I made these light sets some time ago, and thought I'd publish them just in case someone happens to like them. They're my first .dds mods, and i must say I like them quite a lot, especially the set 2. I submitted to the LFSdb too, but for some reason they're not appearing (it's been almost a week).
Lights1 on the left, lights2 on the right.
No comments on my Dreamsicle? Hmm.. Let's try another one.
I made this soon after I saw the Kstyle's super awesome FZ50 for Cobra. Also my first skin with pearlescent paint effect, or whatever it's called. Rearlights by Huru-Aito, uploaded to LFSworld.
Great skins, lukasauno, and sweet screenies!
Even though the rising sun paintjob has probably been done millions of times, here's my rendition of it. Also my first XRT skin. Free to use, but not to edit. Credit for the bodykit goes for Chris Cummins. Uploaded to LFSworld.
Hello everyone, a new member introducing himself! Just got my S2 lisence, and can now test, show and share my skins that I painted with the help of CMX viewer. My skins are, at least for now, more of street/drift skins than racing, as I like the plain look more than the car completely covered with decals.