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S2 licensed
Quote from GmiRacing :Hi Mr. EQ Worry,

maybe i found a bug. (Airio-Version 2.3.2)




My website

It's usual LFS behavior - when man with best lap in race gets into box, spectates or disconnects from server - best lap is being zeroed.
S2 licensed
We need more info. Please run LFS from terminal and post output (perhaps there will be many-many lines).
S2 licensed
Quote from shaun463 :I said that Z didn't work but Z15 did already.

Well, this is weird cause there aren't global changes in Z15. My point is that clean installation of LFS can help you to resolve little issues - it helps me few times.
S2 licensed
Seems all ok - I have no big problems with LFS since 0.9.5* Wine version. Try stable Z version instead of Z15, which is still in developing.

For sound: run "winecfg" and choose only OSS driver in Audio tab. Usually it helps.

And check logs (deb.log in LFS folder and output in terminal) if you still have problems with unlocking.

Good luck
S2 licensed
Post your Wine version and place, where you put your LFS folder. This info can make picture clear

PS: btw EXT2 sounds very old for me...
S2 licensed
Some life at Wine's bugzilla:

Quote :The lfs developer mentions something about CopyRects misbehaving in Wine. We
could use a test case on what the game is doing, so our implementation can be
fixed. Henri thinks our implementation might be incorrect, so we like to know
what the game wants to do.


S2 licensed
You can use those PSD files with GIMP: and convert them in any format you want
S2 licensed
I've did some minor tweaks for Audi skin and add XRG version.

XRG Audi Quattro S1: Skinfile

S2 licensed
You may check simple video tutorials here:
S2 licensed
Quote from NightShift :Is Inkscape significantly better than

It's been some time since I last used it and I was a bit underwhelmed TBH.

Inkscape just different - it's editor for vector images, not raster. For me it help a lot to handle with logos at difficult shapes of car's models - RB4 is great example of it

Anyway I don't have much experience with Paint.NET cause I use Gimp You just need to try...
S2 licensed
Yes, it works fine on your computer, but not when you're sharing file.

That image which you have import in SVG file exists only on YOUR computer. So I see white square there with message "Image not found". SVG file cannot include raster images INSIDE itself, cause in general it's just text XML file - only vector data there
S2 licensed
Nice work mate! Exactly what I wanted to do for a while

Only one problem with that svg file - it cannot include raster images inside, so better to delete default skin at bottom.

UPD: I don't know about handle AI files with Inkscape, but I open ESP files without problems. So you can only try BTW, next version 0.47 will arrive soon.
S2 licensed
Quote from vs14 :At first, sorry for my eng, really

I looked a lot of skins, which are here in this topic, rather interesting, there are many really nice skins. As i see, you use for idea very often really race cars, such as wtcc btcc. So i can offer u as a new idea, russian car it`s RTCC, but some years ago it was Lada Cup.

Logo "LUKOIL" can be in english i think. Hmm, if smbd do such skin, it will be very good

There is Skin Requests Thread for such topics, but I will try to make one anyway
S2 licensed
Good job

I use Inkscape for skinning too, but have a bit diffrents sheme: I have a template 1024x1024 pxs with 4 layers there: (from top to bottom) mask -> logos -> colors -> template.

The good point to use layers is when you finished part of work (setting logos for example), you can just lock layer and continue work with next part. You can't move objects on locked layer.

Usually I'm locking 2 layers from begin: template (where I import default jpg car skin) and mask (black mask in svg format which opens only visible parts of skin).

For postprocessing I use Gimp - for adding shadows to skin - just two layers there: default skin with removed default logos ("Multiply" mode and 80% opacity) and skin itself.

S2 licensed
Quote from Scawen :So why is it that they still have problems? Could anyone else with the Wine shadows problem try updating to Wine 1.1.25 to see if it helps?

I think that the main factor is video card and version of nVidia driver (dunno about ATI - it always was a pain in ass with Linux). I've tested Z15 with Wine 1.0.23 too and got exactly same result.
Wine tests...
S2 licensed
Here are my 5 cents for Wine testing...

Ubuntu 9.04 i386
Nvidia FX5200 (driver version 173.14.16)
Wine 1.1.25

Standart shadows hi-res:

Test shadows hi-res:

Standart shadows low-res:

Test shadows low-res:

In my case this issue is still present, but it's nice to see that LFS developers take care about it

UPD: I've added info about Z15 patch to Wine's bugzilla:
Last edited by lvlo, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Bean0 :If you download the 2048 skins and put them in the correct folder, they will be displayed in-game.

Obviously a grid full of them may impact FPS on slower machines.

Thanks for the tip, mate I will keep it in mind

UPD: Nice Pidgin skin you have made!
S2 licensed
Well, in online races you anyway see reduced skins - that is my point for now: make skins which still look good even in low resolution... And I have 5 years old PC and it's just too weak for edition such images
S2 licensed
Ok guys, three skins above seems to be ready and uploaded to LFSW. I will update files if something will need to be changed. Feel free to test it...

XFG Lancia Delta S4: Skinfile

RB4 Ford RS200: Skinfile

XRT Audi Quattro S1: Skinfile
S2 licensed
Quote from Stikyiky :nice skins mate.
keep up the good work and youll make a star out of yourself.
i loved the group B cars especcially the audi quattro s1.

Thank you Skin pack will be public when it will be finished
Rally Group B Legends Skin Pack
S2 licensed
Just few dirty shots from work at my Group B skin pack ...

Audi Quattro S1:

Ford RS200:

Lancia Delta S4 (slightly modifed):

Next skin will be Peugeot 205 Turbo T16 for XFR and MG Metro 6R4 for UFR...

Have fun
S2 licensed
Sweeeeet! Thanks guys - it works!!! I'm happy, even if it is only for off-line racing
S2 licensed
That's sad - I like old-school gearing in Formulas...

Thanks for reply Flame
G25's H-shifter and FBM
S2 licensed
Is there way to use H-shifter with FBM?
S2 licensed
Quote from michele0676 :Ivlo really thanks mate.
I update mono to 1.9.1 using your link and now Airio work fine.

If u pass from Italy, near Siena, call me. There is a good coffee for u.

Happy to help mate I will keep your call in my mind