28... born in Poland, came to America when I was 8. Left when we were still under Russian communism in 1998.
I've been in school since I was 5 so 23 years :vomit:
Studying chemistry, currently have a masters. Should have a PhD within 2 years. I want to be a college professor to start out. Currently I work for an environmental agency as an analytical chemist.
you make a lot of sense and I understand where you are coming from. I just don't see how me working very hard to become where I want to be is a bad thing either.
Hell yeah, I'm stressed out that I'm 200k in student debt. You don't know the feeling. I just see the outcome of it all, and hopefully it all pays off.
I don't want to get into a debate why Iraq was good or bad. I simply don't know much on that topic. But I love how everything strays through missquotes.
I'm not republican. I'm independant. Don't generalize me with the rest of the hate mongrels.
I've been called more names in this thread than in my whole life LOL
You have no idea why the world is in a financial crisis do you. Start with mortgages that people couldn't afford, brought to you by the democrats. CHANGE. Because they wanted everyone to be able to afford a home, too bad they couldn't make the payments because they couldn't afford it. People need to learn to live within their means. Hence I rent not own.
My debt isn't the problem. Giving out loans so people can study is a bad thing?
Being attacked by everyone sucks right now. But I'm just voicing my beliefs.
That's a good answer.
I have health insurance through my employer, which is a top priority of mine, unlike a lot of people in america which don't give a sh!t. I pay a lot of my paycheck so I have health insurance. I don't get your post though, is it wrong for me to have a dream to be successful?
How many of those have been by suicide bombers? That's a pretty low figure to 7 years of "occupation." Even though we are training an iraqi army and trying to build a democratic state in iraq.
lol i'm the nicest guy I know. I have 2 brothers, shared clothes/toys/everything.
you guys have to stop taking things out of context. i'm not selfish. i'm capitalist. I take a lot of risks, I'm 200k in school debt right now. Do you want me to stand there and let somebody not motivated take what I have earned rightfully so? Capitalism. I pay taxes, as most people. I just don't see why I should spread my wealth when I give up so much to acquire it.
So, you want what people earned through sweat and tears handed in your lap? News flash, it ain't easy being successful. It's a tough world out there bro. Gotta earn your living.
I can never say it was a good war. But I can assume that Saddam was harboring terrorists. It's a pretty fair assumption also, whatever your view on the war may be. I know Bush was corrupt, I am not a fan of what he did. So, when was the last terrorist strike compared to a few years ago? I don't remember any Al Queda strikes in the recent past. Although, I can recall a sh!t load of them in the distant past. Resemble a correlation?
Google barry soetoro... you're not the mister know it all, are you?
I've been working full time since I was 15. Yea, I couldn't go out and party all the time with my friends but I made that sacrifice. Paid myself through school. Currently in debt 200k+ with student loans. If I can do, anyone can. But instead they choose to get high or whatever. I didn't let my parents contribute anything to my education as I saw the hardship they've endured to bring me to America. Some people are just lazy.
Is it his fault that his family had determination? No one is admired. Anyone can do it, even you.
Anyone can escape poverty. My parents came to america with 3 kids and no money. My dad has been working 15 hour days for the last 20 years. My mom works 48 hours. They live comfortably through hard work.
And no need to be a grammar nazi, oh well I misspelled a word on a forum, big deal.
All politics are corrupt. No denying that. Even your man Obama is receiving perks as we speak.
Don't patronize soldiers that died for their country. They joined the armed forces with the knowledge of self sacrifice. I have a lot of friends that have fought in Iraq and are damned proud of their service. Fight on terror isn't conventional warfare. Yeah, it's been drawn out but you can't deny the positive of "allies" being in Iraq/Afganistanm probably saved hundreds of innocent lives already as many terrorist acts have been put to rest because of "our" occupation.
That is called capitalism. Something I'm very proud of here in America. Someone in his life made a lot of sacrifices to bring the business up. With enough determination, anyone can do it. You can't blame Tristan that his forefathers worked very hard to be where they are at now. I admire that.
I come from a middle class family. I am putting myself through college and so is my GF, we both will have doctorite degrees in the near future. I am working my ass off to become successful, you have no idea (school 24/7 and a full time job). And I don't see how people sit on their asses and feed off of the gov't.
One of the main reasons why I'm anti Obama, socializing isn't solving, it's enabling people to be lazy.
First, I'd like to applaud everyone for not personally attacking others. First and foremost, were all here because we share a love for LFS.
It's not that he's muslim, it's the fact that he totally denied ever being muslim. Although, and I'm speaking out of ignorance as I don't know too many muslims. But they have been given a very bad rep after 9/11.
Politics are corrupt, even Obama, just facts of life I guess.