Hello dear LFS Players,
we, Team 6th Gear Racing and Team Rock Racing would like to introduce you to another event we are planning.
The Main Facts:
- Length: 1h Qualifying ; 3h Race including driver changes
- Cars: FBM and 20% Restricted FOX
- Track: Custom Aston Configuration/Layout
A team will consist of 2 or 3 Drivers, each of them must be driving a minimum time of 1h.
The Event will be held on Two days; one day/evening for Qualifying and one day/evening for the actual race.
Date: Tuesday 9th August 2011, Qualifying Stat 18:00 GMT / 20:00 GMT+2
Wednesday 10th August 2011, Race Start at 18:00 GMT / 20:00 GMT+2
There is a maximum of 20 teams allowed; the teammates should not stay on the server all the time so we can prevent lags and overfilling.
We advise you to stick to the Clean Racers Club Rules
To sign up: copy and fill out this form in a reply to this post:
Clan/Team Name:
Usernames and racernames of the Drivers:
Desired Car Model:
Desired Car Number:
We also need A small amount of drivers that are familiar with driving a Safety Car and Tow Vehicle to assist during the race.
There might be changes done to the rules, the layout, intake restrictions, this post or any other part of the event during the progress of organization.