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S2 licensed
If you're looking for something different, I'd recommend the following two movies:


The plot is simple yet layered with many metaphors. People everywhere start to become blind. The focus lies on a group of blind people who are quarantined. It shows how fragile social structure is and sheds light on the inherent tenacity of human nature. If you like Hollywood-type action movies then this isn't one for you. It's imagery is quite powerful and I've even read about some people walking out of the cinema during certain scenes. If you enjoyed reading "Lord of the Flies", you may like this movie. You can derive some interesting parallels to issues like the control of world trade, dominance of nuclear powers, unfair acquisition of resources, and much more.

The Kite Runner
This movie is based off of a best-selling novel by Khaled Hosseini. It's about a childhood friendship in Afghanistan and how it evolves over time under different circumstances. It shows the Russian invasion and then transitions to the rule of the Taliban. There are also some interesting metaphors in this movie that reflect race & class discrimination, the lack of action by the international community, and plenty more to stimulate those neurons!

I'll throw in a "not for the masses" disclaimer for both movies. Other than that, ENJOY!
[DSR] Dark Side Racing has a new member... [DSR] Vincent
S2 licensed
Dark Side Racing team is proud to have a new member on the team. [DSR] Vincent (S2 username: sextech) is a 28 year old mechanic from Canada who enjoys clean racing and having fun on LFS. During the [DSR] "Looney Cup", he showed his versatility by staying competitive in just about any car at any track. Plus, how can you refuse somebody who's license name is "sextech"?! The memories have been good thus far and we are looking forward to some great times ahead!

Glad to have you onboard buddy! Now it's time to crash..err.. I mean race!
S2 licensed
[noobs] is one of my favorite teams in LFS. I can still out-chat any [noob] though! mwahah!
Congratulations and good luck!
S2 licensed
Cutting off a cow's calf muscle with a butcher knife and throwing it on the grill with a blend of fine spices.

That's cooking.
S2 licensed
Nobody's crazier than DSR (maybe [noobs] comes close)
S2 licensed
I can sing if u want.. *ahem*

"What's new pussycat.. whoa.. whoa..." :bannana_g
S2 licensed
I don't know what's faster.. the BF1 or how fast Forbin can talk. While watching the video, this came to my mind:

On a more serious note, excellent videos & great work you guys.

I can help out if u need anything. Just let me know.
Last edited by Lebaron, .
Video: DSR race victory at OWRL
S2 licensed
Made this one for [DSR] Sizzle. It's streaming DivX and about 1 min long. ... viewtopic.php?p=8865#8865
S2 licensed
Yo quiero Taco Bell!

Good video!
S2 licensed
haha.. thanks.. I wish there were more hours in a day and humans didn't require sleep so I could do a video for every race. I'm just focusing on making a video for the opening races. I plan on making a championship video once the series is over. If I get time here and there, I'll definitely consider doing one for GTReMix Race 2 or merging 2 & 3. That race had tons of cool footage.

I'm betting the next race at Fern Bay Black is gonna be nuts! :nut:
DSR Looney Cup Series (Race #1)
S2 licensed
First attempt with Vegas.. spent most of my time trying to figure out the basics. I'm still experimenting at this stage. I already know it's too long lol!

Currently featured here

Alternate location: ... viewtopic.php?p=8855#8855
S2 licensed
I think some of u guys are over-analyzing the situation (although your theories are pretty cool). Some people get on LFS to really race, some to relax after a hard day's work.. some take it serious and some take it social/casual. Kids WILL ALWAYS be immature relative to an older crowd, so there's nothing new there.

There are avenues for serious no-nonsense racing like the big leagues (OWRL, Gentlefoot, iGTC, etc..). I don't think you'll find spam/chat there. If you're serious and mature, I think you'll align yourself to take the avenues that best fit your expectations.
S2 licensed
Quote from squidhead :well, since you want to know them...

-you should use camera view smoothing (around 0.8 of a second is good if you record at 1.0 speed)
-the quality should be improved, in your case it's the compression problems...there's a lot of tips in making lfs movies thread
-don't start moving the camera when you are recording, also don't stop it, and don't change directions... looks jerky and unedited
-you have noticed a camera through car problem, so I just add it to the list
-try smoother transitions between clips
-audio editing was (was there? or is it just the song that's choppy) choppy, you had to make it smoother

Quality was bad because I did avi -> mpg -> flv (17MB streaming)

It has been updated to avi -> divx (11MB streaming) and both audio/video quality improved drastically while reducing overall file size by 35%.
S2 licensed
Quote from AMB :I'm in it , nice video Leb, you use fraps registered? and did you pay?

@AMB: Do you own stocks in software companies? hehe.. All the software I used was free. I'm still looking for video editing software that I can try to master.

@squidhead: no no.. please list all the mistakes. At least all the technical mistakes. I know one of them is going through the car (I read your rant somewhere about that one for somebody else's video). Let me know what's up.
S2 licensed
so if you go camping and need wood for campfire on a really cold night...
S2 licensed
Thanks for the feedback and constructive criticism so far. Art and expression is such a personal and subjective thing that there isn't really any guideline except following your instincts. The choice of music was actually supposed to give it a subtle tinge of humor and that 70s swerving cop car feel. Humor is a huge part of my personality. There was also tons of stuff that I imagined but didn't really know how to implement. The software was Ulead Videostudio 6 which has the kind of effects you find in wedding videos. I think I'm putting NWA's "Straight outta Compton" in my next video. Nah that will just make people furious lol!

Isn't there some "video drill sargeant" on this thread somewhere? I want to feel his wrath.
2008 GTReMix Series (my first LFS video)
S2 licensed
Just made a video for our dual-classed GTReMix series. It's my first time doing one of these things so gimme a break. I have enough artistic talent to draw a stick figure (barely). The download stream might cause you to wait a few secs, but it worked fine for most.

Streaming video ->

Good luck and enjoy!
Last edited by Lebaron, .
S2 licensed

Official results are here ->

Our current series ->
Dark Side Racing team hosting TWO new series!
S2 licensed
After a very successful SPEC FBM Series, Dark Side Racing team is back with TWO more fantastic series.

GTReMix Series
Description: Races comprise of 2 classes being GT1 (GTR) and GT2 (XFR+UFR) and timed-limited at 60 minutes
Server: [DSR] DarkSideRacing EU
First race: Saturday Feb 16th @ 9PM-GMT/4PM-EST(US)
Race frequency: Every 2 weeks
Total races: 10 (2 lowest get dropped from final points)
Registration & Details:

Looney Cup Series
Description: Interesting and popular multiple car/track combos with a 3-round knockout qualifying session to add to the excitement
Server: [DSR] DarkSideRacing US
First race: Sunday Feb 24th @ 9PM-EST(US)/2AM-GMT
Race frequency: Every 2 weeks
Total races: 10 (2 lowest get dropped from final points)
Registration & Details:

Sign up and you'll have a blast! (no pun intended)
Last edited by Lebaron, .
S2 licensed
Thats why I love our DSR forum.. you can say anything that's on your mind!!
S2 licensed
Airwolf had String Fellow Hawk!! Oh I loved it when he switched on the turbo boosters!!
S2 licensed
OOh.. y'all gots ta watch dis..
S2 licensed
I get a rush everytime I see it.. maybe because I know exactly whats going on and who's fighting for position. The last section where Del pits and gets behind Lateralus (the green car) is really well directed. You cover the battle really well, showing how Del braked his tires off to hold his position on the inside, eventually making the pass. I'm definitely inspired to make a video now. It's coming soon!!
S2 licensed
hahah renult.. yu spel very gud
S2 licensed
pretty cool stuff