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S3 licensed
Quote from LRB_Aly :Ok, I stand corrected

So rarely are people decent enough to say that! Kudos

Can't wait for the next update!
S3 licensed
I'm always hugely impressed by how well seemingly the whole world speaks English. I agree it is better than the majority of English people, and there aren't any excuses for that really, us young people really are that stupid and/or lazy.

If someone learns English as a second language though, then I think they're more likely to learn it properly, in so far as they are less likely to be constantly subjected to colloquial speech/slang.

I think that the broken syntax and casual enunciation of conversational English that young people are subjected to in England leads them to have such weak writing skills, whereas I'd presume someone learning English as a second language will be seeking to learn the language correctly, so that English speakers can understand them. Somewhat ironic that this could almost give the opposite effect?

I'm a mere 19, and have been fully subjected to MSN's sodomy of the language, and when 'speaking' with friends online, I do use abbreviations to some extent, and I ignore capital letters a lot.

I think I'm one of a dying number of young Englishmen that can at least type properly, but I suppose that's an advantage

I hope that went some way to restoring your faith in 'the youth' Some of us are good people, honest!

Edited: dieing -> dying and the 'too' typo.

Feel a little bit silly now though.
Last edited by letdown427, .
Cheaper Fuel (IRL!)
S3 licensed
I don't know how many of us here are from the UK, but I presume at least some of us drive, and a lot of us probably have friends that drive.

This might be worthwhile.
S3 licensed
I've got a 4400+ and a 9600 pro, so I'll try out the different drivers and see what fps I get too when I get home, if that'll be of any help?
S3 licensed
I've got a 9600 pro aswell (£15 from a mate), good card in my opinion. I've got an asrock dual sata 2, very cheap board, but i've had no problems from it at all, so could be worth a look. that would also mean socket 939 and a good processor(hopefully). Have a look on overclocking forums maybe, or forums, they can probably sort you out with the best bang for buck. LFS is processor intensive, so don't skimp on the CPU.
S3 licensed
Sometimes Tristan, sometimes, you're kind of boring

I'm just jumping on the thanks do the devs band wagon, awesome game, thanks for letting us play some small part in it.
S3 licensed
We could maybe, erm, you know, do that thing, erm, go, erm, race?

Play LFS?

I for one am off to look for a server
S3 licensed
As people always say, "it seems quicker"

I don't have any figures for how long it took to load before or after, and I'm not in the mood to go about swapping around timings and such, once I have a full day, I'll probably be doing some more in depth comparisons of the two sets of RAM, and may even try it with both (2.5Gb), although this may force a 2T command rate, which may or may not have a big affect.
I'm still not convinced by the whole '2T is the anti-christ' thing that people often post on overclocking forums. The thread I referred to on was started by one guy(as threads so often are) who did a lot of comparisons and benchmarking purely changing command rate (yes he had an Athlon 64), and he saw so little difference (most was normally around 3%) that his results encouraged many more to try it out, and so they did, and the results seemingly disproved the whole anti-2T thing, but as a hopefully well balanced observer, I have to say that the anti-2T opinion must have started from somewhere, and I presume must have had some good examples to back it up, so yes, I'm still undecided.


If it's a particularly huge improvement in loading etc, I'll post back in this thread, but anything less than 5-10 seconds = meh in my opinion.
S3 licensed
I can't help but feel that you're just trying to find some way of sueing Scawen?

Here in Europe, well UK at least, we've had an outburst of ridiculous Health & Safety enforcements because (in my opinion) of people such as yourself.

From what I've read, you purchased the game having gotten the wrong impression from the main page about the number of people regularly racing with it online and such? So earlier I think you were trying to get the point across that the information on that page is misleading, and as such you felt scammed out of your 30USD? (I think you said 30, my apologies if I mis quoted you there)

Well, that's a shame that tha happened, but I think most courts would argue that the information isn't misleading enough to merit fining the development team, and that perhaps you should research purchases further before commiting. Much like on ebay.

Your turn.
S3 licensed
Just to join in the fun

Quote from Dethred :... most cultures speak when its appropriate, and shut up otherwise.

Sorry, but coming from an American?

To other Americans, that was a bit of a generalisation, but hopefully you'll let it slide this once.

Oh also, Dethred, like you said, you don't know what it is like in Europe. The developers are European, so you have no idea what their motives are, how they work, live, do business, anything. They could easily have a healthy lump of money in the bank and just be doing LFS because they enjoy it. Who knows, I don't, and like you said, nor do you.

Frankly, I'm not overly fussed what their motives are, they make a very good game in my opinion, and I've had my £24 of enjoyment no problem.
Thank all 3 of you.
S3 licensed
Don't worry, i'm English, I can figure out when sarcasm is implied, no need for the [sarcasm]...[/sarcasm]

The 'discovery' was more about just how much it dropped because of the RAM timings, even with 4times as much memory, and I apologise if my exclamation mark gave you the impression I considered it an amazing discovery, I don't, just thought I'd mention it in the General Discussion forum. As for the hardware, name brand high quality RAM of four times the size, isn't equal to the cheap generic rubbish I had in there before.

SD, I didn't realise the boost was so big normally, so thought maybe it was a trait of LFS. My apologies for wasting everyones time.
Last edited by letdown427, .
S3 licensed
Just to explain my apparent stupidity, that RAM is quoted to run at 3-3-3-8, and so for the first boot i just wanted to check that it actually worked so put everythin at stock and just ran a few programs.

@M.Mos, maybe it's the last number that has the biggest effect then? as mine dropped from 5 to 8, and yours now only dropped from 5 to 6?

I have a 4400+ @ 4800+ clock speed, if you have an athlon or some such, they're apparently affected a lot by 1T / 2T, although there's a big thread on anandtech competely disproving that with lots of evidence, so that's probably worth ignoring.
Last edited by letdown427, .
LFS likes RAM timings!
S3 licensed
OK, I was previously running 2x256Mb at 2-2-2-5 timings. Yesterday, I installed 2x1Gb Crucial Ballistix PC4000 monsters. First boot, I ran it at 3-3-3-8 timings, everything else identical to before. Played LFS, and :eye-poppi, 50fps. But wait, it was at 60fps before (OK, +/- 2 FPS, average, 60 ) So anyway, today I return from work, put the RAM at 2-2-2-5 timings, and sure enough, the same 60fps (average) as before.
10FPS seems a lot. As in, ~ 16.5% drop. Ah well.

Just thought i'd let you all know, as there's often threads about maxing FPS :up:
S3 licensed
4400+ @ 2.5Ghz
2x1GB Crucial PC4000 Ballistix 2-2-2-5 1T @ DDR450
OLD 30GB ( ) IBM HD (2 new HD for RAID0 coming around about the 25th )
Warrior Quickshot 2 button joystick (handbrake,10p on ebay )
Relysis 17" TFT
Hiper Type-R 580W PSU
Annnd a Sapphire 9600 128Mb Weak link maybe?

Equates to 65fps on LFS, so I'm happy, can't help but feel it should be more though?
Last edited by letdown427, . Reason : Pictures
S3 licensed
OK, i'll try that, if that doesn't work i'll try all the FF settings again.


theblackrabbi, i'll let you know if anything good happens!
S3 licensed
For anyone using the Logitech Wingman software, there's another easy way around this, that i prefer to AltTabbing.In LFs, set the flash lights on button to a button on the keyboard that doesnt get used much. (I had it set to G, but this caused problems when i typed a mesage, as you'll probably come to understand)

So anyway, say it is set to G, go into the wingman profiler, and choose your lights on button, choose to record a command, and press down G. now, click to stop recording, and then lift off g. The action of pressing down G would have been recorded, but not the lifting off. So obvously now, when you press whichever button you assigned this to, it will be like you're constantly holding down the G key. This obviously posed problems when typing a message, so perhaps the shift button would be a better assignment. then just record the lifting off of the g key as another control, and map that to your lights off button on the wheel. Works for me anyway.

Sorry if that was hard to udnerstand, basically, go to New Command. Click record, press down the key you've assigned as your light flash in LFS, click stop recording with the key still held down.

hope that helps.
S3 licensed
You might be able to try running task manager over the top of LFS, and see if anything steals CPU/Memory usage when LFS gets minimized? DOn't know if that will even work, just a thought.
S3 licensed
I had a P4 2.4, running at 2.9, with a crappy sapphire radeon 9600 atlantis (128Mb), and it ran at about 30-40fps at 1280x1024, as another comparison.

In response to the dual core issue,I haven't noticed any problems with my new 4400+ X2? (effectively a 4800+ as i have it at 2.4Ghz) with the same gfx card (except no longer overclocked) it now comfortably runs at 50-60fps with high details at 1280x1024.
S3 licensed
I'll defnately try to compete whenever the next league appears! I'll try to remember to keep an eye on this thread. Maybe someone could PM me once the league arrangements are decided?
Do we need a certain number of people inerested to merit making the league?
S3 licensed
Quote from AndroidXP :So people don't get scared away by the "poo physics" which are mostly caused by the really bad default setups.

This is very true. I tried to introduce a friend to LFS, explaining how it was so much better to drive than GT4, especially when you fancy going sideways for a lap or two, but he was completely thrown off the game because of the 'handling' which is clearly because of the setups. I started out in a GTi first time i played the game, and was amazed in that, it jsut felt so much more real than GT4 (good ol' DFP) and when i eventually tamed the XRT (oh the demo days) I had to buy an S2 Licence.

While i'm here, Bob, i have a question I hope you don't mind answering, is there a particular setting hat makes the car bounce when sliding sideways? I'm yet to really learn the effects all those sliders have on the cars handling, and often find when trying to make setups (with my ingrained Gran Turismo mindset) i often end up with a car that just bounces sideways across the track in a corner.

Cheers Bob, you seem to be one of the few people who actually answer the more n00bish questions as opposed to attacking them (such as the I'm stuck in second at 48mph when i leave the pits question from a while ago, I was very impressed when you merely gave him the answer, and nobody pounced on him!)
S3 licensed
I have a DFP, and whenever the wheel is central, it jerks and twitches from side to side.
It is not a simulation of the cars behaviour, I'd go into detail, but i'd rather just say it isn't, i'm positive. As soon as the wheel is no longer centered, the problem stops. I have the force feedback set to 200 in LFS, and have tried reducing it to get rid of the problem, but it has to be set down to below 25 before it is unnoticable, at which point the cars feel hugely over assissted. I was wondering if this has been encountered by anyone else?
I really don't want to have to turn my FF right down, but the straights are just so aggrevating when the wheel is twitching constantly. Even when parked up, it turns left and right, leaving my poor driver flailing his virtual arms.
In the wingman profiler, I have most of the settings on full also, except the centering srping is on 0% I think, im at work at the moment, but will check later, ive tried toying with these ad nauseum, and have just tried to deal with the twitching. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

Sorry for the long post.
S3 licensed
Custom Cam? Ok, i'll find that, thanks for the information, sorry for wasting your time!

Very simple idea for spectating.
S3 licensed
I was watching a friend do a few laps, and thought that whilst in car, it would be cool to be able to watch from the passenger side of the car aswell as the drivers side. I appreciate that that is a comically small addition, but it would just add to the realism, in a very simple way, and would be one of the many small things in this game i think people may really appreciate.