Confirmations due 24 hours before Qualification starts
Names should be like this: 00 F.Lastname. Names can be in different colors.
The form should be the following:
Team name: Number: Car: Drivers: (Name, S2 Account, Country fully spelled)
For example:
Team name: Independent Motorsports Number: 59 Car: FZR Drivers: Juan Pablo Montoya, juany1337, Colombia Michael Schumacher, fastz0rz, Germany Scott Dixon, targetiswinrar, Australia
02/Last Lap Motorsports/FX3
03/Mega Team Racers/FX3
10/Angel Power Racing/XR3
14/Piri Motorsport/FZ3
15/Independent Racing Mates/FX3
17/Glowing Pistons Team/FZ3
18/Last Lap Motorsports 2/FZ3
19/Drunk Team 2/FZ3
20/DRUNK Team 3/FZ3
21/DRUNK Team 4/FX3
25/Speed Corner/FZ3
26/Gentles on Circuit/FX3
27/Last Lap Motorsports 3/FX3
31/Fast Animals/FZ3
32/DRUNK Team 5/FZ3
35/Piri Motorsport/FX3
37/Last Lap Motorsports 4/FX3
41/Last Lap Motorsports 5/XR3
Penalty List: 03 / No Qualification and DT
17 / No Qualification
Since Boothy has released a modified version of the tracker for the most common endurance leagues (IGTC, MoE and GTAL), we might be able to have it for this round.
As #20 came to the high speed turn, he went into the grass, causing him to go sideways and get a very low speed but, #02 never slowed down. Racing accident
#41 is right behind #19 and at the frontsraight, #41 tries to pass #19 but, for some reasons, #19 moves to the right to block him but went too much to the right, causing him ALMOST to wreck. Last row for #19 for wreckless driving in combined incidents
What kind of team are you looking for?: Race
Age: 13
Country: Canada
Preferred Car/Track: Any
Average Laptime on Your Preferred Car/Track: 1:34.920 (FOX/WE1; my fastest combo)
How Active Are You?: As long as i can
What Kind of Control do you use?: G27
Time Zone: GMT-5