Incoming picdump. Save the crying and get better internet, its 2013.
Don't know if anyone cares much, but i went to an event called "Racewars"
A 2-day camping drag racing event where you camp out two nights on an airstrip 3 hours out of perth in the country/desert
On the plus side, Jimmy kissed my hand and then i slapped him ^_^
The vandals put on a damn good show too...a lot of gay content was said though :P
Stonesour...nothing really needs to be said
All Time Low not usually my thing but got dragged to it. Surprisingly decent live!
Was also front centre for billy talent which was a bit more fun, got booted in the head by a crowd surfer haha
Sum41 again not usually my thing...but they know how to get the crowd to jump!
Slayer....couldn't even get into the pit it was that absolutely packed and everyone up the back was being tame and boring
Blink182 were ****ing amazing, so good live and the crowd was awesome
Linkin park were good live...but they played most of their newer stuff...which was a real shame
And last but not least...Bring Me The Horizon....words cannot express
i've never been knocked about so much, feeling so sore today haha
had some guy kept elbowing me in the ribs every time i got pushed forward into him, so next time i jumped and got pushed into him and shoved him as hard as i could, he ended up tripping and falling down and getting trampled.
Things didn't go anywhere with gothgirl, had a fun time hanging out but she doesn't seem interested
but i met a lubly 17yo at a party last weekend, been txting/talking on phone non stop since saturday, and will be taking her out to dinner not this week but next ^.^
do i look like a fag to you?
wait, don't answer that
but in all seriousness, it'll be a larger ring to accomodate for swelling/healing time, but once its healed i want to move to a very small diametre ring so it sits against the skin basically.