2010 was really great for me. I came out of my shell, boosted my presence socially (I was pretty much socially non-existant from years 13-17 of my life!), made some really great friends, had fun with some girls (though ultimately ****ed me over..:shy

. I live away from home, I go to University and I've had so many incredible nights out in town!
My plans for 2011 are:
Pass my Uni exams
Enjoy the year
Go out a lot with my friends
Get closer with some other friends
Go to Oxegen
I don't believe in planning to get a girlfriend. They generally just come about. Subconsciously, you're always on the lookout. Of course it would be nice to have one, and I do really want one, I just don't think you plan on getting one.
Obviously this will read as utter shite to the people who I've been talking with a lot to over the past year and know what I've been like!