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S2 licensed
Quote from Gunn :E5 was the last version with the original steering compensation. But it is not possible to unlock that version, so you'll have to be content with Blackwood only.

What do you expect me to drift... ? the RB4?

XRT Ftw. So... Do you have a link? (I did say AFTER patch E)

4. Waiting for 2weeks before my S1 disk arrived ( I STILL HAVE IT! Mint condition! )

5. The "bank robbery" and "Night racing" videos on the LFS S1 Disk,
S2 licensed
Quote from Damo74 :"predictive steering"!!! made it "easy" for us back-then keyboard drivers. I think that was dumped at about Patch G or H or something,

It was actaully after patch E it was dumped. (Cant believe i know that)

1. LFS-Files ---- Was shut-down(?) at the release of S2, They said they were "improving it to suite s2" But it never re-opened.

2. Team BAR (Demo Drag team).

3. Version 0.1 :o (Anyone got a download link for LFS 0.1E ? I wanna try some keyboard drifting again...)
S2 licensed
I need some response please.

"If someone keeps using the old version, will that still put PB's on LFS World?

It really shouldn't, cos then it will all be useless anyways, lfs world should NOT accept PB from anything but Patch Y, and onwards...

Kind regards
S2 licensed
Quote from mattlikespeoples :i remember seeing a mpr where thisone guy was driving on completely the wrong line and kept lagging through barriers. It's like he was driving the old version of blackwood on the new version server. I think this is kinda whats happened to your lyts. old lyt's, new-ish track. gonna need an overhaul on most if not all of them

Wrong, That guy was bugged or something.

Please read the others posts before posting yourself.
S2 licensed
Whats with the triple post? And why dont you go buy a wheel? :S
S2 licensed
Reinstall the patch.

BTW, Why are you in ProRacingRoom? You must be lagging like crazy. o.O
S2 licensed
Did everyone miss what Franke said?

If someone keeps using the old version, will that still put PB's on LFS World?

It really shouldn't, cos then it will all be useless anyways, lfs world should NOT accept PB from anything but Patch Y, and onwards...

Kind regards

I voted yes myself,

S2 licensed
Quote from Gunn :After a few more beers tonight I'll probably look up in the sky and see two southern crosses anyhow. :drink:

LoL Nice.

Didn't vote? :S
S2 licensed
Quote from Baby Tristancliffe :
Did you all know we've been training Jeff up wrong, as a joke?

Quote from 1337 Ball Bearing Turbo ::jawdrop:

Hold on... Let me get up off the floor.. LOL.

Last edited by mathew4445, .
S2 licensed
Dont flame,

I asked for an opinion. The poll should say "Should they change their TAG" Not name. Sorry.
S2 licensed
Quote from Gener_AL (UK) :
nasrat btw i seem to recall banning a few times or kicking and making server private during my days at dSRC.

Please make yourself clear.

I was never banned from dSRC servers. And my name is NOT Nasrat.

I was absent from LFS 2005-2007 July.
S2 licensed
Quote from Greven :Nasrat, you need to chill out...

He came on to our little training server and started yelling like an angry little chiuaua:dogrun:

MPR Please.
S2 licensed
Quote from Gener_AL (UK) ::feedtroll
A poor attempt at trolling both in forums and on the server.

What ?
Double SCR ?
S2 licensed
If you vote "No/Unless they ask" Please specify which one!

Just wondering what you guys think, Should this team be asked to change there TAG?

Unless of'course Southern Cross Racing doesn't care.

Last edited by mathew4445, .
S2 licensed
No problem.
S2 licensed
You wrecked the coding.

Just changing the skin line in the MPR replay file wont work, Because all the other code around it is also telling it to use the skin.

So change the skin back to the one it was on, And see if that fixes it.

It is still possible to edit replays without crashing LFS. This is a hacking hazard. aka. Open a modified replay someone sends to you and it could potentially destroy your computer, as it could give the hacker complete access.

Waiting for the devs to post this officially, I emailed them about it 2 days ago and they confirmed it is real.

So lets wait and see.
S2 licensed
Blakjekass posted on the 28th January 2007, 11:04
Holden Vy S posted on the 14th December 2007, 14:29

S2 licensed
Hope to see you on S2!
S2 licensed
Hi all, Im a noob as you can see from my join date (Sep 2003).

Uh.... Yea... So.....

I've never played lfs before... ever.... Not even right now...
This post doesnt make any sense...

And uh....

S2 licensed
What are your system specs?

QUOTE from another forum.
Quote :It seems that everyone who has these problems with their wheels has a single core processor, and people with dual core processors dont seem to have this problem at all.

Did you actaully try turning off/unpluging the FFB?
Sorry if i missed the post where you did, Its almost 3am.

To turn it off COMPETELY, Simply unplug the power cable. There is only one power cable going to the G25 so dont ask "Which one".
Last edited by mathew4445, . Reason : Missed something.
S2 licensed
Fixed my own problem..

Guys make sure in your router/firewall you dont have "IP Filtering" Blocking the LFS ports.
Last edited by mathew4445, .
S2 licensed
Happened to me with the X30 dedi aswell.

I've forwarded all my ports/firewall(s).

Would be good if anyone could help us out.
S2 licensed
To the guy who posted above me.
I would myself count this as spamming or flaming.

Dude your name is pathetic "DragKing" ? Jesus. lol.
S2 licensed
I think he was asking whether he can use his "serial(crack maybe?)" On the official download from

Dario Sudac, Once you download the official LFS S2 from and BUY S2 you will not need a serial, Simply open the game, click unlock and enter your username and GAMEpassword.

This will allow you to play S2.

Translation to Croatian:
Quote :Jedanput te preuzimanje datoteka činovnik LFS S2 from, KUPITI S2 te neće potreba serijski , Nenapadno OpenBSD igra , klik otključati i ulaziti tvoj korisničko ime i GAMEpassword. Ovaj htijenje dopustiti te to igra S2. P.S. Dont iskoristiti ispucati mat u šahu , Ili spomenuti taj te obaviti , Ovaj htijenje najvjerojatnije dobiti te zabranjen pristup LFS.

P.S. Dont use a crack mate, Or mention that you do, This will most likely get you banned from LFS.
Last edited by mathew4445, .