Eh, as I see it it all boils down to the basics: as long as someone has overlap you give them room and you take two different lines (inside and outside). If they yield, lift halfway through the corner and tuck in behind you then you can take the optimum line, but as long as they're beside you you need to give them room and adjust entry speeds accordingly. There's really no excuse for mashing someone into a barrier by trying to take the optimum line when they have some overlap, except "I didn't see you," which I've been on both sides of. Obviously stupid mistakes are made and it's a good idea to have a "sorry!" hotkey or button, as I quickly learned.
This works equally well for chicanes, I've entered many a chicane alongside a peer and gotten through cleanly. It's all about improvisation.
Seeing as most are Silver licensed and above, you shouldn't have much of a problem with people being reckless.