Yeah, frankly this is why I kicked off at Tweaker... Sorry, about that geezer, but I could see it coming: "stupid street" would descend to another set of obligatory ricer comments.
Scania has been a fairly consistent contributor to the Auto X layouts section... I don't know anything about his other posts or his attitude to racing or cars in general, but I reckon the thread deserves a little bit more than the not-in-my-backyard ricer bashing crap....
Listen, whatever I call myself, at least I'm prepared to volunteer a reason when I criticise something. If you think they are the worst to date, don't you think it'd be a good idea to analyse why? And chance your arm at offering a solution.
Letting an artist get on with things is fine enough, but believe me, they don't produce anything of value unless you prod them every now and again... That is the function of criticism, to raise an artists eyes up, away from the work, so s/he can return to it refreshed.
Yeah, I've seen it - would be great for Auto X layouts...
Anyway, I don't see it as my place to tell other people what should or should not be in the game... This forum is full of 'snobs' (your word) who are constantly telling other people what they should desire. You want tracks (underline it again for me please.... put it in bold just so those of us who are really stupid can understand your perfectly refined taste...) - well great. Whatever....
My opinion is really about how the tracks are created. Sorry, I don't think the great god 'developer' is really hitting the nail on the head. I would like to see a little of reality infecting his perfect world. It would make for better TRACKS
There was a track made for Racer by doing just that - a python script was used to import GPS data into blender, if I remember rightly. Was a great track to drive, though I think it needed a little smoothing, since the sample rate for the GPS data was a bit too low. Might search out a link to it later...
Interesting thread - just a word of caution. The racing world (particularly the one you are aiming at) is as insanely egotistical, vain, and competitive as the catwalk. And the skills required to succeed are not that different either. You are not only going to be a driver, but you are going to have to develop skills of diplomacy that match Machiavelli. So, read The Prince Or perhaps Sun Tzu's "Art of War"... Both will offer vastly more useful information for your chosen career, than the correct visor colour.
In short, posting your ambitions on an open forum is not going to get you anywhere close to creating the allies and allegiances you are going to need.
I've been doing zen meditation recently - bear with me on this, I'm not about to go hippy on your arse.... A friend introduced me to it after a discussion about pain relief techniques I learnt in hospital.
Zazen is fairly devoid of anything new agey, especially if you can find a dojo where people are more into the martial arts side of things. Just clearing your head for an hour in the company of others doing the same is a buzz all its own.
And... Well, I don't know if this can be taken as a generality, but... the women are just gorgeous...
Those damned health and safety rules again... no wait, perhaps its the minority quotas... that's right, not enough white conservatives waving guns in the name of insecurity... uh, doesn't sound right... Anyway, sorry for OT diversion. Please let's go back to laughing at the police:
Most of what's described in this thread is diversionary activity... All of it great advice if what you're facing is just a single bucket of shit, dumped in your path. Wade through it and hold your nose, whilst keeping an eye on the meadow of wild flowers ahead... Gotta say though, that once emotions start manifesting themselves, physically and uncontrollably, its time to get properly aquainted with the problem.
If its something that won't go away, you have to first find the source, go directly to it, confront it, and deal with it. List its effects, prioritise your responses, change your behaviour. Because even if there are others involved, its only you who can make the choices that will minimise or even erradicate that black cloud.
Honestly, writing it all down in this way, is the first and most efficient way of making big problems smaller. You don't have to do it on your own either... Since you're on a college campus there will certainly be some form of professional support. Use it. Having friends is great, essential, but having someone objective, who won't get upset when you rant at them, who won't be judgemental when you spew all that dark shit on their carpet (ok, I realise from your post that might not even be metaphorical... ), and who'll be able to direct you elsewhere if they can't handle it, might be a lifesaver.
Yeah, these arguments have been played out here before, and I can't be arsed to search and direct you to the appropriate responses, so...
This is specious logic. There is no reason why a 'dirt' algorithm or a 'breaking glass' algorithm can't be applied to whatever view is being used. There is no causal relationship between simulated events and the way in which they are observed that necessitates any kind of requirement you describe.
I just wish people would up and say "we like the single perspective fantasy and the testosterone boost to be had from a certain kind of role play", rather than inventing some daft irreducible, 'hardcore' justification for their views.
I know this will freak people out, so I'll probably have to pad the post out with lots of appeasing justifications, but.....
I had a quick go at TOCA with a DFP the other weekend (TVR on Oulton Park). Now bearing in mind that I have only ever once before driven with a force feedback wheel, the over-riding impression was that (here's the appeasing bit...) the car's handling came from never-never land (ok, that's over with, no "but LFS is a sim" type responses please....), but the feel from the track gave a fairly convincing impression of weight reacting with a surface.
My only experience of driving LFS with force feedback was a little disappointing (FXO GTR on Fern Bay, and XRG on South City). I could feel the tyres resistance as they turned against the road, but there was very little sense that the road was anything more than a unitary, conceptual surface. Even on South City, there were a few, individual, moments that signposted themselves as 'a bump', but still the road surface seemed to have nothing in the way of a granular, moment-by-moment, identity.
Let me add to the bewilderment at that statement... Actually, in RL, its a scary, white knuckle moment, that you survive with an equal measure of luck and speed-sapping fear...
Forcing cockpit view was just adolescent bollocks, but this is a good idea. psychometalist's idea is interesting too - would really extend the notion of teamwork within LFS races.
Ah... Snetterton! Went to see the BSB this year and stood in exactly that spot as someone dumped their bike and a tankful of fuel at the exit to the chicane. Spectacular.
BTW... Guess everyone must have seen the following trailer at some point, but just a reminder - enjoy the controlled slide round a hairpin at about 38 seconds in:
Absolutely. And, you'll feel daft, but if you find one that seems to fit well, keep it on for a few minutes (browse the rest of the shop or something...), just to make sure there aren't any irritating pressure points.
Make sure it has an ECE 22-05 sticker on the back and, preferably, an ACU gold or silver sticker too.
Fact of life: the more you pay, the lighter, safer, and more comfortable it'll be.
Was this the Andrew Lau/Alan Mak directed movie? My brother gave me the DVD and I was like "Uh... Thanks... But maybe I'm a bit old for that...". But I really enjoyed it; very classy B movie, with some quite dark characterisation and troubled relationships.
Never watched any of the anime, not really interested, so I don't know how much of that was in the original, but the film's running time certainly wasn't a wasted moment.
I kind of agree with that, but I can also see where Intrepid is coming from. I don't race online anymore, because I don't even have a telephone line, let alone broadband.... BUT, beforehand I was getting tired of joining servers only to find the atmosphere ruined by some adolescent who started a vote ban, because he felt he'd been 'crashed'.
LFS racing does tend towards lots of whingeing, apologising, and general big girls blousiness....
Besides, I can imagine that the social side of a regular, 'specialised' server could extend beyond the virtual.