I've decided to continue modeling but it's so difficult and it's the first car I try to model.
I'm gonna try to model Ferrari 575 Maranello or Audi A6, because they're much easier.
I've attached my progress in my Ferrari 599 GTB.If anyone, pro, wants to continue modeling, I send it.
I tried to model Ferrari 599 GTB but I'm having problems with it because of the curves of the car, it's getting difficult to model. Maybe I'll model another one.
Look the result in attachment.
Hehe, thanks.
I found the problem. It was my color mapping settings. I was using HSV Exponential because it seems realer, now i'm using Exponential.
Thanks anyway.
I mean these (attachment) kind of problems that I have in ALL blueprints i download.
(Forget the red circle, I made a mistake. But look at the blue one.)