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S3 licensed
my A final me in nr:73 and simme181 in the nr:81
Last edited by mblixt, . Reason : forgot the link. oops
S3 licensed
Quote from aoun :I got home that day and kids where trick or treating at my door. So i ran up to my door started banging on it screaming TRICK OR TREAT, CMON KIDS, TRICK OR TREAT! So they started yelling trick or treat with me. mum opens the door, looks at me, and closes it.

.some one tryed to throw eggs egs on me whiles i where driving my friend hom on my moped :duck:
S3 licensed
some one shoud skin those evil pepole alive too
S3 licensed
nice ripp off of my work 90%of that is my work so stop taking credit for my work. you coud atleast ask me

i don't feel like make one other version if someone else just takes it and mod it.
S3 licensed
skriv upp mig en kul bil combo bara lite farligt att köra lx4 när en stor FXO kommer
S3 licensed
i made a whole black rim with white oz decals on it it looks sweet
S3 licensed
can i use tweak ?
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
its pritie easy to do rain its just giving all cars rallycross tyres but named wet tyres and do whole tracks in transparent dirt like a rallycross track with just dirt and change the smoke withe
S3 licensed
hello iam also a karter from sweden iam driving in the swedish rotax challenge mabye going to genk next year fort the eurochallenge .
my team mate won the ticket to the world finals !!!!!

Me in # 73 kart
S3 licensed
i just got a derbi senda xtrem but iam no't alowed to drive it yet (but i do it anyway :P)
S3 licensed
the orange one looks like last years F1 car
S3 licensed
Me at 0:24
S3 licensed
thanks it works better than ever now
S3 licensed
is the patch in a separate download ? can you post the link then ?
S3 licensed
is it right if i have two start icons in my folder becaus i cuden't find a beta patch 2 folder in my netkar folder one netkar NT and one just Netkar
S3 licensed
that might be it where should i extract it ?
S3 licensed
oh sorry missed that part its only the Aosta track i have tried with all cars and it dosen't work. every thing else works fine
S3 licensed
nope it still dosen't work even if they have practice or qualy
S3 licensed
yes i have beta 2 and all the cars iam not 100% that there wasen't any race runing iam gona try again and see if it works
S3 licensed
Hi i have a problem i cant't join any servers thats yousing the Aosta track it say on the big black screen when you is in the box, conecting than it say cuden't conect to server please exit and try again tha same thing even after 5 times of trying to get in
S3 licensed
i can't drive the abart and there is no servers online what is wrong do i have an old patch ? btw i have a full license that i baught las year
S3 licensed
i can hopfuly start tomorow but i would like a list of stuffs that you guys want
S3 licensed
ja jag har lite kvar det ser lite tecknat ut just nu men jag ska försöka att hinna lite nu i veckan. English i have some work to do becaus its looks a bit cartoon ish gona try to do some work this week