yep. I also want a timecode(s), thats just unfair, he's the only who got a DSQ, but there were more bad drivers on grid... Only cuz he left TRR or what?
Tahts a shame, man!
We're searching a webdesigner with some knowledge, if the resukts ok, payment is possible. Just write a PM to me with some infos about you!
Good english or German speaking is needed.
Session of Incident:
MPR Timecode -OR- UTC Time of Incident: dunno, 2 mins ago
Lap and Location of Incident: Second corner
Your Car Number: 78
Other Car(s) Involved: 33
Brief Description of Incident: when lapping us, pushing us off-line and almost into wall, causing us a lost of time.
Hello, I have a big problem with the Logitech Gaming Profiler. Everytime I'm trying to start the Profiler it says: This program is not Working anymore.
Please help me as fast as possible, because the 24h race is going on tomorrow. PLEASE
Und für die Deutschen, vllt. geht das Besser: ich hab den Profiler gestartet udnd ich bekomm jedesmal eine Meldung mit "das programm funktioniert nicht mehr" ich bin ziemlich mit den Nerven am Ende, da er gestern noch ohne probleme lief...