Confirmations due 24 hours before Qualification starts
Names should be like this: 00 F.Lastname. Names can be in different colors.
The form should be the following:
Team name: Number: Car: Drivers: (Name, S2 Account, Country fully spelled)
For example:
Team name: Epic Motorsports Number: 59 Car: FZR Drivers: Juan Pablo Montoya, juany1337, Colombia Michael Schumacher, fastz0rz, Germany Scott Dixon, targetiswinrar, Australia
Confirmed: (18/28)
02/Last Lap Motorsports/FX3
04/DRUNK Team 1/XR3
10/Angel Power Racing/XR3
14/Piri Motorsport/FZ3
15/Independent Racing Mates/FX3
17/Glowing Pistons Team/FZ3
18/Last Lap Motorsports 2/FZ3
19/DRUNK Team 2/FZ3
20/DRUNK Team 3/FZ3
21/DRUNK Team 4/FX3
27/Last Lap Motorsports 3/FX3
28/Duck Racing/FZ3
35/Piri Motorsport 3/FX3
37/Last Lap Motorsports 4/FX3
39/Team ICAE/FZ3
41/Last Lap Motorsports 5/XR3
42/Polish Freaks/XR3
43/SE Racing/FZ3
Confirmed late/missing:
10/Angel Power Racing/XR3 (Late)
20/DRUNK Team 3/FZ3 (Late)
I have created a layout which will prevent a reenactment of 02's accident in the first laps, you just have to hold the brakes and handbrake to be good.
edit: uploaded mine
Since 3 people changed their decisions (Me and Matt couldnt vote and choosed cancel and some guy want to vote for postponing), then we are gonna officialy POSTPONE this race to next Sunday. The race will restart at the very beginning which means its will be 3 hours. The starting positions will be the same ones as you qualified.
Since we're restarting this, #03 will have a DT instead of a SG (dropping late confirmation penalty)