There's only one thing that makes valentine's day different for me (compared to any other day) and it's my dad's birthday (yes, he has his birthday today).
BTW, I'll just leave this here...
You probably downloaded that one from the net, and now somehow uninstalled it or smth...
E: So, I'm having a bit of a problem with the Rainmeter... I changed the HDD gadget to support 4 HDDs, instead of only 2, and it reads the used space corectly, but instead of showing the total partition size, it says "%2B" and I can't seem to find the mistake in there... :/
If it's a Win gadget, then right click on desktop and click on the second one from the bottom, or if it's a Rainmeter one, then right click on one of the rainmeter gadgets, then go to "Rainmeter", then "Skins" and then choose the weather one... (Using it only for a day and I'm already a smartass :razz
I'll just leave this here... ... &no=31&weekday=tu (E: Just a hint, it's not funny, and don't watch it if you have a weak heart, or are under 15 or smth like that)
BTW, I know it isn't written right, but meh, I wasn't the one who made it...