That is all the snow you have? That is what the government means with 'dont go out there!'? We got the same amount but apparently we are not important enough.. pff
Do you really have to mine for your stuff or do you get it with some kind of command (/give)? If I have to mine all my resources, I am not buying it and staying at SP.
New snow has arrived today! so I made a pretty big snowman and when I turned around, there was more snow to play with. It was already 22:00 then and I was soaking wet, so I went inside.
I followed everything in the last posts and to be honest, I don't think it is going to work out. I had the same with my ex. Yes EX, so you can see it went wrong . She also said 'take it slow', well.. I became fed up with 'slow' because 'SLOW' meant 'watch out, you are driving on ice with your car on summer tires with no profile and so you don't make any progress.. but! I still love you'. So that did it.. I sense the same at your .. thingie klutch. I don't mean to discourage you or anything but please think about it and be honest with yourself. I thought I had her too, but I didn't (well, not yours obviously but mine ).
I do wish you the best of luck of course, but I don't like to see women "play" men (and the other way around naturally).
You should see the roads I drive on and in what conditions, you will really say 'oh,,, but that is OK. Go ahead'. There are no people on the road when I drive because it is really early. Also, I know my car. How it handles on slippery roads and everything. I know what it is capable of and what I am capable of. I am also not a reckless driver and don't consider the road a racetrack.