I started coding with Spark library but I need to run it on mono on my Debian VPS for InSim's.
Main program code (this is modified example):
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Spark;
using Spark.Helpers;
using Spark.Packets;
namespace Spark.Example4
/// <summary>
/// Example 4: Helpers. Connects to InSim, requests all players to be sent, the prints out
/// the time of each player that completes a lap.
/// </summary>
class Program
// We store the players in a dictionary with the PLID as the key.
static InSim insim;
static Dictionary<int, IS_NPL> _players = new Dictionary<int, IS_NPL>();
static Dictionary<int, IS_NCN> _conns = new Dictionary<int, IS_NCN>();
static void Main()
// Create new InSim object.
using (insim = new InSim())
// Bind handlers.
// Establish the InSim connection.
insim.Connect("62.75.388.55", 65948);
// Initialize InSim.
insim.Send(new IS_ISI { IName = "^3MP 2010 DEMO", Admin="youwonnait", Prefix = '@', Flags = InSimFlags.ISF_MCI, Interval = 1000});
// Request connections.
insim.Send(new IS_TINY { SubT = TinyType.TINY_NCN, ReqI = 255});
// Request players.
insim.Send(new IS_TINY { SubT = TinyType.TINY_NPL, ReqI = 255});
// Prevent program from exiting.
static void NewConn(IS_NCN ncn)
_conns[ncn.UCID] = ncn;
_conns.Add(ncn.UCID, ncn);
Console.WriteLine("New connection: {0} ({1}) #{2}", ncn.PName, ncn.UName, ncn.UCID);
static void ConnLeft(IS_CNL cnl)
Console.WriteLine("Connection left: {0} ({1}) #{2} Reason: {3}", getConn(cnl.UCID).PName, getConn(cnl.UCID).UName, cnl.UCID, cnl.Reason);
static void NewPlayer(IS_NPL npl)
if (_players.ContainsKey(npl.PLID))
// Leaving pits, just update NPL object.
_players[npl.PLID] = npl;
// Add new player.
_players.Add(npl.PLID, npl);
Console.WriteLine("New player: {0} (#{1})", npl.PName, npl.UCID);
static void PlayerLeft(IS_PLL pll)
// Remove player.
static void MessageOut(IS_MSO mso)
if(mso.Msg == "something"){
static IS_NPL getPlayer(byte PLID){
Int32 szukaj = Convert.ToInt32(PLID);
return _players[szukaj];
static IS_NCN getConn(byte UCID)
Int32 szukaj = Convert.ToInt32(UCID);
return _conns[szukaj];
static void spectatePlayer(byte PLID) {
Console.WriteLine("Speeding: {0}", getConn(getPlayer(PLID).UCID).UName);
if (getConn(getPlayer(PLID).UCID).UName == "misiek08")
insim.Send(new IS_MST { Msg = ("/spec " + getConn(getPlayer(PLID).UCID).UName) });
static void NodeLapPacket(IS_NLP nlp)
foreach (var nlpp in nlp.NodeLaps){
Console.WriteLine("" + nlpp.Lap);
static void MultiCarInfo(IS_MCI mci)
// Loop through each car on track.
foreach (var car in mci.CompCars)
IS_NPL npl;
// Get the NPL packet if it exists...
if (_players.TryGetValue(car.PLID, out npl))
// Convert LFS speed into Mph.
var kph = MathHelper.SpeedToKph(car.Speed);
// Print nicely formatted string to console.
Console.WriteLine("Speed: {0} {1:F2}", npl.PName, kph);
if (kph > 100)
On windows it's working good but on mono it throws:
WARNING: The runtime version supported by this application is unavailable.
Using default runtime: v1.1.4322
** (Spark.Example4.exe:11622): WARNING **: The class System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2 could not be loaded, used in mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
Unhandled Exception: System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'Spark.Example4.Program' from assembly 'Spark.Example4, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.