And yea, he prayed hard unto the great developers, and he did pray for a muscle car, and prayed fervently for it, and cried unto the devs, "May we have muscle!"
Cockpit view, ~90 FOV
Except I use third person chase view while drifting.
I like the cockpit view for racing because it adds to the sense of realism, and you can know where the car is going better than the chase view shows you. Also, you can hear when cars are behind you, and your engine can be heard better too.
Anyway, I have throttle cut on upshift off, but I have throttle cut on downshift on. With it off with upshift, it doesn't make that much of a difference, because all the cars usually shift fast enough to avoid engine damage at high RPM's, but I have it on for downshifts simply because I like to drift sometimes, and this prevents me from hitting the danger zone on downshifts mid-turn.
Some more advice: Use the shifters on the wheel and manual transmission. Turn off the shift light, and learn when to shift just by listening to the engine. This way, when braking for corners, you will know when to downshift with each car, in the process using the transmission as a brake, and not hurting the engine. Hope this helps, and can't wait to race you!
Heh, just to add a little bit larger level of realism to the game, maybe in S3, there could be a flag waver on the track. Just for the fun of it, and visual quality mainly. /load_clothing suit.flame
Cars are higher poly models than the track (methinks), so tire ruts wouldn't look that good in whatever the area was, it would just cause the ground to sink. If the road was higher poly, this idea would work just fine.
If you think that more people will buy it who play demo servers, why have you not bought it yet? At first, my mother wouldn't let me get it, but after I nagged her enough she finally bought it for me. With most games, people play the demo for a while then buy the game because they are restricted in the demo. I have asked some demo racers about buying the game, and they say that the demo is good enough for them, so by restricting it more, they will still want to come back for more if they like it, by buying the game!
P.S. Technically it's 5 tracks, less technically 3.
I was thinking about this myself, and doing it based on the server's time sounds like the most reasonable solution if implemented.
EDIT:Hell, find some way to link to weather bug in S3 and let us have snow and rain conditions. S3 though, because no way could this be implemented right now. :P
I agree with removing the XRT from the demo, and taking away InSim so that there can be no stat recording. Also, OutGauge and OutSim, if they are in demo, should be removed. "No motion simulators for you, freeloader!"
Also, limiting the number of players on a demo server might help, and a nag screen that shows all the cool S2 content that stays up for 5-10 seconds on exit.
Can you do this for the keyboard? I race with a ps2ish controller, with my keyboard right there, and having the lights on my keyboard go would be awesome.
I really think it would be cool if we could drive American muscle cars, from the 60's - 70's era, like a Charger. These would be really fun to drive down the drag strip, and would also force people to make turns much different than in a racing car. Didn't see anything about this in the request thread. Oh, and if this does happen, do you think we can get a "R" model of the car? What do the rest of you think about this?
I was trying to connect to an XFG only server, and it said on first connect something like "Could not get player info", then the second time I tried to connect, a similar error displayed. I then went to do some single player laps, pressed join race, pressed Go and it said something like: "error: Race is in progress" and I just had to restart LFS after that.
EDIT:But it was in single player mode, that's the problem, and I've joined that server before, it was the Live2Game XFG server.
Wow, that's a good err essay there, I find it interesting, and informative. For the record, I move over to one side and honk the horn twice whenever I get the blue flag.
I was playing the NightMod for LFS earlier, and was playing around with the flash headlights button, and was planning on modding all the cars headlights and taillights to look on. What I was wondering is this:
If there is a .dds file for headlights and brakelights ON, what is this file named.
I'm not sure if LFS does something else to simulate head/brakelights turning on, so you think you can help me out?
EDIT: Heh, ok, what I was realy asking was, Is there a seperate file for when the head/brakelights were turned on. And it seems there isn't, it just brightens/darkens the tex. thanks.