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Quote from ajp71 :Read his autobiography. You'll soon realise he always weighed up everything he did before he did it and avoided taking risks,

Maybe, but I think there's a difference between avoiding risks and taking calculated risks. My point is that most of us would have weighed up the risks Jackie took, and decided "Rather you than me, mate!"

Being able to calculate the risks and use them to your advantage is what makes the difference between a racer and a winner.
S2 licensed
Quote from ajp71 :Jackie Stewart definitely isn't a risk taker,


Jackie may be the spokesman for safety issues, but don't mistake that for being risk averse. He competed for about six years before 'enlightenment' came and even then his evangelism had to be prompted by being trapped in a wet car with the electrics sparking away, drenched in petrol, with no marshals in sight to help him.

I think most of us would have had a few negative thoughts before getting into the car.... And having had such an experience how many of us would have said, "Let's have another crack at that!". AND gamble on a lesser known manufacturer, new to formula one, to provide the car (Tyrell).

Not a risk taker? My arse...
S2 licensed
Quote from Equinox :You must be really anal retentive if you want to see White Power as racist, i mean come on !

no flaming/arguements please

No argument ... just discussion... I have no problem with anyone displaying any image they wish (pornographic, political, whatever...), but please explain how displaying the words "white power" will not be perceived as racist.

I'm guessing you're being obtuse and referring to WP Suspension products - but I also guess there's a reason that they advertise as WP and not "white power". Its an ill-advised name and a politically naive combination of words if you don't want to give the impression of being a racist.

However, if you just want to be wind-up merchant. then go ahead...
S2 licensed
Uh... Just have to check the calendar... Yep, seems we are in the twenty-first century... Damned if I understand half the shit written in this thread then...
S2 licensed
Quote from JJ72 :I did not say a simulator makes a good track learning tool. I just said it is not better as a driving skill honing tool than as a track learning tool.

My tuppence worth... Simulations are good for teaching the concepts of racing, good on the abstract and theoretical side of car behaviour. (for example "oh... so that's what oversteer is.", not "Ahhh!! So that's what oversteer is!!")
S2 licensed
Quote from Bladerunner :Bah!..Photoshopped! (where is teh SHADOWZ!!!!!)

Here's another

Quote :Bombers are all minging

I've seen one in flight, and the noise IS something almost transcendental.... Bypasses the head and goes straight for your lower, ahem, instincts...

A delta wing just looks beautiful in the sky, but there's always going to be something a bit improvised in the look of functional hardware. Here's the cockpit: look to your left, your right, and straight ahead. I'm really not sure how much ergonomic design came into play here!
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :

One might buy the car, but the warranty remains in control (and ownership) of Nissan to do as they please with, and that includes automatically invalidating it after improper use.

I think it likely that the number of people thrashing a skyline have probably done so with a second hand car, no longer under the protection of a warranty. The idea of controlling the 'brand image' is abhorrent and should be clearly stated as such by the public at large.

If the warranty clearly states that the car should not be driven at its limits, I think this is a question of brand insecurity. You don't like the problems that come with retailing a performance car? Then please Nissan, don't bother producing performance cars!
S2 licensed
Quote from beefyman666 :computer generated sounds,

I like them.
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :Yes, they sell you a sports car and don't want you abusing it then claiming on their warranty, or ruining their image with ricer addons.

Personally I find this really depressing... The willingness of people accept a submissive position to a brand is just exasperating. I'm with Keith Moon: if I buy a Rolls Royce and want to paint it pink with house emulsion and an old paintbrush, that's my business. You sold me a product; fix it when it needs fixing, or we burn your sodding factory down... Oi! Nissan! Stop acting like a ****ing prima donna.

But seriously, (oh... sorry... I was being serious...) its the thin end of the wedge. GPS based speed limiters are coming to a world near you soon. Its almost too late to protest the stupidity of such an idea; you've been prostrate for too long... Your body hardly remembers how to signify refusal.
S2 licensed
Always loved kawasaki - and its been great to see John Hopkins moving the kwak up in the finshing order over the last three GPs. Will be fun when this thing gets out and into the pack... Its a gorgeous noise, but I'm guessing that any advantage the screamer has will be due to traction control... LOL, life's just like that: gives with one hand, takes with the other. You can have a great sounding engine, but you have to take a little control away from the rider!

Whatever, its interesting to see an off-track technology war brewing...
S2 licensed
Quote from -DrftMstr- :

Although monetary justification for not buying S2 is very weak.

The developers provide an unlimited time demo. This is their decision and there is NO moral obligation on anyone to pony up for LFS2 if they don't wish to.

There are, it appears to me, very sound reasons why this is currently so, and I feel it is actually you, -DrftMstr-, who has rather missed the point.

You pretty much deserved a verbal slap for such cheap moralising.
S2 licensed
Are those little circles like tick boxes... 'Cause I can put a tick in a worryingly large number of them....
S2 licensed
Quote from March Hare :
Again a drifter bumped this thread to state how drifting is so great. How many racers have bumped this to say how they dislike drifting?

Ha ha... Wasn't going to post anything more here, but ... come on geezer, you're one of the sensible ones. Surely you see the comedy in bumping a thread to complain about bumping a thread?!!

What actually happens on this forum is usually that someone reads a post about drifting (pro or anti, it doesn't really matter to the end result), puts their uninformed two cents in, then someone else ('racer' or 'drifter', again such self-proclaimed identities don't actually matter to the result) gets all shirty and censorious, starting the whole thing up again.

And then I go and bump it because I still don't 'get' the pseudo-tribal sociology that infests this forum...
S2 licensed
Quote from JTbo :I don't like too much of motorbikes, but this race I did watch from TV when it did air in here years ago and it was quite entertaining to watch.

There was a time when Sete seemed like the only person who could match Valentino Rossi. What the hell happened to him in subsequent seasons? Its like the 'duende' just upped and left...
S2 licensed
Quote from The Moose :Is there actually anyone over the age of 17 that Drifts?

I've tried, but I'm complete crap... Really need to practice, but actually don't have the time. From previous posts you might realise I have an interest in the sport, and find the boorish antipathy it receives from this board mystifying.

Is there any (logical) reason why someone over forty shouldn't be interested in it?

The answer is no, by the way.
S2 licensed
Quote from ajp71 :If you feel the clutch is independent of everything else in LFS then no wonder you're burning them up all the time.

Just the sort of shitty attitude that has me coming here less and less frequently. Where did I say that I was burning up the clutch?
S2 licensed
Quote from Gekkibi :...Have you already tried "Racer"?
Imho racer failed ...

Whether it 'failed' or not is a matter of defining your parameters for success.

However, Racer is no longer on my hard drive because the development curve had gone rather flat. As a consequence it became a screenshot generator for 3d modellers, and drivers who were really serious about competition pretty much disappeared.

Since the multiplayer side of Racer was negligible, competition concentrated on sprint and time trial type events. And there was nothing wrong with that. I also think that Racer's ambition to be a 'cross platform' simulation is really worthwhile pursuing. I'm happy to let Ruud get on with it at his own pace, but I hope he's left the code to someone in his will. (I really don't see the point in these independent operations being closed source - one accident means a whole waste of effort... Human vanity....)

I don't think there is anything about any of the moddable projects to show that its not a 'good idea' - its workable, but the very nature of the structure means that it will have a slightly different flavour to a 'closed' solution, and obviously, its not going to be something that works as soon as you tear the wrapping paper off.

LFS has chosen to get development done before even thinking about the possibility of modding. Seems sensible to me - let 'em get on with it (but I do hope they've written a will too)
S2 licensed
Quote from Woz :In the end the problem is that too many people think of and treat LFS like normal race games out on the market instead of enjoying the complexity a sim brings to the table.

Sorry but I have to disagree with this statement (one that typifies the kind of bumptious and presumptious moralising that has clouded not only this thread but the whole clutch debate... and probably most other debates on this forum)

I think that some of the blame for any kind of misunderstanding in the userbase has to be dumped at the door of LFS' piecemeal development. AFAIK LFS' design policy has always put a premium on physical modeling (ie. no canned effects for ffb etc), which means that everything simulated ultimately has a connection to everything else (within the simulation).

The clutch model (with its 'power bar' etc) smacks of a game element that has been added in haste to appease some of the more vocal forum members who have been whining about the 'paddle shifter'/no lift advantage for a while now. Is it really any coincidence that it was introduced relatively soon after people began proclaiming the G25 faith?

I like the LFS design philosophy but surely the damage and wear should be a logical consequence of the engine model, not something tacked on like a ricer's aerofoil.
S2 licensed
Quote from SamH :There's been a shift in focus in the UK, away from the criminal prostitute and onto the criminal exploiter of the prostitute. The individual prostitute is now treated by the police as the single victim in the crime.. everybody else, whether the punter or the pimp (the brothel owner, the manager, the book-keeper..) anyone profiting from the exploitation of the prostitute is in essence regarded as a perpetrator to a crime. Quite a paradigm shift in many respects, but it opens the door to helping genuine victims of circumstance ....

It will be a proper paradigm shift when sex workers are allowed the same status as other workers, and when other workers can easily protect themselves from those criminals that profit from the exploitation of their labour (managers, book-keepers etc...).
S2 licensed
Quote : It is not a problem with the sim.

Quote :Wahahahahahaha its not fair!!! (cry cry cry)

Quote :Don't waste your breath. He is incapable of improving as a driver.

And so goes another day on the LFS forums.... Three pages of childish jeering.


Quote from AndroidXP :When you shorten the first gear just a bit, so it doesn't go to 105+ km/h and instead only to 80-90km/h, the takeoff problem vanishes completely. With that ratio I can do clean 4-6k rpm takeoffs all day, even nasty full throttle takeoffs take quite a long time to get the clutch red - many more times than you'd ever do in a race in such a short timespan.


Quote from SamH :That said, I don't think the clutch is right yet. There doesn't seem to be any differentiation between light surface heat and "deep heat", for lack of a better term.. and therefore there doesn't seem to be a difference between sitting heavily on the clutch and sitting lightly on it.

You know why no one ever searches? Because you really have to dig to find anything useful here.
S2 licensed
Quote from Albieg :Intruding in the sexual life of someone...

...who has thus far yet to be shown to have broken any laws. This is what it comes down to. I'm utterly in agreement with Albieg here, and can hardly add anything to supplement an already cogent argument.

Sam, you were being sarcastic when you said "and that it is generally accepted that many companies in the UK use cameras to spy on their workforce"? Right?

Please tell me you were. It is the general acceptance of such daily surveillance, daily tresspass, that is so wrong:

Quote from : 4.2m CCTV cameras
300 CCTV appearances a day
Reg plate recognition cameras
Shop RFID tags
Mobile phone triangulation
Store loyalty cards
Credit card transactions
London Oyster cards
Electoral roll
NHS patient records
Personal video recorders
Hidden cameras/bugs
Worker call monitoring
Worker clocking-in
Mobile phone cameras
Internet cookies
Keystroke programmes

To which list I will add speed cameras (surveillance that integrates a form of justice devoid of due process).

Max Mosley is a waste of flesh... A waste of flesh, not because of "loose morals", but because he represents a degenerate system of privilege. That's my opinion, but I will defend him here because to do anything else would be to lay down rights that people I love and respect fought vigourously for.
S2 licensed
Quote from Victor :

And i just had a look at the map, to see where the venue is located - looks not too far from the Isle of Man - maybe i'll pop by there too I suppose there's a boat that can take me across? (if anyone would wanna join they're welcome (with their own car))

May be interested ... Got to see how my finances work out, but I've been toying with the idea of an Irish road trip for August, to take in some of the road races and finish up at the Manx.
S2 licensed
Quote from Albieg :You already assume he's guilty of enacting a Nazi style role play,

I like your approach to this affair and I think this quote of yours sums up a dilemma... There's a world of difference between a "Nazi style" role play, and something more specific.

There are no laws here in the UK regarding the display of Nazi emblems. However, Max is part of an international organisation, and there are at least two territories (Italy and Germany) where such display is specifically illegal (I'm making assumptions here - I know about Germany, but perhaps you can be more specific about the law in Italy)

The videos show no swastikas, no ss insignia, nothing specifically "National Socialist". It is quite generic....

It may be distasteful to some, but, if you were to make concrete the collective unconcious of a Grand Prix paddock (indeed any large gathering of people) it would be ... well, quite spectacular.

So far, the only problem I can see is that something private has been made public. Sometimes such forced 'outings' are necessary and have a positive impact on the world in general, but I'm not sure that's the case here.
S2 licensed
Quote from Albieg :... are much more disturbing than anything else for certain people ...

Agreed - which is why the core of the this issue is really how it came to be in the public domain. People get upset by all sorts of images, but one would wish to prevent a 'governance by disgust' in the production and distribution of images.

In short, it is perhaps the tabloids that have shot themselves in the foot here. I think there are good reasons for being worried by the UK government's proposals, but the obsession with the minutiae of trivial figures like Mosley does no one any favours.
S2 licensed
Quote from Albieg :Or downplaying the importance of the Holocaust with sexual nazi references (which he strongly denies, however). The truth is in the original tape.

I'm not interested in Mosley, with his "impeccable high-level source close to the UK police and security services" (old money still buys friends in New Labour's UK), but I don't think anyone can prejudge whatever impulses are being worked out during his role play sessions.

If one were conspiracy minded though, you could confuse the plot further with reference to this, near simulataneous piece of news: PM seeks retreat on bill to outlaw press spying