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Quote from thisnameistaken :I'm not brainy enough to know what I'm signing but I love a good bandwagon - count me in.

I also believe that immigrants get free luxury flats and mobile phones, and pakis are nicking our jobs, and that Islamic terrorists are jealous of our freedoms.

S3 licensed
Quote from dougie-lampkin :lol

Why not just use the links in Windows Media Player? And then add to it!

WMP is a worthless bloated piece of shit and should never be used for anything.
S3 licensed
It won't happen. Y will be out tomorrow, or maybe Saturday if a last-minute bug needs squashing.
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S3 licensed
Quote from NSX_FReeDoM :yeh all formula 1 drivers who have been on the show took a totally different line than the stig.
so obviously he isnt a formula one driver

Lewis Hamilton took the Stig's line rather than the line the other F1 drivers took. That may have been because it was wet though.
S3 licensed
I have a sneaking suspicion that there are quite a few current and former racing drivers who also drive this sim, but they prefer to remain anonymous in order to dissuade undesired attention.

Impossible to verify of course, but it makes the feel of LFS even more special.
S3 licensed
Quote from DeKo :does his driving license being revoked have any kind of implications on his super license?

It's technically possible, but extremely unlikely unless he does this repeatedly or gets into an accident or somesuch.

From what I understand, the FIA can revoke superlicenses if the holder repeatedly and grossly violates the general standard of conduct expected of highly-paid professsionals (obviously open to interpretation), or publicly humiliates the FIA due to some huge scandal in the press.

Even then though, I doubt it because his fame brings so much publicity and money into F1.
S3 licensed
How did you manage to be able to do this?
S3 licensed
Quote from mongoosetierney :Is there a youtube link for the TG Enduro race?

*goes to look also* ... =5&id=6615&view=1

You have to register, but it's well worth it considering the immense quantity of videos available. R-U is by far the best racing-related video website I've ever come across.
S3 licensed
Ever hear of punctuation?

What graphics card do you have?
S3 licensed
Quote from batteryy :so if i buy S2 license it costs 24 pounds?

S3 licensed
Quote from Racer Y :Uhhh. multi party coalition style governments

Well obviously, but you implied negative consequences to such a system were it to be implemented in the US. What do you think they would be?
S3 licensed
Quote from savagedude_25 :this is quite funny, and interesting.

You dug up this old thread to say that?

Get bent.
S3 licensed
Quote from BrandonAGr :You do realize that Republican is the party of Lincoln, who freed the slaves. The ideals of a particular party can drift and change over time, which is why I hope there is a chance the current trend of Republican opinion can be changed.

The current Republican party has nothing at all to do with the party of Lincoln's day, except the name.

Note that the Emancipation Proclamation only freed slaves in the rebel states, not the Union ones. It was a military move, not a moral one. He deprived the rebel states of millions of laborers and thus hurt their war effort immensely.
S3 licensed
Quote from ATC Quicksilver : You know in the UK we don't have the right to free protest, we are arrested if we protest without permission from the police.

Often we in America don't either. Anti-Bush protestors at his inaguration were required to stay within designated 'free speech zones'. If any of them stepped outside of those zones holding signs the SS didn't approve of, they were promptly arrested. These zones were carefully chosen to be out-of-the-way and would never be seen on TV. Can't have anyone expressing disapproval of The Leader during his special parade, can we? :rolleyes:
S3 licensed
Quote from Shotglass :but the denfendant has already chosen to self incriminate himself on tv ! is that really so hard to grasp for you ?

And my point is that his confession alone is not enough evidence. There has to be something else, and there isn't.
S3 licensed
Quote from Jakg :...? It would require a LOT of code to do!

Really? Not that I'm complaining, but replay rewind/fastforward/etc has been a pretty basic feature in many games for years now. I can't imagine it would trouble Scawen that much considering how fantastic the rest of the sim is.
S3 licensed
I just tried it and it works fine, so I'm not sure what the problem could be.

I'm using FRAPS version 2.7.1, build 5499.
S3 licensed
Quote from Racer Y :
LOL or worse, could you imagine a Euro style government here?

How would you characterize a "Euro-style government"?

Quote from Racer Y :His views conflict with the mainstream republican party as well as with the fundamentalists and the neocons, and since most of the party members are that, I don't see him getting the nomination.

Quote from Racer Y :
Back to Ron Paul.... If he runs as an independent, he would take potential republican votes with him - in effect nullifying any hope they had of keeping the Whitehouse.

These two statements conflict. First you say that because Ron Paul's views conflict with much of the modern Republican party, support from within the GOP would be minimal and insignificant. But then you say that those same people would be swung toward voting for an independent Paul campaign, which would take votes away from the GOP and cause a Democrat to win.

Either this voter bloc is significant enough to swing the election, or it isn't. Which do you think?
S3 licensed
Quote from jayhawk :And you must be an internet tough guy, if we are lowering ourselves down to broad based accusations.

Well you said I earlier that "I'm done arguing", which implies you are done arguing. Yet you're still here. Which means you aren't done arguing. It sounded as though you were quickly stating your opinion and then packing up your toys and going home before anyone had a chance to respond.

Quote from jayhawk :
What I meant was, if one person was to defend America in a thread, twenty will jump on them, and the rest will just cower. Why bother to argue until so many straws are split nothing is left but to bicker over dust?

Until so many straws are split? Way to completely butcher two different expressions. It's splitting hairs, not straws. The other expression is "clutching at straws", which is something entirely different.

If one person 'defended America' and got called on it by several people, chances are they said something completely daft and deserved it. There isn't much defensible about the current American government.
S3 licensed
Quote from jayhawk :long ago I sussed out that other forum members from everywhere but America have a blind, bordering on ignorant, hatred for the U.S.

I can honestly say I've never spoken to anyone outside the US who just hates the US, period. I know they're out there, but the ones I've spoken to have specific gripes that they can substantiate with facts: they hate America's deplorable foreign policy, despise the scum in our elected positions, and generally dislike the idea of a global superpower which seems to think it can do as it pleases. They generally like Americans, but dislike the American government.

Quote from jayhawk :
I stopped arguing long ago.

Then why post here at all? Just a little snipe that you won't come back to defend?

Weak troll. 2 out of 10.
S3 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :I thought my summation was adequate, personally.

OK, if you stretch to definition of adequate to 'overly simplified'.

Quote from thisnameistaken :
I learned that part from School House Rock.

That show kicked ass.

Quote from thisnameistaken :
That's what imperialism is. You don't just march into random parts of the world and say "This bit looks sweet, let's leave it completely alone". To be honest it's hard to feel any pity for the poor put-upon colonists when it's the natives who are the ones actually getting the shaft.

Why is it hard to pity one oppressed group because another group is being oppressed? Can't you pity both? They both deserved it. The ones who didn't deserve pity are King George and Parliament.

Quote from thisnameistaken :
Anyway, my point was that it's funny to think that taxation was the driving force behind Americans fighting their war of independence and two hundred years later they're still not happy about paying taxes to their own government. There's just no pleasing some people.

It's only logical to be upset about paying taxes when that tax revenue funds war crimes, torture, murder, and nationalistic jingoism. The apprehension about current American policy has little to do with the reasons for declaring independence from Britain.
S3 licensed
Quote from wheel4hummer :That freedom can be taken away easily.

You said "depending on who gets elected". Who specifically do you think would take away liberty? Who if anyone do you think would not do so?
S3 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :I thought the whole deal was that you didn't like paying taxes to the British so you all got in a huff and dumped some tea in a harbour or something? And it's not like you're paying taxes now - not enough to keep your government's spending in check anyway.

You should really educate yourself on that whole situation.

It wasn't paying taxes per se, it was paying unjust taxes that we had absolutely no say over. We had no representatives to speak for us and keep the system even a little bit fair. People generally don't like being coerced into doing things. The colonists had their natural resources taken and shipped back to Britain so Britain could profit from them. Finished goods were shipped back to the colonies, sold at high prices, and then taxed at high rates on top of that. Colonization is about the exploitation of the subject country for the benefit of the ruling country, and is inherently unjust and immoral. The colonies were right to get upset and eventually revolt.

Of course, today America is the aggressor, yet most Americans don't realize it. People really don't learn from history.

And citizens paying taxes has precious little to do with the spending policies of the federal government. The current administration answers to no one but itself. It's full of criminals, is completely corrupt, and should be overthrown.
S3 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :Lest we forget that the USA is a nation founded on the principle of not having to pay taxes.

Um, no it wasn't. At all.

Quote from wheel4hummer :I thought it was founded on freedom and democracy

Again, no. The USA was founded as a republic, which is distinct from a democracy on many fundamental levels. If the US were a democracy we would have no Congress.

Quote from wheel4hummer :although not for long depending on who gets elected in 2008

What are you implying?