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Quote from Töki (HUN) :My TDS (worst diesel BMW engine ever made) had 450k when I sold it. My 20d has 255k now, but it's like new. Either I'm just lucky or it's all about maintenance.

20d is also a diesel? Mine is not Just petrol.
S2 licensed
My BMW has 315k KMs driven already xD
S2 licensed
Quote from Sobis :It's been snowing the whole day now here in Joniškis, northern Lithuania.

BTW nice avatar Crashgate3 ... Yes yes, I know, I copyed it but meh!

Whilst the day has just started, same here in North NL
S2 licensed
Quote from DevilDare :Yes, quite.

Nah but seriously. If this all ended with us breaking up "normally", then I would definitely be feeling shit. But since I found out this, the "damn-o-meter" plummeted big time.

Shame on me for being fooled. I just feel sorry she has to live under such conditions that her parents decide everything for her. But she seems to be happy with it, so whatever.

Dunno if it is 'happiness' or acceptance. If you do something all the time it is considered normal. If someone got molested as a child all the time, they think it is normal, whilst it is not (yes, extreme case, but I hope it gets the point across)
S2 licensed
Quote from Klutch :only time they'll break is when theres friction, which allows it to pinch and tear
in which case

you're not pleasing her enough. badluck.

There was a lot of friction between me and my ex, but the condom never broke.
S2 licensed
Quote from Whiskey :Why is it that in all of those pictures that show how a word is said the same in every language but one, at least one language is completly wrong?

In this picture:
It is ananas in almost any country, pineapple in English and piña in Spanish. Which is equally weird

I recall some othe picture with the word cinema, in that ocasion the mistaken language was Estonian, or Finish (something in north/East Europe). And I'm sure there are a fe more examples.

Cinema was the one where they mocked the germans iirc. Kino is the german word. However, in dutch it is "Bioscoop". So that word has already two very different words and, if I can take your reply in consideration, the n/e europeans have another word for it.. so yea,, that one doesn't fit
S2 licensed
New english subs of ID Stage 5 out in 48 hours
S2 licensed
Quote from MAGGOT :Yes, because everyone loves to date someone who's controlling. That was stupid. Never, ever tell the person you're with that they can't be friends with someone. If you're that worried about them, then there are bigger issues. Either you don't trust them, or you honestly think they'd rather be with someone else.

If you don't trust them, then it's your problem, you deal with it. If they'd rather be with someone else, then let them be with someone else. Don't be a douche.

That should have been the first commandment: "Thou shalt not be a douche."

I didn't mean to go and say "YOU! I DON'T WANT YOU TO SEE HIM OR ELSE I'LL KILL YOU!". I meant to go and say something along the lines of "I'd rather not have that you see him, because I feel <your feelings>" Keep it nice but state what you want or do not want or what you have problems with.

A relationship is about supporting and helping each other, not keeping shit to yourselves and become an emotional wreck.
S2 licensed
Quote from Scrabby :Maybe he wants to take it easy....

And I feel so stupid right now. We talked and I said "And i was just afraid that after this you wouldn't like me anymore or think different of me..." She said I shouldn't worry about it because she's not like that. After that we just continued the chat as normal. Few hours later i said goodnight and went to bed but couldn't sleep and she saw i was on fb a few times and said this to me: sleeeeeep and we chatted some more....

But i keep feeling annoyed by it and keep thinking she doesn't like me anymore. And i think if i keep saying sorry it will eventually annoy her allot. Haven't heard from her since yesterday so i'm not sure what to do... Just wait untill she gets back at me....?

And she also said if i have other problems i'm bothering with i should talk to her and Andy (the guy who also was with us where she works for).

I do know she has allot of work editing photo's she took and maybe i shouldn't worry to much... But i just feel shit

Continue like you always have and talk about that other guy, which is obviously concerning you a lot as you keep talking about him. Ask her what the deal is with him and if you don't want her to see him anymore, tell her. She seems like the girl that understands and will do so if she really likes you.
S2 licensed
Quote from JJ72 :If the wing isn't that high the rear vision will probably be a lot worse on street, so I approve!

As Takumi (Initial D) would say: "is he planning to fly with that thing?"
S2 licensed
The thing about Dolan comics is that only half of the people like it. That is why there was a topic created specifically for that. Keep the Dolan out of here then if there is a topic specific for a certain topic.
S2 licensed
Only the face of that cat with the smile cracks me up XD Love it
S2 licensed
I want my snow back. I have just driven outside and,, well,, it is like summer here
S2 licensed
Quote from nikopdr :Just thought i'd share this here because E36 ... mbedded&v=ubGo6qLrhNk


on a more serious note, actually considering a 32x E36 next

That glove compartment thingie sometimes drives me crazy XD
S2 licensed
Snow is almost gone here already.
S2 licensed
It is not really a bad idea.
S2 licensed
Quote from Agniz :Probably the best reddit topic EVER. I recommend to read it all. ... fensive_oneliner_you_can/

some of least offensive

What do you call an Ethiopian with a dog? Vegetarian.

What's the difference between an onion and a hooker? I cry when I cut up an onion.

Also, how do you know your vegetable soup is done? The wheelchair floats up.

Q: What do you call an Alabama farmer with a sheep under each arm? A: A pimp.

What's Al Qaeda's favorite football team? The New York Jets.

How many feminists does it take to change a lightbulb?
Trick question! Feminists can't change anything!

I just loved "Whats the difference between Michael Phelps and Hitler? Phelps can finish a race."

If you are offended: good, that is the whole point of the jokes. Hence OFFENSIVE one-liners
S2 licensed
Quote from Chrisuu01 : ... FO-s570x610-78516-580.jpg

And wasn't there supposed to be a new initial d today?

Next two will be aired on the 14th of December
S2 licensed
Well, thank god they are reasonable in such a way that they can confront their government without resorting to violence!
S2 licensed
Quote from Matrixi :Ep 2 subbed:

If you want to keep up with the new subs IDF ( has a topic for ID5S

Quote from Sobis :LOL and what did he say?

Nothing xD He had no clue what it was.
S2 licensed
Quote from Matrixi :First episode already aired and is fansubbed, ep 2 should be airing today in Japan, raw propably out sometime tomorrow.


Yep and it was LEGEN--- wait for it! --- DARY! There is also another subbed version online on Vimeo (not actual subs but they tried to be funny. Like the 86 is being referred to as 'racecar').

I actually told my boss 'Sorry, ID EP1 is online gonna watch that'
S2 licensed
Quote from Scrabby :Stop posting that shit on Youtube! I don't have a problem with streetdrifting but people need to stop posting it everywhere...

Any germans interested in drifting here?

12-14 Oktober i'll be competing in the IDS series at Nurburgring!

Please tell me more :-) Nurburgring is probably closer than belgium for me anyways and I would love to see some serious drifting sometimes :-)
S2 licensed
Initial D Fifth Stage is coming out soon! :o 6 years after Fourth Stage came out So happy ^^
S2 licensed
Quote from Bose321 :Did it have those hellaugly borbets?

Dunno, didn't look at the wheels. Was a black blueish VW Golf MK5 or something.
S2 licensed
Quote from KiRmelius :I think any other lights than stock look ban on MK2.

There is a VW here that has tail lights that look like my BMW's. Looks pretty nice. They are those white indicator type ones (like in the photo and in e36mustangs photo)