre reduction
3h_drivuse1 -----Driving views will use a single render
3h_extvxxar -----External views will use %d:%d aspect ratio
3h_extvass3 -----Assuming 3-screen setup for external views
3a_crrdcval -----Steer centre reduction
3a_btnratev -----Button control rate
3a_prdtimev -----Predict time

O să postez o lista cu cuvintele care nu stiu cum să le traduc sau la care nu sunt 100 % sigur daca l-am tradus bine.
Last edited by kitu_gudu, .
S3 licensed
Quote from pigmeu :Cateva sugestii

Cred ca trebuie uniformizata folosirea literei mari la inceputul cuvantului. Stiu ca regula e: Litera mare la inceput de titlu si fara litera mare in mijloc

3a_spselect Joc solitar
3a_tit_sply Joc solitar
3b_cvsexter extern
3g_c_defaul Poziţie standard

A trebuit sa formatez cu spatiu ca nu accepta tab.
O sa mai adaug.

Multumesc de ajutor.
In legatura cu regula "Litera mare la inceput de titlu si fara litera mare in mijloc", si eu stiu ca asa se pune, dar m-am luat dupa cum era originalul.
La 3a_spselect Single player cu p mic si la 3a_tit_sply Single Player cu P mare.

Mai astept si alte sugestii. Imi poti da adresa ta de messenger? Putem comunica mai usor asa.
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :I've found a slight problem in the Romanian translation, but there is a solution and I've emailed Victor about it.

It seems to be a sort of deficiency in code page 1250 - it doesn't properly support the S-comma / s-comma / T-comma / t-comma Romanian letters. But what it does have are S-cedilla / s-cedilla / T-cedilla / t-cedilla, which look similar, and although they are technically wrong they are used in many Romanian texts as a replacement.

Wikipedia :

So I think with LFS that's what we have to do. But please don't go through changing them yet - I think Victor can make that conversion automatic so that you'll automatically see ş in LFS instead of ș (and similarly for the other three).

EDIT : OK, Victor has done that now. The S/s/T/t "with comma" are now converted to S/s/T/t "with cedilla" in the translation system, so they should appear OK in LFS.

Ok. Thank you very much.
S3 licensed
Quote from Whiskey :There are several words untranslated in many languages, like "hotlapping", some tire names and such things.

Also in the Options menu there are some words that I can't translate. I think I'll leave them in english.
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :Would you like to use the online translation system?

See this page, the public version of it... Romanian was started a few years ago but they never got very far. I could give you access to the system and you can then edit the file online. ... _viewer.php?lang=Romanian

You can continue with that one, or post your own file here and I'll upload it into the system. Just tell me what you want to do.

To include it in a future version of LFS, we'd like to hear that it has been well tested and updated.

I would like to edit it online. It's easyer for me this way. I'll upload my file so you can upload it into the system.
Thank you.
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :Hi. See on this page :

I think the code page you want is 1250 (Central Europe).

So what you have to do is, in the file Romanian.txt, see the first line tx_codepage - you set that to 1250.

Then when LFS loads the file, it knows that those characters are from that code page.

It works! Thank you very much Scawen. I will upload it when I finish it.
One more question. There are some words that can't be translated, if this words remain in english would you include the romanian language pack in your next update?
Romanian translation
S3 licensed
I want to make a romanian language pack, but i can't use some characters.
I had the same problem with movie subtitles, but I found that if I change the script from Western to Central European, like in my attachment, these characters work.
Is there a way to do this for a LFS language pack?
S3 licensed
Here is the setup that drift with. My PB is 25k on Blackwood GP with this setup. Enjoy
Last edited by kitu_gudu, .