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S2 licensed
Ill do it if you need me to mate.

I can even host for about 10 peeps.
S2 licensed
aroX123 please go jump off a bridge, Your a 13 year old little spammer who cant be bother'd to see if he can actaully CORRECTLY write english.

(im no star myself)
S2 licensed
Quote from pine-fin :OT; While youre at it, would be cool if you emphasized the part 'say sorry with actions, not words'. Im sick and tired of those casual sorry messages. If someone makes a mistake, atleast they should write it instead of spamming binds

Oh my god! I feel exactly the same way! I ALWAYS type Sorry instead of pressing a bind and continuing on my way, Its just unfair if you press a bind, You dont lose anything by doing it.

People who do that should be shot, (I always kick them from the server if they do it more then once (Ban on the 3rd time))
S2 licensed
Quote from ajp71 :1. Silly and unrealistic, possible through InSim but not as an LFS option thanks.

I dont see how this is unrealistic? It happens IRL.

Could also happen after a series of races. eg. If 10 people are racing, 5 lap races, each race bottom 2 get spectated.
S2 licensed
Quote from avellis :May I also suggest:

- Passengers puking under excessive g-forces.

- Middle-finger to be used on cruise servers.

- Extend arm outside of window as a wave movement. And if there's a crash with another car, the arm could be cut off and lie on the track, while the driver bleeds and screams from pain.

Haha, In addition to the arm falling off, your view also goes fuzzy, and after a few laps your screen goes black, and you cannot pit/spectate rofl. Also when someone drives past your car, the driver is sitting there with no arm and his head on the wheel.
S2 licensed
Quote from UncleBenny :

Probably Monday or Tuesday.

Nah i think it will be released on a Saturday or Sunday, So we have more time to play with it.
Alot of ideas. Tell me your thoughts.
S2 licensed
I have number'd these so i can see your suggestions/opinions for each.

1. Another game mode would be interesting, For example a knockout mode, The last pos racer gets knocked out (from lap 2 onwards) untill 1 racer is remaining (This could be fun(Ofcourse if you crash out that means your prob gonna lose)).

2. Another suggestion is an option to save qualify times to a txt file.

3. The ability to see a last lap racing line (Like what is currently avaliable on the beta LFS Remote ( for those who havnt seen it).

4. Why is it that in my car. When i gun it and smoke up the tyres, as soon as i release the accelerator the car straightens up, But in lfs it just keeps sliding?

5. The speeds/track size in lfs dont 'feel' realistic like, Blackwood is 3.3km long, And the back straight would have to be atleast 1km of that, It takes a total of.. 20 seconds? 30 seconds maybe? (in the XFG(only going 150-160).

for example when traveling around the track at 100km/h (~60mph) it 'looks'(visually) slow at 100 FOV, Even though i dont use 100 fov, it would be default. Which is also way too far forward to see the mirrors, Even though thats what look left/right are for.

6. Cant believe im writing this one, ARCADE FTL. NEW QUALIFY/OnlineHotlap MODE: All cars are 'invncible' (You can drive through eachother). This would solve the fact people blocking the track while your trying to set a good time. Will also help me ban less people.

Ill add things as i remember them.
Last edited by mathew4445, .
S2 licensed
That makes doing burnouts all teh way down BL Pitlane fun , You have to TRY to spin teh wheels.

Why do i keep writing teh instead of the?
S2 licensed
Quote from Sketchyrollin564 :
... that we will see the little pit crew members actually clean the windsheild. Now THAT would be freaking cool...

Ok i couldnt resist!

You pull in for a pitstop and some noob coems flying through the pits and runs over your pitcrew. Now what? ROFL.
S2 licensed
Host your own? Its not hard. You only need 256kb's for 13 people...

People from aus would get 100-150.
S2 licensed
Why did you rent a UK Server? most aussies get 200+ms from em, I get 400 myself o.O
S2 licensed
I can't believe you call yourself Australian.

If you cant afford $57 for a game that you WANT TO PLAY (This is obvious because of this post) then you have some serious issues, Maybe you should get a job aye?

I'd rather play s2 anyday because there are less crasher ect. Please move yourself out of Australia THEN rant. kthxbai
S2 licensed
Quote from Glenn67 :I find people that put fu on there number plates much more offenssive than G25

Hehehe. Ever been into the ProRacingRoom#2 server? (demo) Us admin's there use [FU]namehere (ALL, Man, Too, ect..). Because alot of laggers/crashers get banned everyday. There is almost always an admin there.
Last edited by mathew4445, .
S2 licensed
That's your insim's problem.
Looking for a points system.
S2 licensed
Well, Im looking for a points system what operated in the following way.

It scores on position and saves it as a record, Like, For first you get 10 points, second 8, ect, And it saves it like it would for lapper (the !top) command, So everytime you type !top, it will show the people with the most pooints, aka, the people who have raced in your server the longest.

A big bonus to this would be a !toptimes command, so it displays the fastest laps on the server, I really hope this has been made
Personal FBM skin
S2 licensed
Hey, Im looking for someone to make me a personal FBM skin.

Any design will do, aslong as its Gold and Green and has my name on it (Matty).

Thanks =/
S2 licensed
Jesus Christ. There is no N20 in drag racing morons.

Maybe the idiots who do it on the street yea, But this is a sim aiming for realism, In professional drag races they DO NOT USE NOS.
S2 licensed
Quote from der butz :I'd go and ban the whole team "for life", then I'd take of vote-bans. These only allow idiots to be cruel and don't lead to anything good.


der butz

+1, Or atleast have them blacklisted, Or notify the team leader.
S2 licensed
The ? was a 'wtf?'

There are radios in LFS ?
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
May i ask why you care?

The human eye can only see ~30fps,
S2 licensed
This could be the reason you miss the start of races.

Page File: 453MB used, 270MB available

I'll edit in more when i finish reading the dxdiag.txt.

EDIT: Ok, I think your only problem is your RAM (aka, Page file). Your CPU should run LFS just fine. You should try running less programs, or upgrading your ram.

My computer can run LFS No problem with max settings. Check out the RAM ect (You need about a 1gig and a cpu over 2.2ghz to run LFS smoothly.
Last edited by mathew4445, .
S2 licensed
Can you add mutt107's avatar to the list?

S2 licensed
Offline would be your computer.

Try to avoid american servers online, Im using 256/56 aswell (Currently shaped to 64k -.-)

When playing on american servers, Theres no real difference from dial-up to 1500/256, I have tried both.

Dialup on aussie servers is fine, You will often find people in ProRacingRoom#1 (Ran by OoCR.Ninja) This is an aussie server.

Also look for servers with UNDER 100ms.

EDIT: 192mb ram. What the hell?

EDIT2: To help us out more, Go Start> Run> Type DXDIAG and press enter. Once the window comes up, Click save all information, and post it here.
S2 licensed
meh, one of my cars, (This is my worst looking actaully... =/)

I took this pic 15mins ago for the "Show your desktop" thread...

Eh, Teh desktop