34 decides to pass 17 but 17 goes with the block, 34 held his line but 17 went into him. Racing incident.
17 follows 18's line but brakes too late and cause 18 to spin. Penalty to be announced...
17 tries to make a move on 01 but he goes in 17's line which causes 17 to spin on the next turn due to having contact with 01 again. Warning to 01
34 tries to make a move on 09 but 09 slides into 01 which corrects 09's line but goes into the 34 which didn't braked after he had contact with 09 but who was in a slight drift. Warning to 34
08 goes to pass 16 but at the exit of the corner, he didn't realized that 16 was still there. 08 could have took an alternate line. Warning to 08
08 did not slow down when the field did, so 08 hit 24's back bumper. Penalty to be announced...
03 indeed uses the apron to try to pass 08. Penalty to 03.
Session: Qualifying
Lap: wat
Timecode: 29:30ish
Cars: 02, 21
Description: 02 was at the end of a hotlap but on the oval part, 21 didn't let 02 by (wasn't on an hotlap) and cost 02 the lap.