... UFR gets replaced by LX8, because it is no competition at all on most tracks. Additionally there will be a RWD version of the FXR. Also the Kyoto Oval track will get inversed, that means there's no high turns anymore but they will be high at the inside of the corners. Seriously!
Some other rumour...
Rumours say, Eric doesn't want to continue on the project and heads over to Codemasters. Scawen and Victor trying to write very time consuming love letters since months to convince him to stay. But even Scawen's motivation for tyre physics starts to fade and thinks about dropping the project. Seriously!
Rumours say, S2 will be out tomorrow 7:00am GMT. Seriously!
This is for real though, I had that problem myself with several games (eg F1C, rFactor) so I've started asking about the "weird force feedback effects" and I've been told, I need to inverse them for my wheel with this game.
Unfortunately I can't really help since I can't find that option myself (not in LFS and not in Logitech Profiler). Got a MOMO Force.
Not much of a question anyone could seriously answer since you didn't even provide the version of LFS you've experienced last. :P
Anyway, the sound has improved in comparison of S1 and S2 Alpha. Some changes I personally don't like that much, others I like more. Engine sounds are still synthetic so.. you are S2 licensed, why not drop an ear?
Made me laugh so.. calm down dudes. That's like something a lot of people would like to have replied before Gunn did
I just thought I should add, that this is not the final version of the tutorial, just the beginning.. wanted to wait for a few opinions and tips, maybe there's some specials for creating tutorials. Haven't really searched for some syntax highlighting script or anything. For the next few days I'll spend time on other stuff while note down some ideas for creating additional tutorial projects.
I'm preparing the release of my libraries and LFS.Live step by step now and I'm just about to release the library for InSim written in C# with .NET 1.1. I was finishing the documentation and now proceeding with writing some tutorial.
I'd like to hear your opinions about the tutorial. Is it clear enough? Does it help? What about how it is built up? I don't expect you to "work" through the tutorials and try to build up a project yourself, though it is possible. If you do so though, did it work for you? Any suggestions?
For this I've put up the library doc, the tutorial and sample/tutorial projects, along with compiled versions of the libraries.
A personal note along... I know that sdether developes a .NET library for InSim as well. It also has the same name (InSimLib). But since I proceeded so much already with my own library before he announced it, I just could not rename it anymore in every little piece of code and place. I'd just had it renamed otherwise (something like InSimAss(embly), but that 'ass' would sound so confusing ).
It sounds like that it'd take something from the passion for supporting the AI in learning if you could just set them a WR replay as sortof "template". I know you don't mean the AI should exactly drive like in the replay but it implicitly means that it STILL has to learn driving itself. So why bother with this anyway?
I enjoyed to affect the AI process in S1 with handing them setups and I've been told one guy who was often practising on BL1 with AIs got them faster than anyone else's AI over there
I'd guess it's fine how it works/worked and I think and I hope it is developed further in the direction the S1 AI was developed to. One step closer to artificial intelligence. And while others replaced all KNW files with the fastest AI they got, I kept them all sortof individual and did not replace any files
I'd praise the day when y'all stuck as well, until then there's only one Titanic = XRR.
Anyway, I think if you go sidewards in LFS into such a trap, you stop faster as well.. maybe its just lose of grip and some glue effect, maybe its some sand trap physics. Who knows but the devs?
Ye.. I mean. Last night I watched some dude, his driving looked strange since his input control was shown as "Wheel". It came out that he plays with a gamepad, full steering left/right in corners. So...
I tried to give some tips, analog steering and so on but he replied that he's handling it with setup changes because he even plays 'most wanted' with this gamepad config very well.
The aero bug is the only bug to be exploited, at least the only one we really know of and I refuse to use a high-nose setup :P
It isn't just slightly unrealistic but it looks plain stupid Anyway.. even if there's only very few people who share my opinion, I still stay with it. illepall
AFAIK the engine still loses power when overreving it so staying on the pedal probably makes you slower over time. I got throttle cut on up- and downshift turned off and lifting the gas pedal on upshift and tip the pedal on downshift (you might spin otherwise, and its more fun while downshifting ).
Yes, Silkswift once wrote a Gateway in Python (yes, also included in the RaceManager compilation). His website is currently unavailable though (http://lfs.marcoz.org).
It connects via InSim and other applications connect to the gateway instead of to InSim directly. All packets are forwarded in either way except for the InSimInit and Close commands, I assume. That's how it basically works.
Usually the old connection is overwritten when sending a new InSim Init packet. So if the Relay gets disconnected it tries to reconnect (after no ACK packets are received anymore, guess that's how it checks if it is disconnected), both may not be able to know when they're disconnected instantly and they keep sending packets to the server and causing the errormessage.
Hm.. interesting. I've never seen this message before
Does your server run as LAN server? Maybe it is considered unauthorised if connecting from outside the LAN (with the specific IP ranges for private networks).
The floating of the byte values maybe not that big in the actual floating point number value and probably only very very slight changes since the car very very slightly moves when stopped? At least (without deeper investigation using OutSim myself) it's the only thing I can think of.
So.. I finally have to admin that I don't know how to convert an array of bytes into a float value (yet), hehe. But there's 2 things confusing me.
I'm using C#, very similar to Java.
1) You have a byte value of -128. Isn't the datatype "byte" also a non-signed numeric datatype in Java? That means it cannot hold negative values? If so casting -128 (as integer) to a (byte) will make it 128 (positive).
2) In LFS.Live I'm often using the "BitConverter" class. Maybe you have this in Java as well and "float" is probably called "single" as well as in C#. I don't have the ToFloat() available on a (byte-)array for example. Maybe lets change the negative sign from your -128 and it turns out to be 1.0 as result as well.
After all, the following code gives me 1.0f as output:
byte[] value = new byte[] { 0, 0, 128, 63 }; float floatValue = BitConverter.ToSingle(value, 0);
Method explained:
Returns a single-precision floating point number from four bytes at a specified position in a byte array.
BitConverter.ToSingle(byte[] array, int startIndex).