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S2 licensed
such a good AA-Porn! Huge thanks mate

btw, you are Team Champion
28th January 2009
S2 licensed
Date: 28th January 2009

XFG Party

Race 1
  1. [AA] Sam
  2. [AA] Boost
  3. [AA] Woox
  4. [AA] Gelin
  5. TTR | Ezon
  6. [AA] lvlo
  7. [AA] Duffis
  8. [AA] Hixxie

>> JoRuss
joined to race

Race 2
  1. [AA] Boost - best race lap - 1.08.57
  2. [AA] Gelin
  3. [AA] Woox
  4. TTR | Ezon

  5. [AA] Sam
  6. [AA] Duffis
  7. [AA] Hixxie

  8. [AA] lvlo
  9. JoRuss

>> [AA] ARI joined to race

XRG Party

Race 1
  1. [AA] Woox - best race lap - 1.09.23
  2. [AA] Boost
  3. TTR | Ezon

  4. [AA] Duffis

  5. JoRuss
  6. [AA] lvlo
  7. [AA] Hixxie
  8. [AA] Sam
  9. [AA] Gelin
* [AA] ARI - fuel off

<< TTR | Ezon left race
>> [AA] EQ Worry joined to race

Race 2
  1. [AA] Boost
  2. [AA] Gelin

  3. [AA] lvlo

  4. [AA] Duffis

  5. [AA] Woox - best race lap - 1.09.35
  6. JoRuss
  7. [AA] Hixxie
  8. [AA] ARI
  9. [AA] EQ Worry
  10. [AA] Sam

Final Results
  1. [AA] Boost - 36 pt
  2. [AA] Woox - 26 pt
  3. [AA] Geln - 21 pt
  4. [AA] Duffis - 15 pt
  5. [AA] Sam - 15 pt
  6. TTR | Ezon - 15 pt
  7. [AA] lvlo - 13 pt
  8. [AA] Hixxie - 7 pt
  9. JoRuss - 7 pt
  10. [AA] ARI - 1 pt
  11. [AA] EQ Worry - 0 pt
[AA] Boost is current Team Champion
Last edited by lvlo, .
S2 licensed
Quote from ludde976 :i have bought s2 now

Congratulations mate
S2 licensed
@ Duffis: Haha I think you need to read first post carefully one more time mate. You define dates by your selfs - not me, I just gave the edges.

@ JoRuss: Wow! I'm impressed Jo, really great idea I'm not sure about intake restriction cause we will have practice sessions eventually and "joker lap" will make big sense as randomized factor.

Ladies and gentlemen! We have first race I will post taken tracks in 1 post. Order list and dates we will define when will take all your ideas.
S2 licensed
yeah - another glue for team
Haha :)
S2 licensed
Hey James

Yes, it will be what you thought about - with all necessary stuff. Points system may be a little extended - good lap points will be included too. And not-so-in-house cause guests are important part too.

It will be very funny if this Series will win not AirAattack member

"All Around The World" S2 Team Series
S2 licensed
Hi there

We have Rally-Weekly-Demo-Races and I think all who was there have found that racing with team members or just good drivers is great fun.

More than half of us has S2 license and probably each member has favorite track/car or wish to make a race. So, lets share our experience to each other and combine all it into one Team Series. Also this can helps to learn new tracks and cars

Why "All Around The World"? Well, [STRIKE OUT]AirAttack conquered the whole World![/STRIKE OUT] we have members in USA, Europe, UK, Australia, New Zealand, etc and I thought that it will be nice if we can use our locations somehow.

To make it possible each member has to go through 4 simple steps:
  • choose track and car for 1 race in Series
  • give a name for event which must contain his location
  • define special rules if needed: race length, pit stops, restrictions and other stuff
  • post results here
Simple example:

Quote :
Name: [AA] Woox
Race: UFO hurry-scurry in London
Track: South City Sprint 1 (SO2)
Car: FZ50 GTR (FZR)
Rules: Standard

Please, don't double tracks, even with different cars. Taken tracks: BL2R

Standard race (can be changed):
  • 15 min qualification
  • 2 races 15 min plus 1 lap each (20 minutes is a maximum), normal and reversed start grid
  • no pit stop required
One race in a week or two (with practice sessions before the race): no strict day, event can be +-2 days around Monday.

Each member has 1 invite: you can call a friend or just good driver to race. If you have nobody to call - you can give your invite to other member.

We have around 20 S2 licensed members = 20 races. Close to the Series' end there may be 2 races for Demo racers (BL1, BL2). Series starts at spring - you have some time to think.

And last thing - we will make this Series together
Last edited by lvlo, .
21st January 2009
S2 licensed
Date: 21st January 2009

XFG Party

Race 1
  1. [AA] Gelin
  2. [AA] Woox
  3. [AA] DriverGR
  4. [AA] Sam - best race lap - 1.08.72
  5. [AA] lvlo

Race 2
  1. [AA] lvlo
  2. [AA] Woox
  3. [AA] Gelin - best race lap - 1.08.73
  4. [AA] DriverGR

  5. [AA] Sam
<< [AA] DriverGR left race
>> [AA] ARI joined to race

XRG Party

Race 1
  1. [AA] Gelin
  2. [AA] ARI - best race lap - 1.09.16
  3. [AA] Woox
  4. [AA] lvlo

  5. [AA] Sam

Race 2
  1. [AA] ARI - best race lap - 1.09.07
  2. [AA] Woox
  3. [AA] Gelin

  4. [AA] lvlo

  5. [AA] Sam
Final Results
  1. [AA] Gelin - 32 pt
  2. [AA] Woox - 30 pt
  3. [AA] lvlo - 24 pt
  4. [AA] ARI - 18 pt
  5. [AA] Sam - 17 pt
  6. [AA] DriverGR - 11 pt
Well, [AA] Gelin is current Team Champion
Last edited by lvlo, .
S2 licensed
Well, skin for XRR is ready Check your private messages.
Last edited by lvlo, .
S2 licensed
Just test skin for XRR (not fully complete) to be sure that I didn't lost "BMW" art line. Tell me, what do you think?
Last edited by lvlo, .
14th January 2009
S2 licensed
Date: 14th January 2009

XFG Party

Race 1 (that was a real battle for all)
  1. [AA] Boost
  2. [AA] ARI - best race lap - 1.08.76
  3. [AA] Max - best race lap - 1.08.76
  4. [AA] Woox - best race lap - 1.08.76
  5. [AA] Gelin

  6. [AA] Duffis
  7. [AA] lvlo

Race 2
  1. [AA] Woox
  2. [AA] Boost - best race lap - 1.08.47
  3. [AA] ARI
  4. [AA] Duffis

  5. [AA] Gelin
  6. [AA] Max
  7. [AA] lvlo

XRG Party

Race 1
  1. [AA] ARI - best race lap - 1.09.18
  2. [AA] Woox
  3. [AA] Gelin
  4. [AA] Boost

  5. [AA] Max

  6. [AA] lvlo
  7. [AA] Duffis

Race 2
  1. [AA] ARI - best race lap - 1.09.22
  2. [AA] Woox
  3. [AA] Gelin

  4. [AA] Boost

  5. [AA] lvlo
* [AA] Max - lost connection
* [AA] Duffis
- an accident

Final Results
  1. [AA] ARI - 34 pt
  2. [AA] Woox - 31 pt
  3. [AA] Boost - 28 pt
  4. [AA] Gelin - 20 pt
  5. [AA] Max - 13 pt
  6. [AA] lvlo - 11 pt
  7. [AA] Duffis - 10 pt
[AA] ARI is current Team Champion
S2 licensed
Quote from Danny LFS :If I send you the skin, but with my name on it, will you upload it to LFSW for me please?

My answer is no. But you can try your luck here.
XFR Falck
S2 licensed
Well, XFR is ready
Last edited by lvlo, . Reason : some bugs resolved
S2 licensed
I will make XFR skin for testing
Lancia Delta S4
S2 licensed
Here is Lancia Delta S4 skin for XFG. Feel free to use and modify

UPD: skin is uploaded to LFSW.
Last edited by lvlo, .
McLaren MP4-5
S2 licensed
Here is McLaren MP4-5 skin. Feel free to use and modify
Last edited by lvlo, .
7th January 2009
S2 licensed
Date: 7th January 2009

XFG Party

Race 1
  1. [AA] ARI - best race lap - 1.08.59
  2. [AA] Max
  3. [AA] Sam
  4. [AA] P33K

  5. [AA] EQ Worry

  6. [AA] Gellin
  7. [AA] lvlo

Race 2
  1. [AA] P33K
  2. [AA] ARI
  3. [AA] Sam - best race lap - 1.08.68
  4. [AA] Gelin

  5. [AA] Max
  6. [AA] EQ Worry
  7. [AA] lvlo

<< [AA] P33K left race
>> JoRuss joined race

XRG Party

Race 1
  1. [AA] ARI - best race lap - 1.08.96
  2. [AA] Max
  3. [AA] Gelin
  4. [AA] lvlo

  5. JoRuss
  6. [AA] Sam
  7. [AA] EQ Worry

Race 2
  1. [AA] ARI - best race lap - 1.09.37
  2. [AA] Gelin
  3. [AA] Max
  4. [AA] lvlo

  5. [AA] EQ Worry
  6. [AA] Sam
  7. JoRuss

Final Results
  1. [AA] ARI - 38 pt
  2. [AA] Max - 26 pt
  3. [AA] Gelin - 22 pt
  4. [AA] Sam - 18 pt
  5. [AA] P33K - 15 pt
  6. [AA] lvlo - 14 pt
  7. [AA] EQ Worry - 13 pt
  8. [AA] JoRuss - 6 pt
[AA] ARI is current Team Champion
Last edited by lvlo, .
S2 licensed
6 January 2009: Rules were changed!

See first post for details.
Last edited by lvlo, .
S2 licensed
Quote from JasonJ :Hmm sorry, I tried it to, used no quotes and the spaces were accepted.
lfs /join=[xxx] XXXXXXX XXX

worked - sry

I've found the simplest solution: use "^" symbol before special characters.

S2 licensed
Quote from JasonJ :It's the space that requires the " ... " quotes I believe.
Good find otherwise.

I've tried quotes but LFS gave me error "Invalid parameter".
Demo Rally Team Races - Results
S2 licensed
Team Rally Champions:

- [AA] ARI
- [AA] Boost
- [AA] Mosseman
- [AA] Gelin
- [AA] Turbonetics


Date: 22nd December 2008

XFG Party

Race 1
  1. [AA] Mosseman
  2. [AA] Max - best race lap - 1.08.54
  3. [AA] Ludde
  4. JoRuss
  5. [AA] Duffis
  6. [AA] lvlo
  7. [AA] Woox - lost connection on lap 7

Race 2
  1. [AA] Mosseman - best race lap - 1.08.54
  2. [AA] Duffis
  3. [AA] lvlo
  4. JoRuss
  5. [AA] Max
  6. [AA] Ludde
* [AA] Woox - didn't race

XRG Party

Race 1
  1. [AA] Max - best race lap - 1.09.53
  2. [AA] Mosseman
  3. [AA] Woox
  4. JoRuss
  5. [AA] Duffis
  6. [AA] lvlo
* [AA] Ludde - didn't race

Race 2
  1. [AA] Max - best race lap - 1.09.23
  2. [AA] Mosseman
  3. [AA] Woox
  4. JoRuss
  5. [AA] Duffis - lost connection on lap 6
* [AA] Ludde - didn't race
* [AA] lvlo - accident

Final Results
  1. [AA] Mosseman - 36 pt
  2. [AA] Max - 32 pt
  3. JoRuss - 20 pt
  4. [AA] Duffis - 20 pt
  5. [AA] Woox - 14 pt
  6. [AA] lvlo - 12 pt
  7. [AA] Ludde - 9 pt
[AA] Mosseman is current Team Champion

PS: Sorry for some troubles with start grid.
Last edited by lvlo, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Ant0niS :You didn't get my question

I run a local server through Dedicated host z3
I create a shortcut like the example and i type in host, my local ip
and in pass, my servers password

Then double click shortcut, the lfs running and trying to find the server at Internet session and not at Local (Of course it didn't find my server)

I know that i can connect manual, but i was wondering if i can do it through an edited shortcut like above

There is no way to to this by shortcut mate

There is a command which connect game to local server:

but you can use it only in entry screen of LFS or you can create a script like this:
// Connect to local Party

mp [B]HOST_IP[/B] [B]PORT[/B]

save it to \data\script folder with name SCRIPT_NAME.lfs and run it in entry screen of LFS:

BAD NEWS: by this way you can't set password to take your admin rights on server. But if you use "Password" entry only for your local server - you will not have any problem.

I have the same English like you

Merry Christmas
S2 licensed
Quote from Marco1 :Can i let run LFS.Dedi with these emulator?

PS: got linux since today :P

Yes. I run 2 LFS servers with Ubuntu 8.10 and Wine 1.01.
More info here:
Last edited by lvlo, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Flame CZE :It's not required. I entered a server name with coloured clasically and it connected.

Nice idea!

Well, it required for me in case with " #4". I think the reason is special symbols like '#".
How to: create shortcuts for your favorive servers.
S2 licensed
Method I: without Join2LFS.

Live For Speed has some nice command line options those you can use as well. For example, to make desktop shortcuts for your favorite servers in intetnet. Just launch it and game will run and connect to server you want.


1. Create shortcut for LFS.exe and put it anywhere you want.

2. Right click on shortcut -> Properties -> Shortcut tab -> in "Target" line after quotes add: /join=HOST /pass=PASS (where HOST - server name and PASS - password if it needed). The whole line will be look like (if LFS intalled in C:\Program Files\LFS\):
"C:\Program Files\LFS\LFS.exe" /join=[B]HOST[/B]

with password option:
"C:\Program Files\LFS\LFS.exe" /join=[B]HOST[/B] /pass=[B]PASS[/B]

Click "Apply" -> "Ok" and run the shortcut.

(the same about password option):

Right click on Desktop -> Create Launcher... -> Choose "Application" -> fill the "Command" line with this line (PATH_TO_LFS is full path to LFS folder):
sh -c 'cd [B]PATH_TO_LFS[/B] && wine LFS.exe /join=[B]HOST[/B] /pass=[B]PASS[/B]'

Click "OK" and run it. Voila!

PS: if server name contains special characters and LFS gives you error "Host not found on master server" (and you sure that name is right) use "^" symbol before special characters. For example: " #4" will looks like " ^#4".

Method II: with Join2LFS.

Join2LFS is a good choice because probably you will not have problems with server's names and it saves passwords.


Do Join2LFS links work system wide? If somebody test it - I'll update this guide.


1. Follow this guide and setup Join2LFS for Firefox browser (actually it's system wide method).

2. Right mouse click on Desktop -> Create Launcher... -> Choose "Location" -> Find your favorite server on and copy Join2LFS link () -> Paste your link in "Location" line -> Click "OK" and run it.

All Systems (tested with Firefox):
And of cause you can use Bookmarks of your favorite browser: just find server's Join2LFS link -> right mouse click on it -> Bookmark This Link -> Done!

Thank you for your time
Last edited by lvlo, .