So if I need help I have to public many things to others? Okay.
Summer time started and I have time to work on my PRISM plugins that are started or drawed only on paper.
Now I need example in AS3 how to send msg's and reo's to server. In a 1-2 weeks I'll release an relay plugin for PRISM for ppl that need more than 8 apps.
I have problems only with fields like char[]. I can send bytes, words.
Here's how I send ISI (it don't work, but I have an relay plugin that register self with ISI and acts as proxy between flash and LFS):
socket.writeByte(44); // Size
socket.writeByte(1); // Type
socket.writeByte(0); // ReqI
socket.writeByte(0); // Zero
socket.writeUnsignedInt(0); // UDPPort
socket.writeUnsignedInt(8); // Flags
socket.writeByte(0); // Sp0
socket.writeByte('!'.charCodeAt(0)); // Prefix
socket.writeUnsignedInt(0); // Interval
socket.writeUTFBytes('asd'); // Admin
socket.writeUTFBytes('Test Flash App'); // IName