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S3 licensed
I use 1.0.1 and it's working good, no problems. Only the $DISPLAY shit and warning about X.

Im hosting on Debian Squeeze without X.
Live Gap and penalty master
S3 licensed
I'm requesting live gap plugin for PRISM and an penalty master plugin.

What is penalty master? You can give driver 5 S&G cars and he will be forced to driver penalty after penalty. When driver finish one penalty next will be forced on him.

Personally I can make second plugin (penalty master) but after 25th of Juni.
S3 licensed
Give me your emails on PM. I have to make accounts for you on control panel.
S3 licensed
Providing better quality need more preparing time. The test servers will be available on Monday. There were problems with test control panel so I'm going to finish first version of public panel. Sry for late, but I wonna make everything now to avoid problems in future.
S3 licensed
If anyone will need more functionality can extend PRISM DB module.
S3 licensed
You have to have an public IP and a computer that will work during hosting servers. If you have public IP and it won't work you have to open server ports on your router.
S3 licensed
I wonna see module that read ini file for config and is singleton. More functions we can write self.
S3 licensed
So not 65-66. It still have to be 0-65-66.


Last edited by misiek08, .
S3 licensed
Custom PTH can help checking lane on cruise servers for example.
S3 licensed
I found DB class extending PDO which you can propably use. It need modification to support ini configs but it is good start:
class DB extends PDO{
private static $instance = NULL;
private $prefix;
public static $logA = array();

static public function gi(){
if(self::$instance == NULL ){
self::$instance = new DB($dbsettings);
self::$instance -> setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
}catch (PDOException $e){
die ('Blad polaczenia z baza danych: '. $e->getMessage());
return self::$instance;

public function __construct($configArray){
$this->prefix = $configArray['prefix'];
parent::__construct('mysql:dbname='.$configArray['name'].';host='.$configArray['server'], $configArray['user'], $configArray['pass']);

public function exec($query, $file, $line){
$query = str_replace('{{table}}', $this->prefix, $query);
return parent::exec($query);

public function query($query) {
$query = str_replace('{{table}}', $this->prefix, $query);
$start = microtime(true);
$result = parent::query($query);
$time = microtime(true) - $start;
DB::$logA[] = array('query' => $query, 'time' => round($time * 1000, 3));
return $result;

public static function printLog() {
$totalTime = 0;
echo '<table border=1><tr><th>Query</th><th>Time (ms)</th></tr>';
foreach(self::$logA as $entry) {
$totalTime += $entry['time'];
echo '<tr><td>' . $entry['query'] . '</td><td>' . $entry['time'] . '</td></tr>\n';
echo '<tr><th>' . count(self::$logA) . ' queries</th><th>' . $totalTime . '</th></tr>\n';
echo '</table>';

public function __destruct() {

S3 licensed
Thanks. You can delete topic.
S3 licensed
0.3.4 version is partially what I was waiting for. IS_CON packet and IS_RST changes added to PRISM. So now I'm waiting only for including prism_database module. I think, I gave you an DB class that extends PDO. It can work as prism_database module. DB class is an singleton, you can use it by writing:

$db = DB::gi();

S3 licensed
Servers will be running on Debian 5. Now it's VPS so I think production server will work better than this, we will see. So, 3 servers left.
S3 licensed
This project is an awesome idea. How is InSim work going? Do you need any help? PM me if yes. I had the same idea for new type of fun in LFS but I'm waiting for next stable release.

Cooperating will be good for us (we can both learn from others) and for project (faster development and new, better addons).
S3 licensed
BLOBO - my master. Thanks for this page, I thought there is page like that but I didn't find it.

So now when I have results I have 5 servers for testing. The servers have only start/restart/stop in control panel (production panel is not installed - that are only tests). Config and everything else you can modify by FTP. Now you can't install Lapper/Airio, this will be available in the future.
Test will start on 18.05. Want anyone to test the service? Test will take 2-3 weeks.
S3 licensed
The host are working propably non-stop now. 1st IP is my VPS, 24/7 99.999%/month for last 6 months. 2-3 are test IPs from 2 locations in Poland, but on them are Counter-Strike servers working for someone's client so that IP should be available every time too.
S3 licensed
First is Germany. 2,3 are Poland.

I see only 1st and 2nd location will be good for hosting servers.
Waiting for more results to confirm this.
Testing new service
S3 licensed
I'm going to sell LFS servers with 99% SLA ( have problems with that) and without lags (50..... lags on some servers very bad). To do it I need you to ping few IP to select best location for servers.

Please ping those IP's and paste here results:
S3 licensed
It is possible to do it an crazy way. You need to make program that emulates wheel with axis and it controls car when enabled but when you disable cruise control program have to get the real wheel axis value and put it on virtual.
S3 licensed
Can z33 have adding/moving/removing objects via InSim, please? That will be awesome and will give you some time to make new physics, Rockingham, Scirocoo while we will be making new type of cruise and drift servers.
S3 licensed
Can z33 have adding/moving/removing objects via InSim, please? That will be awesome and will give you some time to make new physics, Rockingham, Scirocoo while we will be making new type of cruise and drift servers.
S3 licensed
+1 for you. It helped me.
FZR front plate
S3 licensed
I can't find topic about that so there is a bug:
Front plate in FZR is a little bit too close to the car and it looks like plate passes part of car body.

Sorry for my english, SS will say more.

Rear plate works good.
S3 licensed
Config/admin menu - disable practice?
S3 licensed
Headlights. For Cruise now.

Night racing and working lights (working - visible on track) are my dream.