Start with slight power-overs(see the drift bible) from the corners, then it's just a lot of practice. If you use a wheel with 900°, start with 540°, then move to 720 and then to 900.
I understand that the tyre physics development really hard to code and stuff. But can't they give us at least a new track or a car? Or just a new combo? Or the long promised cockpit updates?
Some fag had see-through textures and stole my diamonds from behind the wall on the previous world (he even destroyed the secret door you made for me, cuz he couldn't figure out how to open it )
Actually 'oIgnoranceo' came to the server aftery you left and had some more proof. He posted at the boosted's forum. I'm sorry that I acused you like this, but everyone is just talking on the server, but no one actually posting here on the forum.