not really. friend of mine is shooting with linhof technikardan and has only film back but it produces beautiful photos you can't even imagine and with medium format cameras theres no problem to print 2metres wide photo. but yes, there aren't so many photographers still using a film...besides, I bet that if you like photography you'll enjoy it!
12-14kg is perhaps enough for someone who never trained before and is 15 years old, it's fine. Everyone has to start somehow.
But it's definitely not weight you get stuck on. Regularexcersise with regularbreaks to give your body rest, regularweight rises and good food (you should even sleep with rice) can make you grow pretty fast.
this thread was one of few why I like to visit this forum so I hope after pages of shit just because iphone can't play flash and e-penis needs to be grown, now only funnies will be here