The way Ireland play makes baby jesus cry. They are woeful, although they always grind out a result. The phrase "the luck of the irish" couldn't me more apt tonight. It's so frustrating watching them play
TY = Transition Year. This is an optional year for students to take after their Junior Cert (equivalent of GCSE's). In this year, emphasis is more on building character rather than academic. You genreally do lots of activities, weeks away, school trips etc. It also gives you a taste of Leaving Cert (A-levels) subjects.
Points for the 2 courses im interested in are around 330 Should be piss easy, but I'd be disappointed if I got anything less that 450, my aim is about 480/490
Same, but I start tomorrow...even after 14 weeks holidays I dont want to go back
I presume you'll be headin off to UL, if you get the points? Also, what course are you gonna do? Most of my friends are headin off to uni this week, but I decided to do TY like a big homo
I think I might put Digital Media Design as first choice, then maybe Computer Systems as second choice.
"But at the end of the day, I’m Irish. I mean, I’ve got a British passport, but if you’re from Ireland, north or south, you’re Irish. And ‘British’ is. . . such a nondescript thing, isn’t it?"