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Announcements Thread
S2 licensed
Hey, happy to see you all here
For more info and all your questions please use this thread:
And please don't forget to check your private messages on this forum!
S2 licensed
@Mosseman: Sure, but don't forget to ask EQ Worry for the password

@Roccivic: We can change a day for event in future
S2 licensed
Quote from ludde976 :i can´t on mondays :/ so i will not be there if u don´t change day ;(

We can change a day - is not a problem, but we need to make few events in different days to decide which one is better
Last edited by lvlo, .
S2 licensed
Quote from FiXeR_nl :Can you make a Logitech G25 work under Ubuntu with Wine for LFS?

I just don't have G25. But you can take a look here for some info.
Demo Rally Team Races - Announcements
S2 licensed
Hi there! I'm glad to say that Weekly-AA-Team-Rally-Races start from Monday (15th December).

Place and date:

Server: [url="lfs://|%5BAA%5D+AirAttack+Rally|0|S2"][AA] AirAttack Rally[/url]
Track: Blackwood Rally (BL2)
Cars: XFG, XRG
Day: Undefined
Time: 20:00 UTC [that is 20:00 WET (London), 21:00 CET (Paris), 22:00 EET (Riga)...]

It's always good to login on server 5-10 min before the start of event

Each AA member has 1 invite to race.

Event order

XFG Party:
  • Qualification: 15 minutes
  • Race 1 (qualification order): 10 minutes + 1 lap
  • Race 2 (reverse order of race 1): 10 minutes + 1 lap
> Short break <

XRG Party:
  • Qualification: 15 minutes
  • Race 1 (qualification order): 10 minutes + 1 lap
  • Race 2 (reverse order of race 1): 10 minutes + 1 lap
  • no pit stop required
  • rejoin to race possible only on 1 lap (if accident)
  • reset car is not allowed anymore
Forum threads:
  • Results and replays: [url][/url]
  • Screenshots: [url][/url]
PS: if you have troubles to find server in List Of Hosts, [url=""]you can create shortcut[/url] (HOST="[AA] AirAttack Rally" (without quotes), PASS you already know) on your desktop which will run game and connect it to [AA] AirAttack Rally server or use [url=""]Join2LFS[/url] link in beginning of this post.

See you there
Last edited by lvlo, . Reason : Join2LFS link added. Rules were changed
S2 licensed
Quote from Victor :Moved thread to proper section and added a link to this thread in the original Join2LFS thread
Will add it to the manual as well.


Thank you
How to: make Join2LFS links work in Ubuntu
S2 licensed
Here is a simple guide to make Join2LFS links work in Ubuntu (Gnome).

1. Download Join2LFS here and extract file "Join2LFS.exe" to your LFS folder.

2. Launch Gnome Terminal and run few simple commands:
sudo gedit /usr/bin/

Put this script there (please don't forget to replace PATH_TO_LFS with your full path to LFS folder):
WINEDEBUG=-all wine Join2LFS.exe "$@"

Save script, close Gedit and run:
sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/

3. Firefox Browser (why this way):

In Gnome Terminal window run next 3 commands:
gconftool-2 -t string -s /desktop/gnome/url-handlers/lfs/command " %s"

gconftool-2 -t bool -s /desktop/gnome/url-handlers/lfs/enabled true

gconftool-2 -t bool -s /desktop/gnome/url-handlers/lfs/needs_terminal false

Launch Firefox -> go to LFS World -> choose a server you want to login and click on lfs link () -> in "Launch Application" window choose "" and check in "Remember my choice for lfs links" then of cause click OK Voila!

4. Opera Browser:

Launch Opera browser -> Tools -> Preferences -> Advanced -> Programs -> click "Add.." -> type "lfs" (without quotes) in "Protocol" line -> type "" (without quotes) in "Open with other application" line -> Ok

5. Epiphany Browser (with Gecko rendering engine):

Open Gnome Terminal and run:
sudo gedit /etc/gnome/epiphany/default-prefs.js

in the end of file add next lines:
pref("network.protocol-handler.external.lfs", true);
pref("network.protocol-handler.warn-external.lfs", false);
pref("", "");

Save and close Gedit. Don't forget to restart Epiphany.

Nota Bene 1: if you have problem to type and see messages in LFS on your native language, add LC_ALL variable to script file. For example in my case (russian locale which Windows uses) script will looks like:
cd /home/lvlo/Applications/LFS_S2
WINEDEBUG=-all [B]LC_ALL=ru_RU.CP1251[/B] wine Join2LFS.exe "$@"

Nota Bene 2: if you want to close you browser after LFS start, install wmctrl package by this command:
sudo apt-get install wmctrl

and add to the end of file next lines:
while sleep 5
if [ $(ps -A | grep LFS.exe | grep -v ps | grep -v Join2LFS.exe | wc -l) = 1 ]
wmctrl -c "Firefox"
wmctrl -c "Opera"
wmctrl -c "LFS Desktop"
exit 0
exit 0

Good luck and thank you for your time
Last edited by lvlo, . Reason : Method changed to be more universal. Opera browser added. Epiphany browser added. Options added. Close browser script updated.
S2 licensed
Quote from Victor :do you mean the remote loads the host fine with FireFox there?


UPD: I don't think it's a bug of LFS Remote. I think it's a bug of Flash Player, cause for example, when I try use LFS Remote on my PowerBook G4 (Not so old PPC Macintosh) - it doesn't work: all I see - is empty grey page. But maybe there is some workaround for small problems like this?
Last edited by lvlo, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Victor :Did you open that window via lfsworld directly? Or did you copy paste the url?
If the latter, was the url "" ?

Is it possible to read the source of that page with the Remote in it? (and if so, paste or attach it here)

I copy and pasted url but link was "" - " #2"

Sorry, I can't get the source from Wine's IE (it's very basic browser), but I've installed Firefox for Windows in Wine and there isn't any problem with those links. I've got source of page from there.
Last edited by lvlo, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Victor :look at that hostname that it tries to connect to. I'm afraid that's not a remote bug, it looks more like a Ubunty / Firefox / Flash implementation bug, so I cannot help there I'm afraid.
I think the same will be the case for the passwords.

It looks like a problem with encoding inside Flash 10 for Linux. Maybe there is a way to normalize link inside Flash?

Update: I've tried links in Wine's (Windows API for Linux) Internet Explorer - and I've got the same problem. See screenshot.

Last edited by lvlo, .
2 bugs in LFS Remote on Ubuntu with Firefox 3.04
S2 licensed
First bug: links like "" dont't work. See screenshot for details.

Second bug: sometimes I can't enter to any server - I've got "Invalid password" message even if I did not type any password there.

Ubuntu 8.10 i396
Firefox 3.04
Adobe Flash Player 10

Thank you for your time
Last edited by lvlo, .
S2 licensed
Forgot about myself

[AA] name: [AA] lvlo
LFS Licence: S2
Time zone: +3
Location: Moscow, Russia
Preferred day of week and time for the event: Monday evening - it will make Monday much better
AirAttack Rally Team Races
S2 licensed
Update: Thread For Announcements And Questions.


Hi there! This message is intended for members of AA racing team. The dictionary says that word "team" means "a number of persons associated together in work or activity". So, (lets kill Batman) lets do an event for all of us! The main idea is to get together once at week on an AA server and to have fun racing. Not all of us have S2 license, so the server will be in demo mode and it will be BL2 race (in future we can add BL1 race, for example one week it will be Rally and the next Grand Prix).

The event includes 2 parts: First part is only XFG, the second only XRG. If you don't like to drive XRG, take the event as an opportunity to try the car, it is really nice. Each part consists of qualification (10 to 15 mins) and two races (10 mins plus 1 lap each, no pit stop required, second race starts with revesed results of the first - just like on AA2 Rally server). No crashers and newcomers - only members of AA team and pure fun of race. Actually I only know a half of the team, so this event may be a good opportunity to say "Hello" to each other.


Track: Blackwood Rally (BL2)

2 parts: XFG and XRG only races

Each part includes: 10-15 min qualification -> 2 races 10 mins plus 1 lap each (no pit stop required, second race starts with reversed grid).

Next event will be in reversed car's type: XRG first, then XFG.

Event will take about 1.5 hours, during that time the server will be private.

The winner should kill Batman


All basic rules that you already know apply: Decent racing, respect to other racers, respect blue and yellow flag, observe speed limit in pits, mind overtaking/blocking rules, etc...

No restart voting during the race (race can be restarted only if during the start there is an accident and more than 30% of drivers are involved).

One car reset allowed, but for a drive-through penalty. Second car reset means spectating.

During the race please do not chat - you can always say "Sorry" or whatever you want to say after the race - keep it clean.

If you take part in the event you automatically agree to the rules.

To make this event real we need some information about you:

[AA] name:
LFS Licence:
Time zone:
Preferred day of week and time for the event:

Post your answers right here.

Thank you for your time

PS: Batman must die anyway.
Last edited by lvlo, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Flame CZE :They will be much better without that interface (press shift+f).

I did it for fun, so I didn't worry about a quality. Next time I'll keep it in mind
S2 licensed
Quote from Flame CZE :I like those fresh 404's but they need a little more AA.

I updated links. Sorry there
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Quote from Furiously-Fast :Hah, AA is cursed!

Now we are Alien's Attack!
Invisible alien :)
S2 licensed
Their are here!