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S3 licensed
After few days I have more informations ready:
- servers and website is not problem
- rules can be taken from previous year

+ I need arbiters for that - anyone?
S3 licensed
My one problem is to have 100% good working servers for this event, because currently I'm not sure that I can provide 16h service that has good latency for everyone.

Second thing - I can make this event to be remote-only (players play in their own houses). I think it won't be hard to find people that will be on servers.

EDIT: I had 8h event and nothing went wrong, but I made many changes on my server where I host LFS and now it's not tested.
S3 licensed
Can you send by PM or here what you need to do?
I know about persons sitting on servers and being arbiters, but what else?
S3 licensed
Can you tell me what are you missing to do the race? If you mean technical problems - forget them.
S3 licensed
I think that it's impossible to use Timer outside the plugins.
S3 licensed
If it's in button class you can't user timer's. Why? because when you call $this->createTimer you call Button::createTimer and it doesn't exists.

Name "Button" is example here.
S3 licensed
It's not joke. I posted biggest prices, PoVo posted average. Price is based on functionality and can be negotiated.

If you know that there's a lot of hard work you should know that hard work costs money.
S3 licensed
5000$ for Cruise,
1250$ for Drift,
500-750$ for Drag

S3 licensed
There was LiveGap somewhere on the forum. Making such thing that you said it's getting race time on everyone's split/lap and update a button on screen.
S3 licensed
If you can find someone to configure Airio it will be better, because I really don't have much time to do it.
S3 licensed
I'am currently at summer job and I have very slow internet connection so I can't set it up, but I think maybe later or at the beginning of August I'll share an server for you. Please, deliver me how the Airio should behaviour (car changes, tracks, etc.)
S3 licensed
@Cornys, @Sobis - do you wonna be admins on Oval like that? Do you know how to configure Airio? I can provide it for you with clear config.
S3 licensed
It's tracker for long races where start team. You can change team name to drivers name and tracker will show it.
S3 licensed
What do you mean? Trackers shows driver name same way.
S3 licensed
Ok. Maybe I misunderstood some guy.
S3 licensed
I mean drafting. How to say it correct in english? Drafting and/or flipstreaming and/or slipstreaming?
S3 licensed
Oval can be insteresting for flipstreaming
S3 licensed
I can help on the technical side (live map, system for qualify).
S3 licensed
I think, that can be 3 path instead of 1. (for 3 sectors track). Then you can style one path.

For more advanced leagues admins can split track into turn or more sectors to make yellow smaller than sector parts of track.
S3 licensed
Can you make sectors before embed-features? Can you split them to allow making yellow sector for races. 'Yellowing' can be done by chat message or smth else..

I can help with you, but on the JS/chat side. I don't have any time to split track into sectors.
S3 licensed
I see you started to be a JS master. Keep going!
S3 licensed
shhhh. Don't tell anyone!
Quote :
class IS_RST extends Struct // Race STart
const PACK = 'CCCxCCCCa6CCvvvvvv';
const UNPACK = 'CSize/CType/CReqI/CZero/CRaceLaps/CQualMins/CNumP/CTiming/a6Track/CWeather/CWind/vFlags/vNumNodes/vFinish/vSplit1/vSplit2/vSplit3';

protected $Size = 28; # 28
protected $Type = ISP_RST; # ISP_RST
public $ReqI = TRUE; # 0 unless this is a reply to an TINY_RST request
protected $Zero = NULL;

public $RaceLaps; # 0 if qualifying
public $QualMins; # 0 if race
public $NumP; # number of players in race
public $Timing; # lap timing (see below)

public $Track; # short track name
public $Weather;
public $Wind;

public $Flags; # race flags (must pit, can reset, etc - see below)
public $NumNodes; # total number of nodes in the path
public $Finish; # node index - finish line
public $Split1; # node index - split 1
public $Split2; # node index - split 2
public $Split3; # node index - split 3
}; function IS_RST() { return new IS_RST; }

It's here!
S3 licensed
Embed ability would be propably best method, because it will allow people to put livemap into their website. Propably I will make another price for white label hosting
S3 licensed
Bandwidth it's not a problem. I can put over than 10000 players on one server if we only count bandwidth. In other cases (CPU, RAM, I/O) - I'm not doing it to provide good quality service
S3 licensed
For endurance series or event I can host any server, but for public, daily racing server it doesn't make sense for me. I do not recommend such servers and following your post: if server is full why someone should get in? It's full, there is no free slot to play. I like 35 slot server where 3 drivers can wait for place, but no more than this.