sorry nemojah v 12 .4udq se dali da izteglq noviq patch Y dali si zaslojava.Ako go izteglq nqma da ima XRT a samo FBM ,nqma da moje da driftvam Tiq stopove ti li gi pravi radvat
Well dudes i can make the skins in what resolution i want .Here is an example .That skin i make a long time ago.It is in a resolution about 4096x4096 Try it i think that i can make skin in about resouliton 8096x8096
But there is a little problem how to share it
Well today i make that sound and i want to share it in the previous topic but i saw that the moderator closed it.
I think that i make the v8 sound,it is more thick than other sounds
Please tell me your opinion.