Hmm, ok then. But I think someone put "this side up" arrow upside down in locations guide scheme.
(or this arrow shows "number faced to the inside" and anyway when I asked someone what they think everyone sayed: Are you blind? It's "this side up" u dumb.:huepfenic)
Did you really think its better way to make a better laps?
Using a force mode makes a sence only when u're a setup builder
and you see forces what is wrong or when car is too low or
suspension is too hard or too soft.
In real lfs racing on high level i dont know anyone who will use it for racing
because is a shame when you're not feeling you own wheels
when you hit the kerb or sth.
and force mode not removes your bumpers so when you hit someone
its your fault. That how to gain some speed depends from set, from your knowledge about track, knowledge about a car and driver's mind.
i know about he last time online was like 3-4 months, and I told him about all this thread, but probably he didnt recived my message... If he dont give any signal of life this week then probably he's offline for longer and this chance gone away... too bad for him
If this competition still runs i know one demo racer since 2006, quick old timer
he made something like +100000kms in era when demoracers didn't have lfs stats.
But now it looks like:
LFSW: zooom555
Last race information: (22:21 - 20 Nov '11)
Total stats:
Travelled distance: 44788 Km
Fuel burnt: 8593 Ltr
Laps: 12666
Hosts joined: 1138
Races won: 1086
Second: 525
Third: 241
Finished: 2094
Qualifications: 161
Pole Positions: 115
Drags / Wins: 0 / 0
As Joe sayed, Very fun racing, but you need to work on it which tracks can be available for voting (if there is that posibility ofc) I really enjoyed racing on your server, good work
Why on first start of the race LLL wasn't penalised for false start on 3id... This situation caused to make a 2nd try to run race but this kind of behavior from LLL driver shouldn't be "rewarded" by giving him a second try for a good start...
Now you make a GT2ws and with this probably GTAL is dead.
In past years it looked like GTAL was that 3rd world prestigious leage (MoE>IGTC>GTAL) and when you're creating similar leagues it wont help you and your competitors which leage chose. because now nobody konws which is more or less prestigious (for advanced) and less for a newcomers. Also problem is like ITS NOT SO MANY NEW Drivers comes to lfs community, from season to season is more advanced people than fresh drivers. In 2010 when in GTAL that rules about drivers wasn't clear for everyone i've sayed something about change "amateur" from the league because level wasn't that amateur or just change that drivers rules because then in 2010 it was a problem who's better who's not but nobody care about. You just didn't fix old problem, just make another league.
edit: now the question is:
you create gt2ws to fix it or just make new problems? If yes its quite good solution but you should earlier say to people who wanted to start in gtal that there will be no more gtal series.
I totally Agree, Last seasons show for example how noobish Schummacher was when he is back to racing.
Nobody talks about Renault car, James want to say that Renault should hire younger driver from some lower crappy formula league because a younger driver is building form and exp and Still racing.
Perez is man of the race, Peter Sauber shows when he have full control on his team
he can build great team with so low budget
DRS system is crap with that rules because when you're behind car in front
then you're in areodynamic tunel so it doesnt matter if you re with open spoiler or not,
it works when nobody is in front you and it will work correctly when drivers can use it anytime they want.
Also man in front uses Kers...
Also i dont know what renault do with Robert because looks like Quick Nick fights for a title...