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S3 licensed
I voted "yes" to the car change basically because I would like the opportunity to change but I would have to check with the rest of my m8's
S3 licensed
Quote from wheeler :reminds me of an old idea: a licenseplate holder. See attachment for artist impression

Me too
S3 licensed
Quote from BenjiMC :i agree a lot of teams didn't take this series seriously . I guess they lacked the respect for me because i'm not "old" enough or something? maybe i just need to change my aproach to organising things.

I've found it's more to do with the scheduling, the more often the races are the more ppl "pay attention"...I find the weekly or biweekly series seem to be better attended than the monthly ones (I think these days too many people have too short attention spans )

Don't get me wrong though I like monthly events but with my personal schedule these days even a monthly one for me is hard to attend
S3 licensed
S2 Name: KSheppard
Racer Name: K.Sheppard
E-Mail: [email protected]
TimeZone: EST
Favorite Car: fxr
TeamSpeak: (yes/no) yes
Will you be able to make it to all 4 events?: maybe

Had fun's a lesson never never make last second setup changes
S3 licensed
baby boy
S3 licensed
Quote from Cr!t!calDrift :(Oh and good luck trying to raise him, I hear babies sleep well..*hint hint*) is now on a 3hr. rotating schedule
Administer Positions Available
S3 licensed
As a way of celebrating the birth of my first child,
I have decided to open up my server to (almost) anyone who wants to be an administrator.

Simply copy, paste and email the form below to me:

By submitting the above form, I understand and agree that as a administrator I will be held accountable to the highest standards of racing etiquette.
I further understand that my standing as an administrator may be revoked at any time if I'm found to be an ****.

user editable car numbers
S3 licensed
did a quick search and didn't find this...

Many of the leagues use the custom number plate idea...most I have see is in the same place about 2 car paint templates one with the number plate in a predetermined placed and one without the number plate. Then coded into the game in the player name/options section another field "car number". This then displays the car number variable in the predetermined place where the number plate is...voila, no more repainting each time a number has to change
S3 licensed
aw crap we aint gonna make this round...basically everyone is too busy ATM
Standardized Racing Conduct Agreement v0.2
S3 licensed
version 0.1:

After a quick re-write & re-order I came up with this version I think is more suited to a template. Note: items in blue are to be replaced as per each series. Also I need to figure out some verbage for Turn 1 behaviour. It's not as long as it looks but, if ya need help falling asleep try the following

Standardized Racing Conduct Agreement

1.1. All decisions made by the series administration are final.
1.2. Series administration staff may participate in an event as a competitor. As such they forfeit their control of the series for 1 hour before & after the event to the marshalling staff. Series administration may compete or marshal, not both.
1.3. LFSMC staff may participate in an event as a competitor. As such they forfeit their LFSMC staff status for 1 hour before & after the event. LFSMC staff may compete or marshal, not both.
1.3.1. LFSMC staff may not alter the outcome of an event except in fulfillment of their role as event facilitators.
1.3.2. LFSMC staff must be clearly identified by their driver names and car skins.
1.3.3. It is the responsibility of each participant to be aware of which LFSMC staff are facilitating the event.
1.4. Events are run & controlled completely by the marshalling staff. All direction given during an event by the marshals will be in full caps and will be presented to the competitors in the following manner:

1.4.1. CAR # - COMMENTS - # LAPS

· CAR # is the car number of the driver (not the qualifying position) being addressed,
· COMMENTS are the direction, ruling or instructions of the marshalling staff
· # LAPS is the time allotted to perform the instructions. (if # LAPS is not given then it is to be understood that the instructions must be performed before the leader completes their last lap.)

1.5. There will be no text chatting whatsoever during an event, with the exception of the marshalling staff.
1.6. All voice communication must be done on dedicated team channels. The public broadcast channel is for marshalling use only. A dedicated channel for marshals must be provided. Dedicated channels are for their respective members only.
1.7. All drivers’ are responsible to be aware of their own track / race position and react / behave accordingly.
1.8. If at all possible, use of signaling is strongly encouraged. Signal markers are understood as follows:
1.8.1. car x indicates LEFT = car x will move/stay LEFT.
1.8.2. car x indicates RIGHT = car x will move/stay RIGHT.
1.8.3. car x indicates HAZARDS = car x is aware a faster car is following and will not impede the faster car’s progress. (This is a courtesy only.)
1.8.4. car x indicates HAZARDS = car x is intending to pit.
· Due to the dual nature of the HAZARD signal, it is the following car’s responsibility to be aware of track position and to anticipate either a move towards the pit lane or a move away from the pit lane if that is off the racing line.
1.8.5. car x flashes HEADLIGHTS = car x is indicating their intention to pass a car a lap down
1.8.6. car x sounds HORN = car x may not be faster but is alerting others to their close proximity
1.8.7. car x sounds HORN = car x is indicating their intention to pass a car a lap down
· Due to the dual nature of the HORN, it is all drivers’ responsibility to be aware of their own track position and react accordingly.
1.9. All participants of an event are encouraged to save a replay.
1.9.1. These replays may be requested by LFSMC staff to review track incidents.
1.9.2. If an incident / penalty is filed against you, your replay is your strongest argument.
1.9.3. Player replays are essential to file a post event incident report.
2.1. Due to the competitive nature of racing some contact will occur.
2.2. Contact resulting in any gain or change of position between the contacting cars will be viewed as an offence.
2.2.1. If a driver shows signs that they are aware of responsibility for an offence and said driver takes appropriately timed action to right the wrong then the offence will be deemed righted and no action taken.
2.3. Contact resulting in any gain or change of position between the contacting cars and other non-involved cars will be reviewed by LFSMC staff after the event.
3.1. Sprint Team
3.1.1. Will consist of a maximum of # cars, designated at registration.
3.1.2. At no time during an event are more that # cars from any given team allowed on the track area.
3.2. Endurance Team
3.2.1. Will consist of a maximum of # members, designated at registration as follows:
· “Small Team” of # drivers
· “Large Team” of # drivers & # spares
3.3. Endurance Privateer Team
3.3.1. Single drivers are welcome to join. All single drivers will be listed as such and their contact information may be made available. Single drivers are seen as free agents until the series start. During the time period of sign-up through to series start, free agents are encouraged to either form teams as per section 3.2.1 of other free agents or they may be drafted onto other established teams provided the result of such drafting is in accordance with section 3.2..1
3.4. Drivers may only participate in series races as a member of their own team.
3.4.1. In the event that a team would have to forfeit a race due to a contradiction of section 3.2.1, then designated spares may be hired out on a per event bases from any team willing to make their designated spares available. This availability option must be made public at the time of registration.
3.4.2. Designated spares driving for teams other than their registration team are deemed as members of their temporary team for the entire period of the event.
· All team points gained by a hired spare go to the hiring team on a per event basis.
· Individual points gained by hired spares go to the individual driver.
· Infractions incurred by a hired spare are assessed against the driver only. In the event a hired spare incurs a serious enough infraction that would be assessed against his entire team, the penalty will be assessed against the team said driver registered with and not against the hiring team.
3.4.3. Teams may enter the series using a maximum of # cars per team. Team cars do (do not) have to be the same make or class. Specific make & class selections will be as per the series registration process.
3.4.4. All participants must use the prescribed number plate & any other series graphic as provided by the administration
4.1. Servers
4.1.1. The following server(s) will be used for this series.
· Date – track – servername
· Date – track - servername
4.2. Disconnect Policy
4.2.1. series administration to set this section
4.3. Scoring
4.3.1. series administration to set this section
4.4. Qualifying
4.4.1. Qualify sessions will start at X:XX hrs UMT.
4.4.2. Qualify sessions will be X:XX min. long
· Qualify events run from the start of the qualify session timer and are completed when the last car has crossed the finish line
4.5. Start
4.5.1. Event start will be at X:XX hrs UMT.
4.5.2. Events will be a standing start based on the previous qualifying session(s).
4.5.3. Turn 1 ??????
4.6. Event Duration
4.6.1. Events will be X:XX hrs long (XX laps)
· Events run from start of the formation lap, OR as soon as the engines are started on the grid OR when the first driver is called onto the track, and are completed when the last car has crossed the finish line
4.7. Pitting
4.7.1. Non-pitting cars must be aware of the pit exit lines and maintain sufficient control of their cars so as to be able to stay off the racing line to allow exiting cars to rejoin safely
· For an example of the meaning of this rule please see the exit/race lines at Westhill & South City.
4.7.2. Exiting cars must keep 2 (4) wheels within the yellow pit exit lines. Any contact as a result of a breech of this rule will be deemed the responsibility of the exiting car.
· This may be overturned by the LFSMC staff if they agree that a non-pitting car was in contradiction to section 4.7.1.
4.8. Passing & Lapped Traffic
4.8.1. See section 1.8
· All drivers are responsible for their own safety and the safety of all the other competitors. Accidents in sim racing should be treated with the same respect as real life racing.
4.8.2. The primary responsibility for safe passing resides with the faster car, not the car being passed / lapped.
4.8.3. Cars to be passed may not block faster cars. One move / change of line is allowed to protect a lead, any more is considered blocking.
4.9. FLAGS
4.9.1. Green Indicates the start of the race as per section 4.5.
4.9.2. Yellow Indicates a hazardous situation either locally or full course. There is to be no passing under the yellow flag.
4.9.3. Blue Does not necessarily indicate a car faster car behind, but rather that the car behind is at least 1 lap ahead.
· If the car being shown the blue flag is faster than the following car and is pulling away then no action need be taken.
· If the car being shown the blue flag is slower than the following car and is losing ground then the slower car must safely allow the faster car by. See section 4.8.2. See section 1.8.
4.9.4. Black Drivers being shown a black flag are a danger to themselves, the other races, all the spectators, commentators, sponsors, TV viewers & planet earth in general…they must GTF off the track immediately! The above section is serious.
4.10. Safety Car
4.10.1. series administration to set this section
4.11. Incidents & Penalties During an Event
4.11.1. See section 1.4.
4.12. Post Event Reporting
4.12.1. Incident reporting may be done no sooner than X hours of an event and no later than X hours of the event. LFSMC to set these numbers
4.12.2. See section 1.9.3.
4.12.3. Under no circumstances are incidents to be reported on the LFS main forum.
4.12.4. Incidents are to be reported directly to the LFSMC forum in a series of threads the subject of which must be:
· LeagueName, EventDate, Incident #
· The first post in this thread will be in the following format:
· LFSMC Facilitator(s) ________________________
· Report Filed By
· LFSname: ________________________
· PLAYERname: ________________________
· Report Filed Against
· LFSname: ________________________
· Description of Incident
· Lap / Time: ________________________
· Alleged Incident: ________________________
4.12.5. Incident ruling will be a locked thread the subject of which will be:
· LeagueName, EventDate, Ruling #
5.1. No driver may travel more than # % race distance.
5.2. No stint may be longer than # km. or # minutes.
5.3. Driver changes may only take a time generally equivalent to 1 lap to be completed at which time the out-going driver must leave the server. Teams must make all necessary preparations to ensure that incoming drivers are aware of when to join the event server to ensure that the incoming driver does not join until the current driver has started their in-lap. Such preparations must not be in contradiction to sections 1.5 or 1.6

it's easier to read when the tabs stay intact
S3 licensed
Quote from bbman :If it should be used as a template, I'd refrain from using any specific details, such as what makes an endurance/sprint team... That's really for the organisers to decide... I'd more go towards a general description and rules such as racing etiquette, flags and so on...

yeh that was my intent...i got a bit sidetracked as i read through an earlier draft
S3 licensed
Quote from St4Lk3R :I think it is meant to be seen as a standard league reglement everyone may use and / or extend. A template, basically.

Based on the discussion this generates, I'll update as we go and at some point publish it to the wiki
S3 licensed
As a quick start, here's what I got so far, have at it:

1. Teams
1.1. Endurance Team
1.1.1. Will consist of a maximum of 6 members, designated at registration as follows:
· “Small Team” of 2 drivers
· “Large Team” of 4 drivers & 2 spares
1.2. Endurance Privateer Team
1.2.1. Single drivers are welcome to join. All single drivers will be listed as such and their contact information may be made available. Single drivers are seen as free agents until the initial race date. During the time period of sign-up through to initial race date free agents are encouraged to either form teams as per section 1.1.1 of other free agents or they may be drafted onto other established teams provided the result of such drafting is in accordance with section 1.1.1.
1.3. Sprint Team
1.3.1. Will consist of a maximum of 3 cars, designated at registration.
· At no time during an event are more that 3 cars from any given team allowed on the track area.
1.4. Team Regulations After Series Start
1.4.1. Teams are deemed set once the series start time has been reached.
2. Series Participation
2.1.1. Drivers may only participate in series races as a member of their own team.
· In the event that a team would have to forfeit a race due to a contradiction of section 1.1.1, then designated spares may be hired out on a per event bases from any team willing to make their designated spares available. This availability option must be made public at the time of registration.
2.1.2. Designated spares driving for teams other than their registration team are deemed as members of their temporary team for the entire period of the event.
· All team points gained by a hired spare go to the hiring team on a per event basis.
· Individual points gained by hired spares go to the individual driver.
· Infractions incurred by a hired spare are assessed against the driver only. In the event a hired spare incurs a serious enough infraction that would be assessed against his entire team, the penalty will be assessed against the team said driver registered with and not against the hiring team.
2.1.3. Teams may enter the series using a maximum of 2 cars per team. Team cars do not have to be the same make or class. Specific make & class selections will be as per the series registration process.
2.1.4. All participants must use the prescribed number plate & any other series graphic as provided by the administration.
3. Events
3.1. General Conduct
3.1.1. All decisions made by the series administration are final.
3.1.2. Series administration staff may participate in an event as a competitor. As such they forfeit their control of the series for 1 hour before & after the event to the marshalling staff. Series administration may compete or marshal, not both.
3.1.3. LFSMC staff may participate in an event as a competitor. As such they forfeit their LFSMC staff status for 1 hour before & after the event. LFSMC staff may compete or marshal, not both.
3.1.4. Events are run & controlled completely by the marshalling staff. All direction given during an event by the marshals will be in full caps and will be presented to the competitors in the following manner, where CAR # is the car number of the driver (not the qualifying position) being addressed, COMMENTS are the direction, ruling or instructions of the marshalling staff and # LAPS is the time allotted to perform the instructions. (if # LAPS is not given then it is to be understood that the instructions must be performed before the leader completes their last lap.)
3.1.5. There will be no text chatting whatsoever during an event, with the exception of the marshalling staff.
3.1.6. All voice communication must be done on dedicated team channels. The public broadcast channel is for marshalling use only. A dedicated channel for marshals must be provided. Dedicated channels are for their respective members only.
3.2. Point System
3.3. Disconnect Policy
3.4. Sessions, Lengths & Start Times
3.5. Qualifying Procedures
3.6. Start Procedures
3.7. Pitting Procedures
3.8. Flags & Procedures
3.9. Safety Car Procedures
3.10. Passing & Lapped Traffic Procedures
3.11. Incidents & Penalties Procedures
3.11.1. During an Event
3.11.2. After Event Reporting
3.12. Endurance Races
3.12.1. No driver may travel more than 1/2 race distance.
3.12.2. No stint may be longer than 100km. or 60minutes, whichever is longer.
3.12.3. Driver changes may only take a time generally equivalent to 1 lap to be completed at which time the out-going driver must leave the server. Teams must make all necessary preparations to ensure that incoming drivers are aware of when to join the event server to ensure that the incoming driver does not join until the current driver has started their in-lap.
Last edited by KSheppard, . Reason : spelling :)
Standardized Racing Conduct Agreement
S3 licensed
Hey racers, after following a few threads regarding standard race conduct & rules I think it's time to start fleshing this idea out sooooo, to get the ball "officially" rolling, please start posting some ideas you'd like to see incorporated into a standardized rule / conduct document.

As a reference take a look at these:
LFS Marshal Community:
blue flag: ... 6&highlight=blue+flag,
and ... 4&highlight=blue+flag,
and ... 5&highlight=blue+flag

BTW I think we also need to agree on some definitions:
  • track area
    • All asphalt or concrete (grass, sand etc… are off track)
  • series start
    • 0:00.00hrs of the day of the first race
  • Event
    • Race events run from start of the formation lap, or as soon as the engines are started on the grid and are completed when the last car has crossed the finish line
    • Qualify events run from the start of the qualify session timer and are completed when the last car has crossed the finish line
S3 licensed
Interesting ideas here, nice to see that there is some positive thoughts about marshalling (server police ) and general racing rules/conduct.

I was just starting to think through drafting up a set of standardized rules and TBH I don't think it would be all that hard...draft a section, start a poll & discussion, after x number of days close the discussion and revise the draft, post it.

Thoughts on the wiki: should be within the LFS Manual wiki
2....needs a special PW so only a few people may make changes

(I'm available to help out with drafting the document if someone wants help.)
S3 licensed
Quote from BenjiMC :...feinted in school...

hmmm I should try that one at work
S3 licensed
ummm this rules update you keep taking about where might they be???
S3 licensed
do we know what version we're running?
S3 licensed
edit: added banner psd
Last edited by KSheppard, . Reason : added our FXR skin
S3 licensed
Quote from MARSH2a :We specifically asked about this earlier this week and were told not to pass the safety car.
I was suprised to see Sheppard do it on one SC lap when the SC came out of pit lane right in front of us, only because we were told not to..

Ya i saw that it was gonna be close as it came out of the of the pits and i assume the SC to not be on the track until it clears the yellow lines. Kinda like if another competitor is exiting they wont be upto speed till beyond the yellows (ya i know "upto speed" is relative at south city) it's the yellows that define the pit area apart from the track area so if an incident happens during the transition the slow car (who's not on the track) is at fault.

I just re-read this and I certainly do not intend this to sould like an appology it's NOT, but just my thoughts.


oh by the way I did see a double yellow in the chat box that i didn't notice get cancelled?
S3 licensed
I just wanted to say thanks guys, I for one had a blast! We had some personal oddness at the beginning and a few real life hickups so I hope we didn't get in the way when we dropped in.

Dad had some issues with being disconnected (that went away after he took over from me for some reason) When I joined I realized I had not set my fuel load, pitted, did a few laps, realized the setup wasn't working, tweaked, pitted, out again, realized i screwd it up more, pitted..oops wrong display name. changed that, out again,...realized, damn...wrong skin, pitted, changed skin files, back out again... sheesh. BUT I think I managed to stay outta tha way when I needed to and I got to race at times too
S3 licensed
this needs to be adoped as a standard
S3 licensed
I know I'll be watching my mirrors but also for you fast guys please also remember this track can bite if us slow guys are watching our mirrors we may hit a wall and then take you out too....point is this is a tough hard track and 4 hrs is a long time, we all need to use our heads
S3 licensed
benji....ding me
S3 licensed
I think the post above should be in the "check-up section"???

but also as well as the screen messages am i right in assuming TS will be used as well?