there's a good chance of that - certainly the biggest prat this forum has ever seen, at least in the time I've been here. Right up there with one of the biggest prats I personally have ever seen on an internet forum
whilst both oli and earmelon have similar posting styles you must remember back at the start of this earmelon actually said he knows Oli (goes to same school) and that's how it all started....whether that is true or not we don't know but one things for sure his grasp of the English language is pisspoor
You were calling me a dickhead. Well done. Maybe next time, if you insist on using the internet to help you, instead of resorting to an online racing forum for the answers maybe you should try a specialist forum where the majority actually know what you are asking about.
bullshit, it's half-term right now. The reality is you're too lard-arsed to actually get out and do it, you think the internet can provide all your answers
jesus christ man how clueless are you? Try being a little bit more specific in your searches instead of searching for somethign that will OBVIOUSLY bring up all sorts of crap results