lol quit the flaming, it's pointless, if you think there is a better mirror to download (e.g. LFS page) then go for it, quit bitching in this thread...
I don't like the huge arrows all over the screen and some arcadoish things I see there, but overall I get that feeling from Far Cry 1 when playing human missions, that's what I like about this game, although it could be easily just a piece of crap. Too soon to tell...
Yep, it was just a pop-up window that came when clicking mediafire download button, sorry to spoil this thread with the garbage, thanks for the effort anyway.
1. annoying re-spawn of AI forces same as in FC2
2. useless Ubisoft protection
3. shit port from consoles
4. buying half a game with 400 DLCs coming afterwards.
5. can't think of anything more right now, but it would be more I am sure.