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S2 licensed
Quote from mkinnov8 :Upgrade to Z8, problem solved... Sometimes previous test patches are not compatable with more up to date ones..

I'm not an idiot, Please think before posting - The thread title is Test Patch Z8 - online compatible (no VW). Some people only update servers for this reason.
S2 licensed
I am currently on Z4 and Apparently its not online compatible:
S2 licensed
Hey james.

Sign into msn :P

What happens if you set one of them to 'stay on top' and click the other? :S
S2 licensed
Quote from wheel4hummer :But I thought people can "speak their mind". You should instead say that people can "speak as much of their mind as possible, but so long as they don't end up being abusive to anyone".

Quote from mathew4445 :[snip]

In a nutshell: If your are not mature enough to have a proper conversation with someone, Dont come here.

Nuff said.

S2 licensed
Quote from 5haz :I see you can talk about anything, have you ever seen Youtube comments?

You can go on any random video and they'll be a flame war about Iraq/ USA/ 911/ HAARP so on so forth, from my personal expierience thats what I think happens when you give people the freedom to talk about anything they want and open up any can 'o' worms.

Your target audience is a load of smartasses, everyone on the internet is a smartass (or a deluded idiot that thinks they are one).

I don't quite understand, you say things will be open and free and people will be allowed to say whatever they want, but you also say things will be heavily controlled and moderated to make sure people don't say naughty things? Sounds like a contradiction to me.

If you allow people to say whatever they want, forums will descend into total 'anarchy' with flame wars so on so forth, rather like Youtube, where some of the most mis-informed and disgusting comments are made, thats why forums have to be censored and rules by a gestapo of moderators, freedom of speech doesn't really work on a forum (although I have a feeling moderators often favour some people over others, no names mentioned. ).

I said don't be a smartass because he is trying to find a reason it wont work.

Alright 5haz, What if I put it like this.

Members on the forum are allowed to talk about whatever they please, although, the things I mentioned above such as Foul language, Racism ect. Will NOT be tolerated.

In a nutshell: If your are not mature enough to have a proper conversation with someone, Dont come here.

Nuff said.
Last edited by mathew4445, .
S2 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :Serious forum promotor is serious :hide:

You should be paying rent to freely advertise your forum!!

I should be paying rent to freely advertise the forum?

What do you mean by that?
S2 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :Serious forum creator is serious. :hide:

lol, Yessir, But I am not the creator
S2 licensed
Quote from flymike91 :Racism and discrimination are 'diverse visions' are they not allowed for discussion?

Racism and Discrimination are allowed to be discussed in the appropriate sections, Although, You are not allowed to be racist to or discriminate other people.

- Please don't be a smartass.
S2 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :Why don't you open it up like the LFSForums? If an unregistered user has a quick look only to find they're not able to see what kind of conversation goes on, they're unlikely to sign up - If they can see what's going on then they're more likely to sign up and become regular posters.

If they don't like what they see, then they won't register, so you lose nothing but "total registrations". And IMO, it's the active posting numbers that count.

What a great idea!

Thanks for your suggestion, although not all admins are online at this time so I cannot make that executive decision as of yet... it will be discussed and it is likely that some categories may be opened up for Guest View.

Quote from zeugnimod :Ok, then I ask you: what makes you think that "the community will expand into greater things" as you say in the first post? Because I haven't seen any reason in your posts in this thread why it should.

The power of positive thinking... everyone likes the ability to communicate with others around the world on various topics, many forums have subject specific content, the aspirations of this forum is to create a community that you can talk about anything, at the moment it is a project in the making.

Like all new adventures there is an element of the unknown... I am not saying it will expand to greater things... however it could and with more peoples contributions... the power of mass collaboration is endless.
Last edited by mathew4445, .
S2 licensed
Quote from pb32000 :It's always hard to receive a torrent of criticism for a project like this, but ultimately, this is your audience (in this case at least, as your desired user-base is highly unspecific), so if you want it to work, constructive criticism should be taken on board.

If nothing else, it'll be an insight into how hard it is to make these things work.

Our ultimate goal is to attract people from all backgrounds,

I accept constructive criticism, however I don't believe judgment should be made without sufficient evidence. Constructive criticism, helpful tips and information would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for your concern.

Note: The underlying basis of every forum is technically the same... its what the people can bring to the forum that makes the difference. Like it was stated -> we are not forcing you to join... just to share in the creation of a new project.
S2 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :I don't see what makes this forum stand out from the mass, tbh.

Everything is hidden from a guest view, when you sign up that is when you can see the conversation and the categories, Until then, Please don't post things like:

Oh it's just the same as every other forum.
S2 licensed
Quote from 5haz :How long before people get 'moderated' for speaking their minds?

What do you define as 'inapropriate matierial'?

The problem is that some people ideas of having a 'diverse opinion' is personally insulting and swearing at other people, but they think its ok because it's their 'diverse' opinion.

As long as there is no flaming, racism, discrimination of other members, no porn or abuse related topics and your posts are in the appropriate section... then you can say whatever you like.

We expect you to use your common sense.

The forum is designed to be accommodating of many topics, lifestyles, interests... and to offer an avenue to meet new people of different backgrounds.

As long as the members/readers/posters are tolerant of other views that may or may not be the same as their own, friendly debate is not a ban able offense.
Last edited by mathew4445, . Reason : More input.
S2 licensed
Quote from pb32000 :So basically it's just a loosely moderated forum?

I once had a similar idea, although mine was a web application concept rather than just a forum, but then I actually thought about it, and realised how pointless it would be

No, Your looking at it the wrong way. The forum will be heavily moderated to prevent spamming/inappropriate material.
S2 licensed
Remember, Porn is considered to be nude pictures. Bikini babes are fine :P

EDIT: Bladerunner, There's a section for spamming lol.
Diverse Visions - Speak your mind.
S2 licensed
Diverse Visions

So, What is Diverse Visions?
Diverse Visions is a new forum community looking for ideas.
I think it would be easier to explain with an example, Diverse Visions can become anything, at the moment it is a forum to speak your mind and talk to people from all over the world, and we are looking for idea on what to put on our website at

Why should I join?
No-one is going to make you join, but it will make you feel warm and fuzzy inside once the community expands into greater things, You will know you were there when it all started .

Our rules are the same as most forums,
Keep the spamming to a minimum and No pornographic material is allowed.
Although, You ARE allowed to post adult related topics, but please say so in your topic title -> to reiterate, no pornographic material. Topics may be subject to Admin Approval. Also, All material from other websites must contain the correct credits.

If you would like to join, please visit and hit register. And please be sure to read the Forum Rules and Guidelines

Last edited by mathew4445, .
S2 licensed
Just bumping up so everyone gets chance to see them :P
S2 licensed
Ill ask Crash if he can give us some high res ones
S2 licensed
Everything except for the last line : +1.

The last line: Peez off plz nub. no trk edit plz kthx
CrashDummy has gone professional!
S2 licensed

For those of you that know [SCR]CrashDummy. He has recently become a professional photographer!

Here is some of his work on the wonderfull Daydream Island.

^^^ Yep, He's wearing a dress.... Not to mention the bear costume.

Now, Let's all chuck stuff at him!
S2 licensed
Scawen. Everyone from Australia, ProRacingRoom, and OoCR love you.
S2 licensed
Quote from SamH :We try really hard to keep out of the test patch threads because Scawen has his way of dealing with them and we don't want to move out apparently numb posts that contain pertinent hints at bug explanations for Scawen. That said, I think even Bob was at the end of his tether the other day and yanked some really blatant rubbish out.

It is frustrating to sit and watch the crap accumulate, but yeah.. if ever Scawen got to the point where he REALLY was desperate or utterly pee'd off (an unlikely scenario, I reckon) he could shout the mods and we'd pile in and gladly sweep up

Oh em eff gee!!! I want your f'ing avatar -.-.

You can delete this after you read it.
S2 licensed
Email sent

It's allowed for Australians right?
S2 licensed
Ok before reading your post i want to say one thing.


EDIT: Wth? Location: Istanbul, Turkey???

S2 licensed
Back to the guy who asked what the S means in S1/S2.

It in fact means 'stage', Those who actaully bought the CD with S1 (patch 1.01E?) on it would know this, Yes i bought it ages ago.

Off Topic: Anyone got a link to the 2 movies that appeared on the LFS S1 CD? The Bank Robbery and Night Racing?

EDIT: After posting i realized i bumped this topic from april 2nd.

S2 licensed
Quote from mcgas001 :Great patch Scawen. I have a question: Did you have to swap the single player and multiplayer buttons around? I keep going into single player wondering where eveything is.

Lmao, Yep, Same.
Last edited by mathew4445, .